
Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas 2016 (cycle 3) - in summary

The Blessings of Peace
The Beauty of Hope
The Spirit of Love
The Comfort of Faith
May these be your gifts this Christmas Season.

Pl visit:

Mary and Joseph being1st ever
(1)to see Christ-child with their bodily eyes!
(2)to behold with eyes of faith new vision of 'GOD MADE VISIBLE'
(3)to adore sacred humanity of new born SAVIOR"in whom fullness of deity dwelt bodily"(Col 2:9).Their  adoration soon to be followed by Bethlehem Shepard's and 3 wise men!.

Unique privilege JOSEPH shared with MARY was that of being 1st depository of divine mystery! VIRGINAL CONCEPTION, Joseph and Mary,was chosen confidant of God where mystery hidden for ages with HIM.-Mystery of incarnation due to be fulfilled"In fullness of time when God sent his Son born of a women(Eph3;9;Gal4:4-

Propecies fulfilled!
In Christmas we remember the age old prophecies fulfilled, that a virgin would conceive (Is7:14), and the redeemer would be born of the tribe of Judah(Gen 49:10), of the house of David(Ezechiel 33:23),at the time which have been fore told by Daniel(9:25-26) some 500 years before, and that His birth place would be Bethlehem(Mich5:2)
The bible has precise, specific predictions that were made 100 of years in advance & that were literally fulfilled. Christianity is quiet distinct that it centres around Jesus who was put to death in a barbaric manner. Jesus followers were the eye witness in the first generation. Paul was converted by encountering the risen Jesus & had access to eye witnesses such as peter and James.

 Christianity is the new message of LOVE to all humans in this world.  Until one feels the spirit of Christmas, there is no Christmas!.

History of Christmas!

The feast of christmas," the mass of christ" is not one of the church's earliest festivals; in fact birth of christ used to be celebrated on January 6th in union of the visit of the Magi. The feast of nativity became distinct in the eastern church during the 3rd century, and at Rome about the year 300. Here the date was december 25 th, but other parts of the church kept different days for a long time. It is likely that the selection of the december date was due to an effort to supplant the great Roman Solar feast'natalis solis invicti'(the birth of the unconquerable sun God, by the celebration of the earthly birth of "The light of the world", who indeed is so unconquerable as our lord? Wrote st chrysostom in the 4th century.'HE IS THE SUN OF JUSTICE'. Popular catholic customs:

St Francis of Assisi, originated, to adore holy babe in 1223. He erected a representation of the stable and manger with a live ox and Ass in a forest-cave near the little town of graccio. During the Mass, the saint preached to the villagers on the limit less mercy, pity and love of God, and the image of the Babe in his arms was seen to come to life for a short space.

Christmas Carols and Trees

 In the 11th and 12th centuries the German. Christmas songs and 'Noels' came into being, and 'Carols' in 13th century. Jacopane da Todi at1306 AD is regarded as the composer of the charming 'stabat Mater Specioosa'. In the 10th century appeared the tradition that the trees and blosom on christmas night. Candles on a Christmas tree are 1 st mentioned in 13 th century epic. Our christmas tree seems to have of been German origin, and is symbolic both of the tree of life in the garden of Eden and of the tree of the Cross. It is earliest reference is 1605, but it did not attain popularity in Germany and England until about 1840.

C. Today's readings:

Vigil Mass:
Mt(1:18-25) " ...... The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call Him Emmanuel, a name which means' God-is-with-us'......."

Act of apostles(Ac 13:16-17.22-25) says
"............I am not the one you imagine me to be: that one is coming after me and I am not fit to undue His sandal"

Prophet isaiah(Is 62:1-5) says:"
"About Zion I will not be silent....."
All readings summerises how the propercy of birth of Jesus is fulfilled!

Mass during night:

Lk 2:1-14 says"........and suddenly with the angel there was a great thrown of the heavenly host praising God and singing
'Glory to God and highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy His favor"

Paul(Tt 2:11-14) says "God's grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race......"

Prophet isaiah says(Is 9:1-7)"the people that walked in darkness has seen a great light...."

Mass at dawn:
Lk 2:15-20:
"Now when the angels had gone from them into heaven, the shepard said to one another 'let us go to Bethlehem..........and the Shepard went back glorifying and praising God for all......."

Paul says(Tt 3:4-7)" was for no reason except His own compassion that He saved us......."
 Prophet Isaiah says" say to the daughter of Zion, 'look your savior comes......."

Mass at day time:
Jn 1:1-18: " .... But to all who did accept Him
He gave power to become children of God......"

Letter to Hebrew(Heb1:1-6)" at various times in the past and in various different ways God spoke to our ancestors, through the prophets ; but in our own time, the last days, He has spoken to us through His son........"

Prophet Isaiah(is 52:7-10) says" how beautiful on the mountains,are the feet of one who brings good news........"

Reminds: God, has practically shown us, how to manage our Free Will to be happy in this life too. Why, HE sent baby Jesus?
(1)After the original sin,HE introduced Childhood to human life.
(2) During childhood, parents has the responibility to look after child, until he become fit to be a spiritual adult
(3) To show that when you are not following God's Will, you become childish
In contrary, you become "child likeness" to understand how to follow God's will, by fulfilling your responsibility with regard to child and enjoy happiness, through your child characteristics.
(4) Childhood of Jesus is hidden, except HIS birth and lost at age 12.

Why Jesus?
Jesus has shown, how to lead our life happily, managing fear and sorrow. In order to be happy, there are 3 stages to reach.
(1) Lead a peaceful life
(2) Lead a worry-less life
(3) Lead a happy life.
 Jesus has shown how to lead your life peacefully, by following 10 commandments with pardoning and love. And He further indicated
(A)formation of Church by Holy Spirit, to whole world
(B) how to hand over your worries through Holy mary
(C)human paradigm is changing day by day.

God(who is omni potent,omni presence and omniscent), in HIS own wisdom, choses to come as human(Jesus-with human and divine qualities), to show us,how to lead our life happily, through the ongoing support of church.

Merry Christmas to you!


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