
Sunday 4 February 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary(1) Sunday No:3 Date 21/1/2018 - Double Repented Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1) In order to make it' citizens to live happily and enjoy freedom,Government's will make laws and implement it. Why U need religious laws?what is the difference between these two?
(2)To enjoy freedom, why Government is having,POLICE,JUDCIARY? Why cannot police decide, whether the person is guilty or not?
(3)Why it is sin,when U think of breaking religious law?,but not an offense in the Government law, since police cannot find out what U think. Why there is a difference?
(4)Why Jonah,the prophet lived in 8(BCD),did not follow God's will?. How God's message passed thu' him to save Ninehev people?
(5)Why Jonah pass God's message to repent with an ulterior motive of destroying Nineveh people?.
(6) You can repent for loosing a sin(earth bound) or losing grace with God?.most difficult sin to repent with God is fornication & receive worship from others! Why?
(7)Why U'll follow only Government law, when U forget, God has created U & relax sin like fornication & worship other than God?

Major problem to lose grace with God is relaxation or bending the teachings given by Jesus to suit for Ur own convenience. Such 2 sins are fornication+receiving worship from other(others will bow down to U, their forehead to ground). When U pray rosary, holy mary will intercede with God, to compel U to avoid such sins. Like Jonah U might be not happy about the outcome. Pl clear about what God says and be thankful to God in safe guarding U.
Pl listen:

Reflection for 21st January 2018, celebrating 3rd Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to analyze, about (1)how you repent of loosing sins like fornication or worship of elders,rather thanking God, in pushing you to get rid of those sins(2)God's mercy is not only for catholics but for all humans, hence as catholic, we don't have superiority With others!.

Prophet Jonah's character shows us an important behevior of human life.

Who is Jonah

He was a hot tempered prophet living in 8th century B.C.E. God told him to go to Assyrian capital of Nineveh to declare that God will destroy it for its many sins. Nineveh people were enemies of Israel. Jonah did every thing he could to escape the task,instead of traveling east he hired a boat to west. God send violent storm which threatens to destroy the ship. Eventually he admits to sailors that he is to blame for the storm,& if they want to survive,throw him to sea. sailors not wanting to throw him, try row towards shore,but this fails,so he was thrown in to sea. In the middle of ocean he begins to sink & cries out to God.

God sent a whale to swallow Jonah to save him from drowning. While in the Whale's belly, Jonah prayed for God's help,repented & praised God.

After 3 days Jonah was vomited to a dry land,& God repeats HIS command to go to ninevah, which he heeds & told them within 40 days their city is destroyed,if they don't repent for their sins. Rather than killing  Jonah, nineveh people repented.
God forgave them for their many sins & saved them. But Jonah wanted to see that they were destroyed,rather than they repent and saved.

In anger he said to God" I knew UR gracious & merciful God,slow to anger & abounding in loving kindness & repenting of evil"(jonah 4:2)
Bible use these words to praise God, but Jonah used to accuse God!.

 Jonah now was angry, as God didn't destroy Nineveh. God provided him wine to give him shade against hot sun, but next day HE sent a worm to eat the plant. Jonah now sat in the hot sun, complaining & wanting to die. God scolded him,for being so concerned & worried about just a plant,but not saving 120K Nineveh people!

What Jonah's story tell us two important factors of Christianity !

Jonah's story gives us a good message. He cares more about seeing people, get what is coming to them than seeing them turn from their wrong ways & receive forgiveness. God is not like Jonah. HE wants to show mercy. If Jonah can care about a plant, that he neither created nor planted, can't God care about HIS creation by extending mercy rather than judgement!
Only thing is that U have to believe that U are HIS creation!

