
Saturday 12 December 2015

Cycle 3:season:advent: Sunday No:3: Date:13/12/2015.fired Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:

 last 2 sundays church invited us to reflect (1) value of forming habits, to acquire knowledge, about almighty God,without craving to earth bound needs such as money,power and desires.
(2)value of becoming slave to God or follow His will in your life. For this you are supposed to study, how God sent Jesus to this world, With human +divine characteristics. How Joseph and Mary followed God's Will.
Today you are invited to understand how to practice God's will, by being a member of church with baptism+ follow the church rules.

B. Preamble to today's readings:

B.1 why John says" Jesus will baptize with Holy Spirit and fire?

Holy Spirit
John foretell the formation of church, by telling Jesus will baptize you with Holy Spirit.
Why Jesus, just before ascension told apostles, to wait until pentecost day to start church by Holy Spirit?
God reestablished full freedom to humans, with the formation of the church thru' Holy Spirit. Church formed by Holy Spirit, after Jesus ascension to heaven. )

Holy Spirit through church, guide all humans how to live, to follow the God's Will. Paradigm of human is changing day to day, requiring church to explain and guide the people how to manage the paradigm change. Hence in addition to commandments given by Father(10 comms)+ Son(pardoning +love) from time to time  church will provide, as how to manage the situation.
For example, immediately forming the church, Holy spirit guided thru' church to adopt
(1) conversion of church to cast-less
(2) Not to have male circumspect
(3) Eat pork(no restriction on food)
Then from time to time, Holy spirit through the church, introduced, following concepts more in detail, for catholics, in order to follow God's Will.

(4)Concept of communion of saints
(5) Concept of purgatory.
(6) Concepts of Holy mary(immaculate conception+assumption)
(7)No artificial birth control+no abortion+no euthanasia

Relevance of fire;
John says, he will baptize with water but Jesus will baptize with Holy spirit + FIRE.

Fire is needed only for humans. Have you ever heard about an animal or tree, which needs or use fire? No. Fire become a basic element that is needed only by human. All other 5 basic elements(earth,water, air, sunlight,food) are used by human+animals+trees.
Fire can be used for good as well bad purposes. You can cook a good meal or you can kill a person.
Fire is similar to your mind.
When your mind is filled with going against commands of God, it is used for bad purpose.
Here too, John is for telling, God's plan of re introducing freedom to human. After Jesus you can chose either to follow God or not.
When you were baptized, you have option to learn more on what God wanted you to do or reject HIM, with refusal to adhere to His commands.


Relevance of Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is the driving force of any practicing catholic. When you follow commandments given by father+son+Holy spirit, you can lead your life, according to God's Will. Then only you can see the 7 fold gifts in your life!

(1)WISDOM(enable you to lead life in God's presence),
(2)UNDERSTANDING (you will understand the inner meaning of sacred Scripture to lead Jesus life),
(3)COUNCEL(to clear the demanding problems encounter in carrying out your duties),

These gifts enhance virtues you receive,especially in difficult situations!.

Preaching & reciting your knowledge of God without practicing & living up to it is fruitless & useless.
A sermon of one's own experience is much more powerful and effective.

B.2 How to be a practicing catholic?

Before to Jesus,worshiping to GOD, was carried out with spreading the blood of the animals, at the offering table.

 In Catholicism this has changed to 7 sacrament, which consists of 3 major parts: INITIATION to the church(BAPTISM, HOLY EUCRASTIC & CONFIRMATION):
 PENANCE (also called confession or reconciliation ) and ANOINTING of the sick are sacrament of HEALING.
Matrimony and Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY. Sacraments are sacred rites.

The catholic living mainly centered on two sacraments, PENANCE,(their SINS can be erased), HOLY EUCRASTIC(where they  participate, the LAST SUPPER of JESUS).The elements  water, olive oil, Wheat Bread, 14% strength grape wine,is used for sacraments and cannot be changed even by POPE!.
Catholic believes the conversion of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, at the HOLY MASS. Hence only WORSHIP is given to HOLY EUCRASTIC.

B.3 why catholics baptize a child, early stages?
Catholics baptize their children, immediately after their birth. Why?, why they cannot wait until they have enough knowledge by themselves to receive Baptism?
Christianity clearly indicates the responsibility of parents with children. Parents have to guide children, until they matured enough to, have dialogue with God direct. So parents have the primary responsibility to consecrate the child to God. You get additional 2 people as God mother and father(witness), in case the parents have a problem. Catholic children always depend upon their parents for guidance. Always Jesus said that you have to follow God,like a child. Jesus said, a person who is misguiding children, has to be drowned in sea.
So from birth up to a maturity level(normally assumed to be confirmation, where a child can have direct communication with God, it is the responsibility of parents, to educate them, how to live according to God's will.

God took human form, as a baby Jesus. Mary and Joseph followed all rituals with regard to HIM(the God), just show us the Heavenly evidence why we should Baptize, a human, immediately after birth. This is Christianity!. Hence adult baptism, by catholic parents are not normal in Catholicism.(Except non catholic to become a member of church)

C. Today's reading:

prophet Zephaniah(Zp3:14-18) says"Shout..Joy..aloud!rejoice..heart..Jerusalem..Lord..repealed..sentence..U hv no..evil to fear.."

Paul says(Ph 4:4-7)"'r need..worry..prayer thanksgiving..will guard U'r hearts.."

Lk(3:10-18)says"when..ask John..2 content..feeling f christ..'I baptize..water..more powerful..baptize U with Holy Good news.."

Reminds: God has shown, how to use your freedom and live happily in this world too. God selected Jew's to show the planning phase of re introduction of freedom, and Jesus shown, how to practically achieve happiness, by managing both physical and mental woe's, to achieve happiness through
God's Will, (only to jews). Holy spirit through the church, reintroduce, freedom to all humans. Always freedom is subject to law.
Also, paradigm of people changes daily. God has set a beautiful mechanism of managing freedom,thru' Church to reach the intended happiness given by God to you. To become a member of the church, you need to baptize.
As a parent you, need to ensure,early baptism of your child, and ensure that upon his maturity, He follows God's will. Otherwise
You have to wait(fired), in purgatory,what ever you have done good, in this world,until your child depart this world!.

D. Conclusions:
Baptism is a initial sacrament a person can receive. The responsibility of baptism is always lies with catholic parents, unless otherwise, once you become matured, you decided to join the church. Even when you join church, if you don't know what commandments to follow, you are not avail of anticipated outputs of Happiness. You have to practice the Commandments, then follow God's will, to enjoy the 7 gifts of Holy spirit.

In Cycle 2,3rd advent sunday, we highlighted

Gospel(Jn1:6-8,19-28) says" ...I am not fit to undo his sandal-strap..."


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