
Thursday 9 July 2015

Cycle 2:season: ordinary(2): Sunday No:15: (detailed version)Date:12/7/2015 :cast-less Catholic

A. Back ground:

 when we analyze how we progressed in ordinary sundays, we focused about characteristics of Pride, envy,Jealousy and cast. In order to avoid these vices in our life one has to primarily clear, about the creation history. Pride and Jealously, may live in your 2 machines at brain, harming your happiness.

It is due to lack of understanding that
(1) God created you, to be happy/
(2) God is responsible for every outcome of yours and no way you can equate to God
(3) God created you for a purpose, different to others, your worries also different to others.
Then only you can remove pride and envy from your life.

Today we were reminded about the characteristics of Catholic church. Catholic means Universal. That means this religion can be practice in any corner of this globe. As you are aware, our world is having different climatic conditions in different geographical locations and different eating habits. By following the principles, taught at Catholic church, one can easily, achieve happy life!.

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1 Mission Impossible

10 of Jesus disciples were fisherman. They are Peter&his brother, Andrew,Philip, Bartholomew,Thomas, James,Thaddaeus, Judas Iscariot. James&John,brothers of whom,Jesus affectionately call" SONS OF THUNDER"due to their explosive temperament. When HE first calls them HE simply says"COME,FOLLOW ME,&I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN (Mk1:17),they"left their nets & followed HIM. Other 2disciples, tax collector-Levi(Matthew)&Simon.

Jesus- with apostles 40 days,after Resurrections &gave convincing proof about church(Act1:3)Before Jesus left, he gave HIS followers,how to achieve" MISSION IMPOSSIBLE" with HOLY SPIRIT.
 Book of Act,gives 3 tiered structure of expanding news of God to(1)Jeruselem (2)Judea+Samaria(3)ultimately to world (cast-less).Act(1:8). Act10-9,cleared restriction of food while Council of Jerusalem(Act15)cleared male circumcision. Impossible things will be made possible with Catholicism (Holy Spirit)

B.2 how church became universal.

Up to Jesus christ, father and Son era, God, in HIS own wisdom chosen Israelis to train human, how to accept God's will in to our life, and be Happy in our life. Earlier, before to church, it was only for israel cast. Hence they follow the Judaism principles, with their rituals + their restricted eating habits.
As informed by Jesus, Mary+all disciples waited, until HOLY SPIRIT arrived like a fire
on the Pentacost Day. So church, started from Pentacost day, by the Holy Spirit, with the help of Mary, peter,disciples and specially with the support of Paul. Major Characteristic of Catholic church, is universality.(Cast-less), any human can use hs free will either to accept God or Not!.(Full freedom)

How it became cast-less, with Holy Spirit era?

After Jesus death,Peter is restored and help spread Christianity abroad, even inducting the first gentile or non jewish members into this movement. Act 15, introduced not to circumcise, any body to become a christian. Earlier before becoming catholic, the non Jews(gentles) to follow mosaic law, which requires circumcision as well as restriction on eating animal flesh like pork. Both these were lifted in the church, under the direction of Holy Spirit.

Changes introduced with Universality?

2 major rituals, followed by Jews(even by Jesus+ Disciples) circumscion and restriction of eating Pork was lifted by the church(under the influence of Holy Spirit), in order to make the church universal.
For example, how male circumcise was removed?

Christians confidence should not be in his or her accomplishments.(-something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work) Paul warns the philippians about those who say circumcision (to cut off the skin at the end of penis or to cut off the clitoris of a female-jews use only male circumcison)is necessary for salvations.
Similarly Peter removed restriction with regard to eating of food(ex pork) corenelis incident.

B.3 How Catholicism provides to lead happy life?
memory block
Every human in this world have some form of taxonomy.(Taxonomy: mental disorder deriving from loosing touch of reality, and begin imagining things and acting on those imagined things)

When there is an absence of some expected behavior, you can notice one of following 3 characteristics, among humans!
(1) Flat affect: when a person's exhibits no emotionalty what so ever.
(2) Alogia: indicating that a person's thought processes are dull,blocked, or generally improvised.
(3) Avolition: when a person is having no ability to persist in an activity, looks like an extreme lack of motivation.

