
Monday 20 July 2015

Sunday(19/7)Rejected Catholic - in summary

From this Sunday, God invited us to analyse, about our catholic life. You are born with talents. God wanted us to develop our talents, while not forgetting HIM. Due to lack or too much worries, we tends to forget God, in the eyes of church, THE HOLY SPIRIT. We are conditioned not to think about HIM, either by lack of worries(ex western countries) or too much of worries(most other countries).

Jeremiah says(Jr 23:1-6)"Doom..Shepherds..flock of my pastures..destroyed..U hv let my flock to be scattered..not taken care..bring back them to pastures..increase in numbers..not one shall be lost.."
Paul (Eph:2:13-18) says" man by restoring peace through Cross..& reconciled with God.
Mk 6:30-34) says"..'U..Come..lonely a sheep without shepard..pity on them.."

(1) You are a  new person with full freedom.Since you don't know all outcomes of an action, always you encounter Cross in your life.
(2)You are a  Baptised catholic,when no personal encounter with Holy Spirit,fear & sorrow will scatter in your life-ONLY U'r RESPONSIBLE.
(3)Best method to avoid this,is toidentify suitable time in a day(15 mts out of 1440/day),recollect an incident, where God has saved U,thank HIM,then Go thru' next1,2,3 sunday readings,analyse what God says to you,while praying Rosary.
 (4)Busy means conditioning of rejection to do it!.

How to treat Taxonomy?

Taxonomy:mental disorder deriving from loosing touch of reality& begin imagining things&acting on those imagined things.

When there is absence of some expected behavior,you lead either
(1)Flat affect: exhibits no emotionalty what so ever.or
(2)Alogia:thought processes are dull, blocked,or generally improvised or
(3) Avolition:no ability to persist in an activity,looks like extreme lack of motivation.

Catholism proves you that;
God has created you
(a)to lead a happy life,with unique personality
(b)your talents has to be converted to energy with following HIS WILL.

Your energy consist of knowledge and skills and attitude,equivalent to head,hand, heart.

Knowledge consist 6phases Remember/understand/apply/analyze/evaluate/

create.Skill:ability to do talent well,since you have learned& practice.

Attitude:Opinion&feeling that U usually hv about U'r neighbour:

Your ATTITUDE will depend upon your knowledge+skill!& you can easily avoid taxonomy by following God's concept given in Catholism.

Developing Attitude, in anut shell!

We say we are very much lack in attitude's. In order to have good attitudes 1st,we should have good knowledge about God, then you should convert more than 1 skill of yours,to energy, which from next few next sunday readings,reflected

Try to develop knowledge about God
(1) by following His commandments
(2)analyse outcomes
(3)avoid 7vices,then

(4)develop U'r mind from peace to worryless then to happy
(5)be healthy by doing excercise+drinking water
(6)Use latest techneigues in developing your talents
Finally, you will see you are on correct attitude!


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