
Saturday 30 May 2015

Sunday (31/5) Holy Trinity- Mystical Catholic - in summary

We reflect to the question"WHO IS OUR GOD?" Today.

Today readings:
Deuteronomy(Dt 4:32-34,39-40) says:
"Moses said..God created man..did..people hear..God speaking heard..signs, wonders.. mighty hand..Lord..take it to heart..keep laws and commandments..I give you.."

Paul (Rm 8:14-17) says:
"Everyone moved by the spirit is a son of God..not the spirit of slaves..bring fear.. spirit Himself..united witness..we are children of God..share his sufferings.. share His glory"

Mt(28:16-20)says"eleven disciples.. down..Jesus spoke..'All authority..given to the name of the father,and of the son,and of the holy observe all..gave you.. know..I am with you always.."


(1) Why God?
You cannot decide, your parents, in coming into this world? God has decided.
(2) Characteristics of God?
 God knows all&is OMNIPRESENT& OMNIPOTENT(able to do every thing,in every where at any time).
(3)Also God(TRINITY)exist in 3 Persons(not 3 God's):Father,Son& Holy Spirit

-like water(H2O)can be liquid, vapor &ice.

(4) How God is related to your living?

Catholism basic concepts lead you to think(logically you can justify)

(A)you are created for happiness
(B) to achieve Happiness, you should follow God's will with10 comms& pardoning


(C)Your life always hang on a cross,whether you follow christianity or not

(D)with wounds- your sins against 5 senses with 10 commandments(get it pardoned from God)+

(E)3nails- your worries-hand over to Mary/Saints(since they have shown,how to overcome fear and sorrow as humans in reaching eternal Happiness),

Holy Spirit

(F)any actions,100% outcome, you are not avail of, hence it is wise to be dependent with God, for all the actions.

(G)  Unlike animals,human can lead his acton for a purpose. When you lead your actions for bad purpose,without your knowledge,you will become like an animal.
Actions(ANIMAL URGES) you should avoid(Gal5:16-25)-mainly coming from SELF INDULGENCE(Something that you do for pleasure,not because U need it),Fornication(to have illicit affair),gross indecency& sexual irresponsibility, idolatry (worshipping someone that you love so much,than God)& sorcery(magic that uses power of evil spirit),feuds &wrangling(argue angrily for long time),jealousy,bad temper&quarrels, factions,disagreements,envy(feeling of wanting same that someone else has),drunkenness,orgies(wild party with lot eating&drinking+bad actions) &similar things,Resulting Violence in you and in your  society.

 When you avoid animal urges and follow God's Will, you lead Holy Spirit filled happy life with love,joy,peace, patience,kindness,goodness, trust fullness,gentleness& self control!.

(H)you experience Happy life with 3 new nails hanging on the cross, FAITH,HOPE, CHARITY.

May Triune God(Most Holy Trinity), make your life Happy!


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