
Thursday 2 June 2016

Rebirth Catholic(sunday6/5) - in summary

You cannot decide from which parents that you can come to this world. Only God chose your parents. They have been entrusted to bring you up. They treated you, when you are a baby, then they educated you, to become adult. You also have to do the same for your children.
That is why you respect parent and worship God. Respect means you have to look after the well being of your parents, specially when they are old, where sometimes it will be difficult for them to carry out their basic actions. Today 1st  and Gospel reading reminds, that God, brought life to 2 widows, who has lost their life due to death of their only son's. God primarily shows, that, the importance of looking after your parents, when they don't have strength and hope for living. By looking after your aged parents, not only you respect them, you glorify God, having given them to you!.

Paul was a honest man, whole hearted following Judaism. That is why he started prosecuting Christian. God chosen him, to preach about His kingdom. He changed his life, to be the primary mouth piece of Christianity.
How God change your life. No 1 is your actions has to be whole hearted, to glorify God, without ulterior motive or persona, towards earth bound attractions. Then you have to follow the 7 ethics of catholism. Always be grace with God, after having pardoning process. You will have peaceful mind: from there you have to develop happy mind, by handing over your worries to Mary and saints+healthy(drink water,do exercise+use latest tecknology(be efficient). On the other side, you try to convert your God given talent to energy. WITH HAPPY MIND, WHEN YOU USE YOUR ENERGY FOR SOCIETY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, your are following the God's will. What ever the difficulty you might come across, you patiently suffer those difficulties, without losing perseverance and hope for God. You have seen all these characters in the life of St Paul.


Human are prune to Sin. Like the gravitational pull towards earth, you are always align to sin. Like growing weed in your garden. First problem you have to resolve is to identify weed, when you want to have good Garden. Similarly you have to be clear, what causes sin for you! Be clear about 10 commandments and see how you are applying it in to your life. When you don't know the commandments, it is like you like to have good garden, but you don't know what are the weeds to remove.
When you sin, spiritually you become death. This will cause fear and sorrow to be increased in your life. When you identify the sin and carry on the pardoning process(REPENT,CONFESSION, INDULGANCE) your effect of sin(GUILT and PUNISHMENT) is removed. You become spiritually live again. Christian life is always you sin and have pardon, with every pardoning process, you will become more closer to God.

Todays readings:

Book of kings(1K 17:17-24)says"Elijah beg God to restore life of son of a widow;

Paul says( Gal 1:11-19) tells story of his conversion.

LK(7:11-17)tells'With a word Jesus raised widow's death son to life.

(1)God has restored both widow's only hope,for you to think,you cannot decide your parents,to come to this world. God decided. They make you to walk/nourish/educate,for God,hence you have to look after them, specially when they are old,like God restoring Hope,for hopeless,then you glorify God,for your life
(2)to resolve today christian Middle East problem, pray to St Paul,to intercede with God,for solution!
(3)death is result of original sin/when you go against 10comms+7vices it is sin which will cause fear&sorrow in your life/Catholism provides how to rebirth with grace,by Pardoning-3 steps(REPENTANCE+CONFESSION with Priest(Jn 20:23)+INDULGANCE-

E. Conclusions:

Today, Church invites us to reflect
(1) About your Pedigree: who has decided to bring you, into this world/how did you come up to this present life-contribution of your parents and guardians+friends. What is your responsibility with regards to your parents
(2)Purpose of life: God has guaranteed your happiness, when you surrender your Will to HIM.
(3) Always you have to rehabilitate your life, with sin and coming to grace with pardoning process. Allow God to change your life. Like St paul life.


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Book of kings(1K 17:17-24) says"..Son..fell sick..woman said to Elijah"..bring my sins home to me..kill. My son"..He cried..'lord..may soul..come into I. God..

Paul says( Gal 1:11-19) says".. Good news..revelation of me..reveal His"

Lk(7:11-17)says" Nain..dead man..only son..he felt sorry..'Young man I tell U to get up'..began to walk.."

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