
Sunday 6 December 2015

Cycle 3:season:advent: Sunday No:2: Date:6/12/2015. Slave Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
During advent, church invites you to acquire, basic knowledge of Catholicism. Last sunday we were told, value of avoiding intoxication due to earth bound needs and 7 vices, unless you mange these 2, you cannot reflect properly,as to how Jesus came to this world and for what purposes.

Today you are invited to reflect specifically, the main purpose behind Jesus coming to this world? To reintroduce free Will, to human. God is now invisible, only with your focus on HiM and action for the love of him, you can enjoy Happiness in this world. In other words you have to willingly become a slave to HIM. Holy Mary+st Joseph+saints are good examples.

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B. 1 What is freedom
Sometimes you might think Freedom as: you can do what ever you want. That means you decide from your free will,and carry out action accordingly. But Freedom is always guided by law. When adam and eve was given freedom, they were told not to eat from forbidden tree.
Every human in this world is different to each other. They have been born with different talents!. Talents has to be developed to skills, then skills will convert to knowledge. With hard work, you will serve society in good attitude. This is one side of the story that you have to develop with your Free will.
Other side of the story is, in relation to outcome for an action. You cannot predict 100% outcome for any of your actions!. Always there can be some deviations.

After developing good attitude, when you serve society, for your own satisfaction, you will be disappointed, if you don't get the anticipated results, since you are not avail of 100% of your output.
But when you serve society with good attitude for the love of God, you know that HE will ensue your Happiness. What ever the output you will not get,you will not be discouraged.
When you do that, you automatically become a slave to God.

Slave; someone who is legally own by another person(God) and works for Him for no money:

B.2 God's Will
How to find out God's Will for you?. It is a difficult task!. Read the following bible story, for us to understand God's Will!

Prophet Balaam was on a mission to curse someone,suddenly his donkey stopped on road!.no matter,how hard prophet kicked her,she would not budge. Without donkey He couldn't carry out his deed. He start to beat donkey severely,practicing management style of ruling thru' fear. Finally donkey cried out"why are you beating me?haven't I served you faithfully all these years? "An angel spoke to Balaam & said"you fool,quit beating her,even she could see I am standing here!your donkey just saved your life,for if you had gone you would have been killed" Balaam returned kissing donkey all way back. If you do everything possible & you are not successful,find out Angel without kicking donkey,since you are not avail with all outcomes. When you think that you are on top of world,you may be sitting in a dangerous place.

This story highlighted, how far our actions are result oriented!, how little we know about our results. When You are pleasing God, HE ensured your happiness, sometimes undermining your will.

B.3 How Joseph and mary followed God's Will?

Life of Mary and Joseph are best examples, of how we should follow God's Will

Mary and Joseph marriege is attachment of hearts, one in which the right to another was surrendered for a higher purpose.
Both of them had taken vow of virginity. Then why they married?

(1)it kept blessed mother covered with honor until the time came to her reveal the VIRGIN BIRTH/it appears shortly after resurrection (only she reveal),there is no point of talking about this until the final proof of divinity,

 so far as public appearance went,JESUS was the Son of Joseph.
Thus the reputation of Mary was conserved: if Mary has become mother without a spouse, it would have exposed the mystery of Christ birth to ridicule, and would have become scandal to the weak.
(2) Joseph could bear witness to the purity of Mary. She did not tell Joseph,she has conceived by Holy Spirit of Love,because angel did not bid her to do so. Mary once revealed to a saint;
" outside Golgotha,I never suffered a such intense of agony as in those days when,despite myself, I brought worry to Joseph, who was so just"

Similarly, the sorrow of Joseph came from inexplicable
On one hand he knew Mary had taken an vow of virginity,as he has done. It seem impossible to believe her guilty, because her goodness. But on the other hand, because her condition, how could he believe otherwise? Joseph suffered"Dark night of Soul"


For God it is possible, but for human it is impossible. Mary and Joseph though they are humans, ideally supported God's Will. That is why we as catholics respect them,and always follow them!.

B.4- Straight path to God

To drive safely on road, one has to know the traffic rules. When you drive according to your own rules, your are liable for accident and people will suffer.
Major drawbacks that you can see in countries like Srilanka, is twisting God's rules to suit for your own convenience.
For example most of the catholics,worship parents/teachers/elders, undermining God. They don't say, that they undermine, but their action clearly indicate, they worship humans while respect God. This is a cancer that has to be treated urgently.
Few catholics, when they cannot manage their fear and sorrow, go for other religious treatment undermining God. This situation is gradually getting cleared.

This sunday you have to verify, God's rule and their meaning to you & practice, Then only you can go straight path to God,become slave to Him, for your own happiness.

C. Today's reading:

Prophet Baruh(Ba 5:1-9) says" through integrity..honour.. devotedness.. God..remembered them..God bring back..glory.."

Paul (Ph1:4-6,8-11) says"..pray..with joy.. spread god prayer..your love..each other..increase..never stop..your knowledge..perception..pure and blame less.."

Luke(Lk 3:1-6) says"..fifteenth year..word of God came..John..wilderness..He went..jordan
..Baptism of repentance..forgiveness
..Voice,..wilderness..make His path straight..see salvation of God"


with Jesus,God reintroduced
Freedom to all humans. After Jesus we find
(1)God is invisible
(2) Your free will become more dominant,on your own you decide what action you will take, for any subject.
(3) You can blame God, at your own wisdom
(4) From your own choice you can follow God's commandments to follow HIS Will
(5) When you follow God's Will, your life become happy.
(6)After Jesus, there is a straight path to God,by your own choice.

To enjoy promised happiness by God, You have to know His basic commands; father-10 commandments: Son-pardoning+ love: Holy Spirit- church rules. First know them clearly without ambiguity. Then follow them. Don't try to modify the rules, for your wn convenience. Then you are not following a straight path with Him. To holy mary and Joseph, there were angles/dreams. But now you don't get those things. God will show you path, once you follow commandments+ avoid 7 vices.
In cycle 2 also, we were told to have a straight path with God. But next sunday we reflect, as how to baptise with spirit!

Cycle 2:


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