
Sunday 12 June 2016

Repentent Catholic (Sunday 12/6) - in summary


No one in this world is ideal. Every body will make mistakes. A positive moving person, always identify the mistake, and take account of the mistake, by not repeating the mistake in future life. Similarly we know, that, we cannot know 100 % outcome of any action. Only God knows. Also God has told us, when we surrender our will to HIS, we will lead a happy life. When we have to follow God, we have to follow HIS commandments: I.e 10 commandments and avoid 7 vices. Failure to adhere to commandments is sin. So sin will cause fear and sorrow to increase in our life. Catholism, is giving a clear process, how to reduce the effects of sin. I.e to remove guilt and reduce the punishment due to sin. Process given by Holy Trinity is REPENTANCE, CONFESSION and INDULGANCE. When you don't know what is sin, you don't know how to repent.

FIRST IDENTIFY WHAT IS YOUR SIN. THEN REPENT(really feel sorry), and determine not to repeat it.
Have confession with priest:

Sin is having 2 effects: (1) guilt of sin (2)punishment for the sin
After having confession, guilt of the sin is removed and then carry out indulgance process to reduce the punishment of sin

Summary of today's reading:

C. To days reading:

Samuel(2 S 12:7-10.13) Tells: prophet nathan lists david's sins; David response with sorrow & is forgiven.

 Paul(Gal 2:16.19-21)" summarizes his doctrine on justification.

Lk7:36-8:3 tells" a sinful women repent her past & washes jesus feet with her tears. her sins are forgiven.

From todays reading, we reflect 3 major facts

(1) Value of Repentance: be clear to identify your sin otherwise you tend to lead an animal life, without your knowledge.

(2) What make a person to repent?. Every holy mass, start with identifying your sin and repent,until you confess with Priest.

Or sudden misery happened to your life, for you to think, what are your sins.

(3) Effects of pardoning your Sins? More you are pardoned, more You will tend to do merciful actions for society on behalf of God.

Let us analyse in detail the value of repentance! Which lead you to develop wetting heart or awareness about U'r sins,and get it Pardoned from God.


Clearly identify your sin lead to Contrition that is guilt &sorry you feel for your Sinful actions  then U start repenting,feel sorry about your sins. Then go to a priest for confession. Here you should note clearly that Sorry for sins MUST be genuine, Priest will give everyone benefit of doubt,but no-one can fool God. PERFECT SORRY is when you are genuinely sorry as SINS OFFEND GOD. Imperfect Sorry is when you are  sorry as you fear pains of hell. Church believes either sorry will do;but PERFECT is obviously better. When you visit the doctor,you should explain symptoms before he diagnose problem &prescribe remedy. CONFESSION is like a spiritual check-up. Priest is  SPIRITUAL PHYSICIAN. Once you reveal your sins he will judge suitable penance(accd:Jn20:23).But only God judges if the person is truly sorry for his sins. Otherwise Sacrament will not work. You can FOOL PRIEST BUT NOT GOD. Effect of sin will increase fear/sorrow in life. God,thru' Catholic confession provides a beautiful rehabilitation path for us to lead a happy life.

Forgiveness of sin
- is what to day's liturgy is all about. Both David and the nameless women in Gospel were sinners. They have forgotten God and given into shameful self-indulgence. Why did they repent? BECAUSE GOD REFUSED TO FORGET THEM. God went after them,tracked them down,as a shepard tracks down lost sheep.
David came to his sense and repented and God forgives him. We don't know how the woman recognised her sinful condition and repented.
Her actions tell to the world, especially to Jesus, how she feels about her sinful past.

The Pharisee Simon, is the only one refuse to understand what has really happened."If this man is prophet,he would know who and what sort of woman this is that touches him. Jesus makes the Pharisee reluctantly admit that a person who receive the largest forgiveness of a debt has to be the most grateful. This gives another, point for us to understand. I.e. You should not brand anyone as Sinner. The judging will be done by God. HE can pardon any sins, hence we don't know whether the sinned person is actually in grace, after Pardoning or not. Next point is that, we cannot take the function of God. God is the ultimate judge. Let HIM judge whether the other person is n sin or not. We are not fit to judge.

Paul continues Jesus lesson: a person is not justified by legal observance or good work. The reason for God's acceptance and forgiveness is simply is God's living generosity and mercy. We can never have a claim on God. God has a claim on us, on our faith and gratitude and it is total.

1)In your life,you make mistakes either knowingly or you will get to know later;
2) Perhaps when you get misery in life, you tend to analyse whether you commit sins;

3)Since you BELIEVE IN 1LIFE,(no rebirths)you can clearly identify your SINS.(When & where it happened)Analyse what cause you to commit  sins;
4)For that you should know primarily how to apply 10 COMMDS,in your life;
5)Secondarily 7 VICES;
6)Identify your sin.Determine how to avoid in future & REPENT that your action has caused harm to yourself,Society &specially to God;

7)Go to PRIEST &have CONFESSION. Frequent confession means often you test your life,with understanding how to repent.

Repentance is one of major spiritual action that human has to cultivate. For that you should develop whole hearted actions. Normal humans tend to develop excuses. You find an excuse for not to do a thing (normally for ulterior motives or persona). Human use the word "Sorry", sometimes without real repentance! Whole hearted REPENTANCE will lead you to think honestly. Otherwise you are cheating your self. Without whole hearted Repentance, you cannot get anticipated benefit out of confession with a priest.


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