
Thursday 23 June 2016

Cycle 3:season: Ordinary Sunday No:12 Date: 19/6/2016- Verified Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
TODAY 19th june 2016 we are in Cycle 3: celebrating 12th Ordinary Sunday mass.

A.1 Concept defining features
When we analyze, summary of reflections of all these 12 sundays: we found 4 feast sundays,devoted to analyze concept defining features of Catholism. All religions in the world are good, since they all tell LOVE,NOT TO SIN, and  PROCESS TO FOLLOW TO ERSE THE BAD EFFECTS OF SIN.  But we should be clear how Catholicism differentiate with other religions. They are 5 major points:

(1) You have one life No rebirth
(2) Your sin's can be pardoned thru' the process given by Holy Trinity,ie. Repentance, confession with a priest and indulgence
(3)Your created by God to lead happy life, for that hv  peaceful mind(having confession+Euchrist), worriless (handing over U'R worries to Mary/saints . With good health by drinking water And doing excercise+ carrying out your  actions efficient(use latest technology)
(4) convert your talents to energy and serve the society for the love of God.
(5) You have to identify what is sin, when you go against 10 commandments & 7 vices it is sin.
You Will see that all other religions of the world, does not have all these 5 points,together.

A. 2 How to become a Catholic professional?
Then all other sundays, including today, you will notice, how you are trained to become CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL.

Professional means who gather uncommon knowledge and impart that knowledge to society. He always follows ethics & stay focused to a success of his mission.
In your catholic professional carrier, you will see,

With baptism you become member of church, while with Confirmation, you become catholic professional,following 7 ethics(10 comms/avoid 7 vices/practice 7 sacraments/practice 7 each corporal+Spritual mercy's/pardoning and love. As a professional you have to regulate your will. Jesus showed:
 how to become. Catholic Professional, He said NO

{(1)to ambitious young man to follow HIM
(2)to HIS mother,when She interrupt HIS teaching
(3)to Judas,turning into politics
(4)to temptation in wilderness
(5) at times,to HIMSELF"NO,I will not run from this. I will drink the cup that is placed before to me"

So Professional cannot lead a popular path.

A.4 Characteristics of a professional!
Another character of professional is he will identify his own his own life, as well as he will identify his own fault and feel actual sorry for his own faults that is repentnce and correct himself. That is why, even in normal professions like, Medicine,Engineering, once you get qualification, like baptism, then you study more to get professional qualification to become member of that profession, like confirmation, then to become full professional qualification, he has to work under a full professional. In Catholic full professional means until your death, depart from this world, you practice Catholicism with the help of church.

A.5 what we have reflected on last 2 sundays!
 during last 2 sundays, 10 & 11th of ordinary times,we reflected on those 2 points.
On 10th sunday, we found the value of respecting our parents & our life always moves with temp death by sin, again regaining temp birth with grace, with Pardoning process.

 last sunday we were reminded; about value of developing Repentance in our life. Otherwise our spiritual heart will become harden and we tend to ignore sins. We will lead our life to our convenience, depriving, the benefits assured by God to your life. When you don't identify what is sin, you tend to amplify many sins, and tend to ignore/or appreciate about sins.

B. Preamble for todays readings

Today, what is there to analyse?

B. 1 How to verify that you are a professional?
Today we analyze, another character of good professional, that is how to verify himself,Whether, he is on the correct path,to become Catholic professional.

A good catholic professional, analyse the result of his action; thru' practical experience. Then he can verify himself, whether he renounce Jesus thru' his life.

B.2 Today major reflection?
So today, church invites us to reflect'
(1)are U renouncing as a good catholic?. Like normal to other profession, Similar to medical Engineer or teacher,etc?
(2) What do you mean by life. And how crosses, are so important to manage?.

B.3 what is life cross and why God selected Cross?
First we will analyze what iS Cross?

In order to understand life crosses, one has to ponder, why God selected Cross, to die himself as human; why HE did not select to die, any other method?

In order to understand why HE selected Cross,
Take a pencil draw a line from bottom to  top. Vertical line which points heavenward,is a symbol of our final destiny!.Now draw another line across the page,splitting the vertical line,(horizontal line)what do you have? A CROSS!.

Similarly in our life, we like spirituality (vertical line), also we are craved with earth bound needs such as money,Power & desires representing the horizontal line.

 the vertical bar represent GOD's WILL,while horizontal bar represent OUR WILL,which negates,contradicts& crosses it.

Every unhappy soul,has a Cross embedded in it. when Israelis were beaten by serpents &poison seeped within,Moses planted a brazen serpent on a stick & all looked on it were healed!.This serpent was similar to the serpent which stung them,but it was without poison!.So jesus came in  likeness of man,BUT WAS WITHOUT SIN & all who look upon HIM on HIS CROSS are saved!

So today readings, invite us to verify whether, you are more than a professional, to be more specific, whether, You are a professional with Spirituality, going towards full professionalism?

How to verify?

C.  summary's today's reading:

Zech(Zc 12: 10-11, 13:1) predicts that lord will pour out a spirit of kindness

Paul(Gal 3:26-29) tells Having being baptized into christ,we are all one with HIM.

Lk 9:18-24 says"Assured that HE is the Messiah,Jesus sd"if anyone wants to be a follower,let him renounce himself & take up his cross"

D. These readings Reminds us

(1) you cannot decide your parents to come to this world,only. God decided, giving rise  that everybody's birth decision was made by God, Hence human become one family with God,as the father. Hence you have to support & love other humans. This will result for you to implement 7 corporal(body) and 7 spiritual mercy's.
They Are:
Corporal mercy's : feeding hungry: giving drink to thisty: clothing naked: welcoming stranger: visiting sick & imprisoned : burying death.
Spiritual mercy's: counseling doubtful: instructing ignorant: Admonishing sinner: comforting sorrowful: bearing wrong patiently: pray for living and dead.

(2)With Baptism you became member of church &with confirmation U become catholic professional-who impart uncommon knowledge to society. And you are going towards full professional, until your death, thru' support of Church.

(3)for that U should practice 7 ethics-10 comms/ avoid7vices/ 7sacraments/7(each)corporal+spiritual mercies/pardoning/love

(4)similar to medical check up,U should verify whether U'r  spiritually fit?

(5)for that,attend Sunday mass+have pardoning process+receive Eucharist+and follow rest of 7 ethics+ daily reciting Rosary.

(6) Day to day living you get life crosses due disagreements with others, manage those by guidance given by Jesus, specially the examples set by him at Gethsamani and Golgotha.

(7)Catholicism provides easy path for U to become Professional with spirituality+to mange U'r life crosses.

E. Conclusion:
Finally you go in front of a mirror, look at yourself, ask you self, who are you, then go to a lonely place ask God, how HE is feeling about you!

To day I am writing  in Paris, in Rue de bac, where you get uncorupt body of St catherine, Holy Mary introduced thru' her the Miraculous medal to us. Hope you will wear and renounce your catholism!


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