
Sunday 1 October 2017

Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:25 Date: 24/9/2017 Self Made Catholic - in detail

High light
(1) Why Jesus says"HE is generous?"Is HE a poor Employer, discriminating employees?.
(2) What is your purpose of living? Is it to be happy in this life? Or is it to collect money,power and desires?.
(3) When you addict to work bound cravings, are you going to take it after your death?. Why Catholicism show you the easy path to be happy now and after death?
(4) What do you mean by addiction?. How to develop wisdom? From wisdom,how you will be happy even during this life?
(5) God has  created you to lead a happy life
To enjoy God assured happiness, what you should you do?
(6)Why God is showing about vineyard owner,hiring workers,at different times? Similarly you may be church going but have you identify what God'(hiring) want you to do?
(7)You are born with talents, how to convert that talents to skills, attitudes and energy?do you need God's support for that?

Pl listen for 8 minutes!

Reflection for 24th september 2017, celebrating 25th Sunday of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church invite us to
Analyze:(1)what the purpose of your living?
(2)When you live, why you go for insurance?
(3)What is the best insurance policy Catholicism is providing you (3) are you self made?(4) what is the purpose of time?

If anybody ask you what the purpose of living? What is your answer?.
Answer has to be you are living to lead a happy life.  You have 2 options to achieve that. One is without support of any person or with following God's will.
You know, you cannot liver alone, you are interdependent to the society. Even you opted to lead your life independently, you will become dependent to the society.
You cannot organize your basic needs without the support of others. When you are sick, you need doctor,  a loaf of bread on your table is a result of coordinated work by many people. So even when you think to be independent, you become interdependent.
On the other hand, any of your actions, you don't know 100% out come.  You are driving to meet your friend,but instead of meeting your friend you may end up in a hospital, by meeting with an accident in between. 2nd point is uncertainty of your anticipated out puts. Though you are trying to be independent, you are powerless. In an interdependent society when the other person does not support you, you become help less. When you ask a person to come, if he comes you are happy, but he refuse to come you become help less.
How to become self made under this scenario?
When you follow catholic principle it is easy and most practical way to achieve. Catholic understand and believe" God has created every human, to lead a happy life in this world, for that know who is your God and follow what HE asked you to do?. How to get instruction from invisible God?.

Due to uncertainty of life, ie you don't know at what time you will fall sick and you don't know at what time you will meet with an accident people normally go for insurance schemes. What is insurance?

 insurance Means arrangement with company in which you pay them money(premium)each year &they pay cost of anything bad happens to U,(illness/accident).God has created you to lead a happy life,for that you have to follow His rules &follow His Will, similar to premium of insurance.

Peter went on to preach good news of equal access to God to formerly shunned gentiles. No other person called to go to"unclean"gentles before with such good news. Peter eventually was crucified for his work. In difference to Jesus it is said,he asked to be crucified upside down. This request came from man whom every one but Jesus called"THE FLAKY ONE".Peter trust God Insurance of Happiness. God's premium is for you to convert your talent to energy,for that bonus of Eucharist is given.

As much U desire independence& take pride in stretching your wings,you want to know that someone is watching& cares about every move you make. THERE IS A NET UNDER BAPTISED PERSON! This is what God's insurance.

Are you self made?

Self Made person
can be born poor or disadvantaged, but have achieved success through hard work &ingenuity rather than by inheritance,fortune,family connections,or other privileges. Such people always make their own way without help from welfare or other means.

When we are baptized,we become God's Children,despite our financial situation(rich/poor).As Catholics, when we follow HIS WILL, God assures our Happiness, independent of time. There is no fixed time(even though we're baptized)to understand who Jesus is &follow HIS WiLL. Even a murderer who had repented &confessed with a priest will be subjected to God's grace,although it takes place at a later time,to enjoy the same happiness other 'good' people experienced. There is no time dimension after our death&that is why a corpse does not wear any wrist watch! Today Jesus talk about what is happiness &what you should  do to get that(work). He take example of your work?

Todays reading:
Prophet Issaiah (Is 55:6-9) says" my thoughts Are not your thoughts"

Paul says to PhilppiAns(Ph:1:20-24.27)"life to me is Christ"

Mt 20:1-16 says" why be envious because I am generous"

Reflect: the 42 parables in the Gospels are designed to take us up short and make us think again. Today's parable is a good example. The action of the employer and the treatment of the workers simply would not work today as a labour relation strategy and would also not have worked in the time of Jesus. And what is the point? Really that it does not matter when we come to the Gospel,early,middle or late by route direct or circuitous, in full stride or falteringly: all that matters is that we come to the Gospel. Achievements counts for nothing: grace is everything: thanks be to God!

There are no 2 persons in this world is similar to their physical and mental talents.
Every human in this world is born with at least with one talent. Talent has to be converted to skills,by repeated practices. Then you gain knowledge on that subject.
You will disseminate knowledge to society thru' Hard work. Finally you develop good attitude. YOU CAN ALTER YOUR LIFE BY ALTERING U'r ATTITUDES.

Assuming each letter in alphabet has a value equals to its sequence:A=1,B=2..Z=26etc.TALENT =72,SKILLS=82,KNOWLEDGE=96,HARD WORK=98,ATTITUDE=100.

Your attitude, will become thoughts; Your thoughts will become words,your word will become actions,your actions,will become HABBIT. It will become your personality. Right attitude produce right actions.When you know your talent is given by God,U develop all steps above for LOVE OF GOD=101;Hence ATTITUDE with LOVE OF GOD will put you top,while hard work&knowledge will get you closer,today you reflect to develop on attitude &generosity,for U'r own happiness?

One talent can generate many more skills
CORRECT ATTITUDE OF PEOPLE IS VITAL,FOR A DEVELOPMENT OF ANY COUNTRY!.when you are lazy+ you always get angry, you cannot convert your Talent to skills. More you develop your skills,you get knowledge of that subject.(Avoid pride+Egotism). With the correct knowledge, work hard for the society, for LOVE OF GOD,for correct ATTITUDE to enjoy wisdom+generosity of U'r Life.

When you develop energy we hAve to be careful about addictions

Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine,nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling,sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continuation of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary responsibilities
and concerns, such as work, relationships,
or"health"People who have developed an addiction may not be aware that
their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.

But we have to be careful about christian addictions: ie addiction to 7 vices: sloth,anger,pride,avarice,envy,Glutony. When you are not following God's Will,you are easily attracted to these vices. You will not become aware that you are addicted to these vices which will undermine to pardon and respect others!

God's ways are not our ways. We judge by human standards. If we want our judgment to be right ones,then we are to pray for guidance so that we may always judge generously. God reward everyone indivdually., according to God's judgement not ours. We are called to be see peoples thru' God's eye!

Thank you

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