
Sunday 15 October 2017

28th Ordinary Sunday of Cycle 1 Suitable Catholic (15/10/2017) - in summary

High light

(1)Why others cannot understand Ur capability? Why others feel that Ur not suitable for this job?

(2)Why people feel that any job,they are suitable, when they have money earning capacity?

(3)Why U feel unsuitable people, messing around society,so that U find it difficult to live?

(4)Why,Too much power(not only political-when U get ur surrounding always say'yes' to U ) and too much money(when U hv money to spend for what U feel fit), U feel that U can advice anybody for their success?

(5)Who will identify Ur capability and suitability for a vocation?.Is it God?who is the ideal person for that?

(6)Why sunday mass is obligatory for only catholics?. Why U have to reflect before,the sunday readings?why daily Rosary is important for U. Is it God making U suitable to follow His Will?

(7)Why it took so many years to orgernise sunday missal? Pope pius introduced in 1530. Do U know about him?

Reflection for 15th october 2017, celebrating 28th Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to analyze how we make ourself suitable to follow God' will in our life? For that what church has done for you? Who is pope Pius V?Without suitability with God can you enjoy your life?

Free Will and God's Will

God created you to his image(free will) to lead a happy life,in this world as well as after your death.God will never forced your Free Will. Responsibility of using free will is entirely yours. Catholic has to follow God's will or surrender your will to HIM. What is the basic requirement to receive God's direction for you. Always have a peaceful mind. In order to do that you should be free with anger, sorrow and fear. How to control anger?, Judging others leading to Gossiping. Without your knowledge you develop silence anger in your body. If you are having an angry mind you cannot absorb others views. Anger will take you to many unwanted silly destinies, causing disharmony among your society, making you sick.

How to be free with fear and sorrow.

You should invite Holy Mary into your life by(1) wearing miraculous medal(2) reciting daily individual rosary. Then Holy Mary will intercede with God on behalf of your self to give you happiness, similar to cana wine. But remember, that you should follow 10 commandments, with a charitable heart, similar to water in Cana incident

When you are happy,(free of worries), God will direct His Will, towards you!.


Let analyse the relevance of HOLY MASS :

unlike other christian denominations, catholics have obligation to attend sunday Mass. If you deliberately miss Sunday Mass is a Major Sin. Why it is said so?.To get the knowledge of Jesus' teaching and practice it is a life long exercise. Human always forgets things. What you learn today,after a week, you retain only 40%, when the time goes without refreshing what you learn, after a year you will not have any knowledge.


You have scientific reason for the formation of a Day(earth rotate itself), a month(moon rotating right round of earth) and for a year(earth rotating round of sun). How a week is formed, no other reason than Eternal reasons!(God created world in 7 days) to at least review the Word of God weekly.


Like climbing a ladder, you should contemplate, specially sunday readings, to get the knowledge of Jesus' teaching!

Unfortunately, we confuse this knowledge what we learn from school. If you are a medical doctor, the biology you learned at school is not at all, sufficient enough to practice as a doctor. Similarly, the root less faith, that we learn and develop from school has to be further enhanced in every Sunday mass, with the readings given.


We are ever grateful to our catholic church in formulating and preparing sunday readings, in a orderly manner, which connects all sundays like a ladder, to get the full knowledge,about God.

But there is major difficulty of delivering Homily by the priest at the mass. Why ?, in the Mass attendees are of wide age groups. Hence delivering homily to suit for all the attendees is a challenge faced by priest.

Hence to understand about sunday readings one has to individually read and try to contemplate about the readings given in sunday Mass well ahead to Mass. This will help you to participate fully in Sunday Mass. Another difficulty find by the catholics are there is no way that his questions deriving from the readings can be answered. Modern social media systems has to be deployed to address this!.

Today' reading:

Prop isaiah (Is 25:6-10) says"The Lord will prepare a banquet and will wipe away tears from every cheek

Paul says to Philphnes(PH 4:12-14.19-20)"there is nothng that I cannot master with the help of the one who gives me strength"

Mt(22:1-14) says"invite everyone you can find for the weddng"

As readings implied Let us analyze, the


Holy mass is wedding banquet of God for us. At the mass HE gives us His body and Blood for us to be nourished. Eucharist is to digested into your body,not physically take it home.