Secondly, Jonah was a prophet, like confirmed catholics, where we are suppose to carry out Gd's Will. Sailors and Nineveh people not suppose to do that. Here it shows non catholics show mercy towards Jonah, first not thowing to sea, by sailors, ince they tred to Ave Jonah, secondly, Nineveh, people followed God. This shows that catholics doe not have any superorty over others. God's mercy for all humans. When as catholic,if you have wrong idea's which goes aganst God's Will, specially bending sns aganst 10 commandments, such as fornication, worshiping others,taking revange like Jonah, we Will become inferior to non catholics,and those non Catholics, who followed God's will like Nineveh people are saved and lead their life happily.
When you believe that you have been created by God to lead a happy life, then you are supposed to follow HIS commandments, which lead you to identify God's will to you!. You cannot dictate terms what God has to do, according to your will.

Escaping from sins!
Always freedom is subject to law. Also, always human is interdependent to a society for living. This leads in establishing Government laws to have a hamoniopus life to lead. Since I cannt read your mind, and no body except God can do that, always enforcement of Government laws, involve another 2 perons. (1) police, suspect that you are going against law and (2) prduce before a judge, for him to decide whether you have broken the ule. This process iks the only way, that civilized society can adopt.
In contrary, when you accept that God created you, and God knows about your thinking and every action, when you against God, you are supposed to intervene with God, to crrect your self. Holy Spirit has provided the process of confession r you to get pardon for your sin. This process mainly involved you and God, priest become a intervene to help you, how to identify our sin and how to escape particular sins, in future, in your life!. No priest have ever declared about any sins that he heard!. Hence breaking of religious law is treated between you and God, strictly confidential to you!.

Due to earth bound cravings, certain sins uch as fornication or worshiping people other than God, become easily attracted to human's life. Thee sins doe not much influence the government law.   
But when you pray, rosary, holy mary will intervene with God, to push you out of your sin. It is like you go for a medical heck up, doctors found that there is an unwanted growth in your stomach, surgeon, will remove that Without hurting you(under anesthesia). Though there is a difficult for you to undergo your operation, you become happy of get rid of your abbess.
But only difference to this operation with operation of holy mary or saints with help of God is, you may not be happy to lose your sin. Like jonah in this story. You may repent due to losing your sin, but not identiy the situation, that you become grace with the God. But when you keep on praying Roary, you will later see, what has happend I for your own happiness!. That is what we have to get the message from Jonah.

Today's reading:

Prophet Jonah says(Jon3:1-5.10) says" the people of Ninehev renounce their evil behavior

Paul says"the world as we know it is passing away.

Mk(1:14-20) says"Repent and believe the good news.

Today's reading allow us to reflect:

To protect human rights &freedom, Governments implement laws. What is the difference between government &religious laws? Police cannot give a verdict of guilty. To ensure a fair trial, each case have to go through a judiciary. Breaking religious laws is termed “sinning” but might not necessarily be breaking the government law. Why did Jonah pass God's call (to Nineveh to repent) with an ulterior motive of destroying Nineveh? Even we could lead lives fully abiding by both government &religious laws but have empty hearts, like the rich young man who fully abided by God’s law but did not want to give his money to the poor. Jesus preached that tax collectors &prostitutes go to heaven, which implies that the key to a full life in God is repentance &loving others without any reservation or ulterior motive.

In conclusion:

1)though Jonah was not genuine,his teaching,make sinful Nineveh people to repent &saved
(2)confirmed catholic can be a prophet to follow God's will
(3)Since nineveh are enemies of isreal,Jonah,went entirely opposite direction to God's will,like fornication+worship elders
(4)but God make Jonah to save Nineveh people,like ur preaching about Jesus will save others
(5)God's ask U to follow 10 comms+but craving for ur sins,will lead U entirely opposite direction to God
(6)when God make U to get rid of ur sin,through a process like Jonah{thrown into water/inside belly of whale,expose to hot sun},U repent of losing ur sin.
(7)Sin can be either physical/mental.Unlike Jonah,U should praise God in pushing U to get rid of Ur sin.

Finally today, it how's that you don't have any superiority over other religious people,with regard to following the God's Will. There is much good in people who are not members of the church. It is time for us to overcome our attitudes of superiority over other denominations,pretending that we have all truth, a monopoly on all goodness. Hence while we have to be clear about how to implement God's will, we should respect all other religions!

Thank you

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