
Friday 10 April 2015

Cycle 2:season:easter: Sunday No: 2: Date: 12/4/2015.Bloodless Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Easter season we are invited to understand new concepts introduced from Judaism to Christianity: During lent we observed:

 Holy thursday-Jesus washes feet of His Disciples- How to be humble in our life:

Gethsamane: how to treat mental agonies:

Cross: how to treat physical agonies & how to lead our life balancing the 5 senses deriving from eyes,ears,mouth,nose,touch (equivalent to 5 wounds).

last sunday we reflected on important characteristics introduced by Jesus, the resurrection- how to balance our life with worldly attractions. Today, it further analyses, the natural tendency of craving to satisfy to our Worldly passions deriving from our 5 senses!.
Thomas wanted to test the wounds of Jesus by putting his finger to the wounds to believe.

B. Preamble for today's reading:


Paul's letter to Romans(Rm6:3-11) says" when we were baptized in Christ Jesus we were baptized in His death: in other words when we were baptized, we went into the tomb with Him and joined Him in death, so that as Christ was raised from the death by Father's Glory, we too might live a new life."

When Christ was dead, the dead body was placed at the lap of Holy mary. Clearly indicates, that our life wounded by sins of our body, has to be rested on the lap of Holy Mary!

The above clearly shows, that
(1) Jesus 5 wounds shows, that our action of satisfying 5 senses has to be done to show the God's glory of creation
(2) During our life, we sinned. As sinners to find salvation, we have to invite Holy Mary to our life, for her to intercede with God, on behalf of us.


People have worldly passions,unless they do it for the glory of God, which lead them into delusion and suffering.
There are 5 ways to lead their life from the bond of worldly passions. They should have the correct ideas of things, based on the principles of creation!(Given by Catholicism).
Then they can get rid of these mistaken observations and resulting worldly passions by careful and patient mind control. With efficient mind control they can avoid desires arising from the stimulation of the eyes,ears, tongue,skin and subsequent mental processes and by so doing, balance the very root of all worldly passions, which is not based on Jesus' teachings.

There are 5 groups of desires in the world.
Desires arising from the forms of the eyes see
From the sounds the ears hear
From the fragrances the nose smells
From the tastes pleasant to tongue
From things that are agreeable to the sense of touch

Most people, being influenced by the body's love of comfort,(forgetting that those are given by God) do not notice the evils that follow comfort(by craving into it) they are caught in the devil's trap like a deer in the forest caught in hunter's trap.

How to balance the trap of worldly passions?.

Suppose you caught a snake, a crocodile, a bird, a dog,and a monkey, 5 creatures of very different natures, and you tie them together with a strong rope and let them go. Each of these 5 creatures will try to go back to its own lair by its own method.

The snake will seek covering of grass, the crocodile will seek water, the bird will want to fly in the air, the dog will seek a villege,while monkey will seek the trees of the forest. IN THE ATTEMPT OF EACH TO GO ITS OWN WAY THERE WILL BE A STRUGGLE, BUT, BEING TIED TOGETHER BY A ROPE, THE STRONGEST AT ANY ONE TIME WILL DRAG THE REST.

Like the creatures in this story, a man is leading his life, by the desires of his 5 senses,EYES,EARS,NOSE,TONGUE,TOUCH. MIND will be controlled by the predominate desire, and thru' the brain, you activate actions!
If the 5 creatures are all tied to a post, they will try to get free until they are tired out, and then will lie down by the post. Post is the commandments that has being given by God for you to lead happy life. Just like this, if people will train and control the mind, all 5 senses live in harmony.  IF THE MIND IS UNDER CONTROL PEOPLE WILL HAVE HAPPINESS BOTH NOW AND FUTURE!.
Identify the rope for each desire in this example then tie that rope to Post of God, to see Happiness in this life too!.


Human has being created by God according to His image. There are no 2 human are identical in this creation. Like computer you get hardware and software. All hardware appears to be same but not software
You develop your life pattern(software) according to your religion, environment and your capability of 5 senses. No 2 people 5 senses are equal.  How you maximize your 5 senses to the glory of creator is a challenge of your life. Without your knowledge 5 vices such as Pride, lust, avarice, envy, gluttony attracting your own capability forgetting God. This wounds the purpose of creation!.

C. Today's reading:
Act of apostles says(Acts 4:32-35)"the whole group..held in common. The apostles..testify..resurrection..with great power..great respect."

 John says(1 Jn 5:1-6)" Whoever believes..Christ..victory over the world-our faith..Christ who came by water and blood, not with water only..spirit is..truth.

Jn(20:19-31) says"in the evening..Jesus came and the father sent me,so am I sending you..Thomas..unless I see the holes..put my finger..eight days later..'Put your finger..doubt no longer but believe..happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.."
(1) Water/blood(wine) represent life(behavior) and happiness
(2)believing is a result of focusing on a subject(spirit). Seeing is practical outcome make you to believe,even without focusing.
(3)When you focus about life- you can focus on answering the following questions: who decided for you to come to this world from your parents?, what is the purpose of living?, like thomas can we say"unless I put my finger into wounds I don't believe"?
8 days later,resembles 7 vices including sloth and Anger
(Inordinate craving for 5 senses) or can we search answers from Catholicism?
Jesus invites you to focus about your life(spirit), to practically enjoy Happiness!.

SPIRIT,WATER & BLOOD- essential ingredients of human life.
Spirit- to acquire knowledge/reflecting
Water- commandments of God(10 commandments with no enemies)/following God's will
Blood- Happiness of your life(no fear and sorrow)

D. Conclusions:

1st sunday of easter, church invites us to reflect the basic features of Catholicism!. Resurrection of Jesus Christ to show

(1)Happiness(going against earth bound desires) can be achieved
(2) Effects of your previous sins are nullified
(3) Less fear and sorrow in your life

Today, it focused on to the earth bound attraction to satisfy your 5 senses to crave on Money,Power and desires!. Catholicism, Jesus message is not barring desires but it harp that desires has to be carried out in anticipation of the need of the creator, Your God. For example, it is not prohibited to drink alcohol, but too much drinking has to be controlled by one self for his own health or his own happiness!. In the Holy Mass, wine has to be minimum of 14% strength of alcohol!. Thomas wanted to put his fingers to achieve faith(happiness) to 5 wounds(earth bound 5 desires) to satisfy himself, similar to us. But craving on 5 senses too much wound the jesus more.
Always, our sinning life has to be placed on the lap of Mary. This is what God, in His own wisdom has shown us,just before Resurrection. So there are 3 occasions God has shown us that we should intercede with Holy Mary for our Happiness.
(1) 1st Miracle at Cana
(2) At the Cross, just before His death, handing over all humanity to Holy Mary
(3) Just after death of Jesus, His wouned death body was placed on the lap of Holy Mary.
Hence, it is always better, to reflect our main sins, with regard to 5 senses, just before we recite Rosary, for the intercession of Holy mary, to intercede for her to God, with regard to control our earth bound desire cravings to reach our happiness!


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