When your logical machine in your brain, identify, wrong attributes as truth, when you encounter, mismatch, of data to your  truth, you will naturally block the logical machine, and allow blood to be drawn to your emotional machine, which works 5 times faster than your logical(human) machine.
Then your carry excessive anger, causing hghly selfish comments to make. For example, go through the following example, where we reflected last 3 sundays(pride,jealousy and cast as wrong attributes to follow in Catholicism)

White skin passenger,refused to fly, seated next with black skin passenger. Staff upgrade black man to upper class, still white man protested,resulting to block his logical machine&give full power to his Chimp machine-brain-causing him to shout/fight.Cast resulted(memory block)to cause Pride & jealousy in you,(last 3 sundays) your achievement is not belongs to you but to God,If you don't hand over, you develop Pride. Your wants are different to others wants.When you are not sure,God created you,with special talents different to other& HE guaranteed your HAPPINESS,you try to obtain other people comforts to you,result in jealousy. When you forget concept behind  your creation,result your blood to be drawn only to your Jungle(chimp)machine,blocking other machine.Holy Spirit formed church as Cast-Less. Can Catholic develop Pride &Jealousy resulting cast?.When your name implies silent cast,you are attracting pride & jealousy!.what to do?

So by following Catholic princples, given n the church, one can easily have a sound mind to reach happness!

C. Today's reading:
Amos says(Am7:12-15);"..go propercy to my people .."
Paul says(Eph1:3-14)"..U..stamped with zeal of Holy Spirit..brings freedom.."
Mk:6:7-13 says"..Jesus summoned pairs..take nothing..they cast..devils..cured.."

These readings. Focused on formation of Church.
Predominently paul's saying is the underlining principle of running of church. Church starts from pentecost. Church 1 st phase, how to make her universal not only to Jews. They make it with the help of Holy Spirit, No restriction of food and no circumscion. Now the church has been functioning more than 2000 years. During these years, world has undergone many changes. Certain changes were interacting with catholic teaching, like birth control, euthanasia. Church with the help of Holy Spirit + papal infallibility, resolved such problems, for Catholics to lead a happy life.

In summary,
(1)church is under direction of Holy Spirit
(2)Disciples,received Holy Spirit on pentacost day like fire
(3)Fire is basic need for human&it can be used for good/bad purposes,similar to your soul(mind+free will)
(4)after Jesus,with Holy Spirit, Disciples+Paul inaugurated Cast-les Church for whole world,easy to be a member,only by Baptism.(No other restrictions)(5)Church,resolves,many new problems (similar to circumscion), like birth control,unisex marriages,euthanasia, coming from various times-with help of HS+Papal infallability to lead your life happily!
(6)Church operates with well defined set of rules.Unless you know function of Catholic church,how can U tell,such beauty to others?

D. Conclusions:

According to bloom taxonomy, developed by  Dr banjamine bloom about higher forms of thinking in education in 1956, your life will depend upon. knowledge,skills and attitudes. This is analogues to 3 heads, representing: head,hand,heart.
Knowledge contains in 6 phases

Catholic has to be clear, about his knowledge- for this, he has to follow at least 3 year one cycle of sunday readings. These readings are well organized.
Then he has to understand the logic behind these reasons!
Why God created world and human?
Why fear and sorrow are there in our life?
Why 10 commandments?
Why we should pardon others?
Why we should avoid 7 vices?
Etc, etc
Then we should apply these rules in our life!
Then next 3 phases, analyzing,evaluating,creating, you will be able to do it.
You can enjoy the anticipated of purpose of creation of you, the happiness, in you life easily with Catholicism. You will develop your skills and your attitudes to have a harmonious cast less society!


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