Every sunday readings that is been contemplated is different from one sunday to another sunday. Catholic church has well organized in a uniform method to be implemented at each sunday, so that where ever you are following sunday mass, the readings that will contemplate is same,all over the world. All Readings are centered on the 3rd reading of Gospel. To support that there is 1st and 2 nd readings. 1 st reading tries to show the relationship to the gospel message from the old testament. 2 nd reading tries to show how the main message of gospel is being implemented, during the changeover period, Before Christ to after Christ Era. Hence each sunday you will have 3 categories of readings.

1st reading- generally from old testament

(2 nd reading- generally from new testament(apostolic letters etc, 3rd and most important is Gospel reading. This is called missal.

In 3 years all sets of readings will be completed and named year 1,2,3 readings respectively.

All these readings has been carefully prepared by the catholic church, for us to understand and easily contemplate of Jesus teaching and actions, to be implemented in our lives. For what? To lead a happy life with the direction of God.

(Note: daily mass readings covers in 2 years)

What is the value and relevance of sunday readings:

Food is one of basic needs of our life. Food is there for us to eat.(not to paste on your body) when you eat food, you enjoy its taste and you get nourishment to your body. Similarly if you don't contemplate the readings and see how to implement into your life, your just galloping the food without enjoying the taste. Similarly if you receive communion without the proper reflections of the readings, you are without the taste of the Jesus' message. The full benefit of Eucharist at a Holy Mass, you may not receive!.

Who pioneered of making readings at mass(missal)

We are ever grateful for the pioneers who formulated mass readings, specially on sundays,since it is obligatory.

Picture of pope pius V+sunday readings

Pope st Pius V

Pope St. Pius V (1504-1572),promulgated the 1570 edition of the Roman Missal, making it mandatory throughout the Latin rite of the Catholic Church, except where a Mass liturgy dating from before 1370 AD was in use. This "St. Pius V" form of the Mass remained essentially unchanged for 400 years until Pope Paul VI's revision of the Roman Missal in 1969–70. It is this form of the Mass that many today call "the old Latin Mass," or "the Tridentine Mass," or, since 2007, the "Extraordinary Form" of the Mass

St Pius V and Holy Rosary

Also, Pius V arranged for the formation of the Holy League, an alliance of Catholic states(Spain,Portugal and France), which defeated the Ottoman Empire(Turks) at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. Pius V attributed this victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and instituted the Feast of Our Lady of Victory on October 7. In 1573, Pope Gregory XIII changed the title of this feast-day to the "Feast of the Holy Rosary."

POPE ST PIUS V,the great dominican pope, WAS THE FATHER OF THE MODERN CATHOLIC CHURCH(counter reformation), WHO HAS PIONERED VERY PROMINENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SUCH AS MISSAL FOR MASS, RECITING ROSARY, very powerful tools to develop faith on jesus' teachings. Unfortunately these developments evolved after the formations of other christian denominations, so that the full benefit of these systems are properly harped by them is a question!.

Today, we don't have to analyze, the reasons for departing by other christians such as othodox,protestants or anglicans, since all of them follows the same scripture, old and new testaments, the new approaches made to contemplate more on Jesus sayings and actions, has to be considered in implementing, by any christian denomination to gather the full knowledge of Jesus' teachings!.

In conclusion:


Means appropriate for a particular person,purpose,or situation & is based on individual opinion.Therefore it is highly dependent on each individual& can be of physical &spiritual nature.We may think that another person?s dress/conduct is not suitable for a particular occasion. However, the most important factor is not physical attire but the inner feelings of love for the occasion.We may be dressed appropriate to an occasion, for example, the Sunday mass, but if we are not spiritually ?dressed? appropriately (harbouring no resentment/evil against anyone &having read the scripture beforehand), we may not be spiritually suitable to attend mass.Sunday mass reading were organised by Pope Pius V in 1530 &further improved by Vatican II council. Next Sunday, Jesus explain one of HIS 42 parables, on a person who was not wearing wedding garment. Today HE spoke mainly about spiritual suitability?

Hence before finding which action suitable for you or others action suitable for occasion, catholics should carry out action, to become suitable for God's will, then the all suitable actions you need to lead a happy life, automatically implemented by God thru you

Thank you


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