
Saturday 4 July 2015

Sunday(5/7)Low Cast Catholic - in summary

This sunday you are invited to reflect, about forming cast. Cast is considered as fixed unchangeable social class in to which people are BORN. Your great,great grand father has farming, where as mine was fishing,today we both are teachers doing same job,(may be same blood group),but we differentiate each other from cast. Cast dilutes the ability to appreciate,human achievements unbiased way,thus harming your self of deprived knowledge. There are many other forms of cast based on ancestral villege/based on your job position. All casts are heading towards selfish motives,while coordination between one cast to another is very poor depriving to achieve common goals of a country!. Pope Francis send clear signals of having a cast less church.

Cast help you to develop, Pride and jealousy, which we reflected last 2 sundays.

Church started from Pentacost, where Holy Spirit era has come. Before to this it was a era of Father and Son,guiding Jews how to be happy, with full freedom.

Summary of today reading:

Ezkiel(Ezk2:2-5) says:"..whether they listen or not this set of rebels shall know, there is a prophet among them"

Paul (2 Cor 12:7-10)says"..stop..getting too proud..pleaded..Lord three times..leave me..power of Christ stay over me.."

Mark(6:1-6) says"Jesus..home town.."Where did the man get all those things?".. carpenter..not accept Him..amazed..their lack of faith"


(1) Jesus identified major draw back of forming cast and it implies, knowledge of God, will not be given to cast concise people.
(2) Out of 7 vices, you can avoid Anger and sloth to have a peaceful mind. But to develop worry less mind, you should avoid cast, which is coming from Pride+Envy.
(3)Church is formed on Pentacost day,to have a Cast-less society
(4)Church,with Holy Spirit, Changed with No restriction to eat(pork)/no circumscion to be open to world wide (by St Peter &Paul)
(5)To lead on any form of cast in U'r life,leads to block God'S will for U & increase fear & sorrow
(6)2major time line of salvation
(A)Creation upto Resurrection-Father&Son-only to Jews
(B)from Pentacost,up today,with no restrictions,to all human race,with Church!.


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