
Friday 3 April 2015

Easter Sunday Changed catholic(5/4/2015) - in summary

Jn20:1-9says"..They had failed to understand teaching of scripture that HE must rise from death"

Peter says".. All who BELIEVE IN JESUS will have their sins forgiven.."

Paul says"..U brought back true life with Christ..your' thoughts ..on heavenly things..not..on earth.."

(A)GOOD Friday-5 wounds of Jesus

&His body resting on lap of Mary NOT ANY OTHER-


Your life is always move on 5 senses deriving from eyes,nose,ear,tongue, touch. When you use these senses wrongly, it is sin. Always sinners are being rest in the lap of Mary for nullifies the effects of sin. She always intercede with God, for our rescue!.

(B) Your Whole Life

after2days U see stone been removed &bandages by the side- to remind you that it indicate
(1) your whole life period
(2)your life is leading with fear/sorrow/disagreements and with 7vices(wrongly cravings to 5 senses.
 Action reminds us that: All effects of your Sins(bandages)nullifies when U remove Stone(laziness+anger)&follow God's Will


Jesus resurrection reminds us to be happy in this life, you should be able to balance earth bound requirements, not to have too much craving into these:
Earth bound needs such as money, power and desires has to be overcome by Charity, worshipping only God, avoid Fornication etc.(matters to spirituality). This is the  key concept of catholism, Which Jesus shown today.


During lent,U trained to regulate your' will,practice fasting-to avoid7vices.

Whole drama of Gethsamani+Golgotha is resembling your life!.

Wish U a Happy Easter!


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