
Saturday 28 October 2017

30th Ordinary Sunday Human Catholic (29/10) - in summary

Reflection for 29th october 2017, celebrating 30th Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to analyze (1)what do you mean by love?(2)how to check Why you love?(3)what is human life? Whether you exist before to birth?(4)what is the difference between human and animal life?(5) Why catholics are against abortion?

Why certain other religions are against killing even animals?.

Human, are different to other living being such as animals and trees, where human can ogernise+develop the society. Your grand fathers pet dog is same to your dog now, where as you are using mobile phones/ internet where your grand father did not use.

Any organization will identify major 3 management parameters for them to operate and ultimately develop this society. They are Vision, mission and core values:

What is vision statement: is normally a one sentence statement describing the clear and inspiration long term desire of an organization.

What is mission statement: is a short statement of an organization purpose, identifying the scope its operation:

Core values are operating principles, that guide an organizational internal conduct,as well as the relationship with its customers/share holders.

These 3 are clearly identified by catholic church.

Our vision: God has created you according to HIS image to lead a happy lie

Our mission is to love God and love thy neighbor

Our core values is based on 7 ethics of Catholicism.

How Love became mission statement?

Jesus does not pluck His mission statement from air- he quotes from the Shema Yisrael, the great prayer in Judaism found in Deuteronomy 6. The second part about the love of neighbor is taken from Leviticus 18. This mission statement stands as resounding appeal to us today. We are asked not just to believe that there is a God, but to Love God. We are asked not just to respect our neighbor, but to love our neighbor. Love is not only the truth about human beings but also truth about God, who is Love Himself.

How you develop Love?

Gratitude leads to love. Don't confuse begging love with generous love that leads to thankfulness. Envy is the inability to rejoice in another's happiness.

The enemy of loving-kindness is attachment. At first, attachment may feel like love, but as it grows it clearly becomes more opposite.

How love become opposite -hate?

You may be carrying out actions out of love but why it end up with suffering?

The main reason may be that your love underlines the attachments which is specified in 7 vices;Anger,sloth, avarice,lust,envy,gluttony. pride. When you love a person to achieve one of these vices specially pride,lust, gluttony, avarice: without your knowledge this has become attachment for your love. Instead carrying out action for the love of God, when you carry out actions for the love of 7 vices, you end up with hate with others!.

We know vision-mission and co values will be identified only with human organization. Then without understanding what is human life How can we understand these important parameters

What is human life?

I don't have right to life because some human being or institution gave me that right-my parents or state!.I HV IT B'CAUSE I AM HUMAN. Because I am ME. U hv it b'cause U are U!. It is God's given thing & it is given equally to all of us!it is fundamental right that enable us to be. Right to life extends to child in the womb, B'cause that is the place where human life begins. Finish me off there & U finish me off every where. People sometimes think of the foetus in the womb as if it were only a thing. IT IS A THING THAT MAKES U,U!when we talk about foetus in the womb, we are not talking about a potential human being, but a human being with POTENTIAL. We are not human because we are born. We are human before we are born!. Like all innocent human beings,like civilians in wartime,the child in the womb has right not to be directly attacked!. U see unborn are unseen,unheard & defenceless. They are not organized pressure group or a vocal minority! They depend for their very survival, like little babies,on our absolute respect for life. INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED!

Church "yes" to life includes a call for human freedom, for adequate education, for proper living conditions, for greater distribution of wealth for the protection of environment so forth. Our "yes" to life, must encompass the rights ad needs not just for the child in the womb, but of the whole person!. All of this is what loving the neighbor means!.

In the modern era, abortion is major topic that is address. Sometimes you may think why we should allow a baby, which is of no use,and which you feel,if he is born he will suffer you try to abort the child?

Let see the practicality of this!

Catholic vision statement is that God has created you to lead a happy life. For that you have to follow the mission statement of love.

Nick Vujicic, a 36 year young man without limbs(arms or legs) (married with 2child), in his book(2014) STAND STRONG summarize the following(page 38)

# ONCE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND FEEL SECURE ABOUT YOURSELF, NO BULLY CAN MAKE YOU FEEL INSECURE OR STEAL YOUR JOY(to feel secure, you should know how to hand over your fear and sorrow through your spiritual friends to God)




If the right to life is denied, civilization goes out of the window. Church is not just against abortion. She is positively & emphatically PRO-LIFE. Church says "YES" to life & not just to bare human existence but to the quality & dignity of human life. The struggle for justice and work for mercy is church’s mission. Church has never taught the life of child must be preferred over the life of mother, where mothers’ life is "priceless" in itself!

Todays readings:

Book of exodus says(Ex 22:20-26)" if you are harsh with the widow,the

anger will flare against you" Paul says to thessolonios (1 Th 1:5-10)"you broke with idolatry and become servant of God, you are now waiting fr his son".Mt22:34-40 says"..You must love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself",

All readings sums up the mission statement of Jesus message LOVE. Always remember to achieve the mission statement there are associated actions to follow. Without following the laid down actions your Love become mere word, not achieving the purpose of living- Vision statement given by Catholicism!

Today, we have been clearly reminded about our Mission statement- LOVE. How do you realise whether God loves you and you love God. You should be able visualize both in your life. When you realize this, you cannot keep silent, you have to tell your neighbor, God is good!

Then you can start loving your neighbor!


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High light:

(1)Why science cannot make artificial air/blood?.Why science cannot control climate?

(2)U think Ur life is from birth to death. But why most of religion says Ur life is having before birth/birth to death/after death,periods?.Is it true for catholics?

(3)Ur life is valuable & sacred for U!,which involves before & after birth too.why we say"WE ARE HUMAN BEFORE WE ARE BORN"?.U started Ur life- Ur mothers womb-UNSEEN,UNHEARD & DEFENCELESS!.Do U like to attack defenseless human?

(4)Why U like to protect animals without protecting humans?

(5) As a human U enjoy Ur life,better than animal. When U support love thy neighbor,can U support destroying an innocent human life, since unborn children cannot form their union?

(6)Do U love children, though they cannot voice their requirements? Can U attack them as useless? Do U know Nick Vujicic,a 36 year young man without limbs(arms or legs) (married with 1 child)?

(7) Have U become human after Ur birth or before?

If the right to innocent human life is denied, civilisation goes out of the window. Church is not just against abortion. She is +vely & emphatically PRO-LIFE. Church says "YES" to life-& not just to bare human existence but to the quality & dignity of human life. The struggle for justice is church mission. Also work of mercy too her mission! Church has never taught the life of child must be preferred to life of mother,where mothers life is "price less" in itself!.

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