
Friday 3 April 2015

Cycle 2:season:easter: Sunday No: 1 Date:5/4/2015-Easter Sunday- Changed Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
In lent we observe that we are living in a society, where we have mental suffering and physical suffering. No one in this world escaped from suffering. The treatment for suffering, Jesus showed us in Gethsemani and Golgotha,how to follow the God's will, trusting HIM. Major characteristics of Jesus death give rise to the following

(1) Jesus death at the cross with 5 wounds

(2) Jesus death body was placed on the lap of Holy Mary-not with anybody's lap

(3)Jesus was buried

(4)The 3rd day, disciples found, that his tomb, the stone was thrown away and the bandages covered were seen. Why 3rd day?

(5)Then only disciples understood about rising of Jesus.

Then it is natural, that you might come across following questions:

(A)Jesus life at the cross was hanged with 5 wounds. Why? 5 why not 7?

(B) Why Jesus body was placed on the lap of Mary? Why not John?

(C)Why Jesus has to be buried? Why not immediately taken into heaven?

(D)Why it has shown 2 nights passed, and at the 3day, all disciples get to know, the stone of the tomb is removed and the linen cloth were only shown. Why not within 1 night this to be shown?

For all the above questions, is there any answer?(Have you address these questions before?)

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1 why 5 wounds?

There are 5 groups of desires in the world.
Desires arising
From the forms of the eyes- see
From the sounds the ears- hear
From the fragrances the nose- smells
From the tastes- pleasant to tongue
From things- that are agreeable to the sense of touch

Most people, being influenced by the body's love of comfort, do not notice the evils that follow comfort(by craving into it) they are caught in the devil's trap like a deer in the forest caught in hunter's trap.

Jesus shows, our sufferings are coming from too much of craving to the earth bound love of comfort! due to these 5 senses.

B.2 Why Mary's lap?

Jesus clearly shows that human have to go to Mary, for them to achieve Happiness in the following incidents:
(1)1st miracle of Cana- It was Holy Mary who saw the wine(happiness) is depleting though the Jesus was present. To worship God, His commandment is for us to follow His will, with adhering to 10 commandments with no enemies(water)
(2) While at the Cross, Jesus hand over all humanity to Holy Mary.

So by placing Jesus Death Body on the lap of Holy Mary, clearly indicates, our sinful life has to be always placed on the lap of Holy Mary!

B.3 Why jesus was buried?
Just to show that our body will again convert back to dust.

B.4: Why it took 3 days or 2 nights to show the Risen Christ?

Basics of human life
There are 2 types of changes in human life.(1)until a child changed to a adulthood- Child hood
(2)Adult hood: At least yearly you verify yourself, whether you follow God's will. Due to technological advancement and due to your cells changes, you might conditioned your self against God will, without your knowledge. This is the result of too much craving to LOVE OF COMPORT in your life, without your knowledge!.

During childhood , parents and society have a responsibility to verify, whether the child get adequate knowledge and guidance to know about basic laws governing good behavior. In Catholicism, he should gather knowledge about prayers, follow the sacraments, where ever it is possible(sacrament of initiation to church/baptism,Eucharist,confirmation, sacrament of reconciliation/confession are the basics)
When a child become adult, parents or society should be convinced that he knows how to behave according to 10 commandments with no enemies,following the basic practices of Catholicism and specially he attends Sunday Mass.(Sunday mass is the only link for a adult to renew his knowledge about teachings of Jesus, to contemplate how to apply those teachings to reach a happy life)

Adult life:
Adult life commence when you complete the childhood. You may be 30 years old, but still may be a child with regard to knowledge of Catholicism. This is the problem today.

during adult life, at least yearly, adult should check whether he can regulate his will, to follow God's will.
Adult life is full of earth bound needs. Money,power and desires plays vital role to rise up in this world. How to satisfy earthly needs and to achieve spirituality, is the net result of Catholicism.

2 nights basically shows us that we should pass child hood and then attain and maintain, adult hood to lead a happy life.

In order to achieve happy mind, one should reach first peaceful mind- you should avoid Anger and laziness in your life. If you can do that God shows that you can remove stone from your Tomb to have a peaceful mind

B.5.2 WHY Linen cloth WERE SHOWN?
Craving too much to the 5 senses, you wound your self. You need bandages to cover your wounds(sin). When you follow God's will you have to avoid other 5 vices(pride,lust, envy,avarice and gluttony). The effects of sins (that you have already committed)are washed off when you follow the God's Will. You reap a happy mind.
Please note that from peaceful mind to worry less mind(hand over your worries to Holy Mary/saints) then avoid 7 vices will reach Happy Mind.

B.6God's will
Society is built up with many functions, which is carried out by different people. God's will is always different for each other. As a Creator HE tells, HE created you to lead a happy life, and for you to follow HIS WILL.
After Jesus resurrection, God is very seldom to speak direct to individual human.
NO DREAMS,NO ANGELS,NO STARS will tell you, what is God'S will for you. You have to search for that!.
A worried mind will block God's Will for you!. How to develop Worry less mind. First you should develop a peaceful mind. Basic thing is not to be lazy and you should avoid anger developing in your body. Then you can hand over worries to Holy Mary/saints for solution from God. Trusting them, you can develop a worry less mind.

C. Today's reading: act of apostles(Acts 10:34. 37-41) says:"Peter addressed..about Galilee..after John..preaching Baptism..God was with Him..they killed Him..yet 3 days afterwards..God raised Him to life..we..witnesses..God has appointed to judge everyone..who believe in Jesus..sins forgiven.."

Paul(Col 3:1-4) says"U..brought back to true life with christ..U'r thoughts..on heavenly

 Jn(20:1-9)says "..Mary of Magdala came to tomb..stone.. moved away..running to siemon..linen cloth on the ground..'They hv taken the lord..till this moment they had failed to understand..He must rise from the death."

 Reminds(1)though disciples live with Jesus, they did not understand the main mission of Jesus, they were concentrating on earth bound things
(2)resurrection shows the value of controlling earth bound things to spirituality
(3)effect of sins in to your life will be cancelled, when you practice Catholicism and you will be happy even in this life.

D. Conclusion:

Today we were reminded, the basic theory of Catholism: Gethsamani(mental agonies)+ calvary(physical agonies)+ Jesus empty tomb- all these 3 parts are belongs to your life. Everyday you experience this! How to treat your own problems, solution for happiness, is given in this drama!. With this path, you can clearly have a Happy life, even in this world!


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