
Sunday 4 February 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary(1) Sunday No:4 Date 28/1/2018 - Prophetic Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1)Our living World is much different from place to place. Why God has created so much differences?
(2)No 2 persons Will have same characteristics. Why all of them having different vocations?
(3)When Uk works,Australia sleep. Why there is no uniformity about timing?. Why God created a dynamic world rather than static?
(4) Why a human need 6 basic elements for him to live?(Earth,water,air, sunlight,fire & food). Basic element means Without that you cannot live(U'll die). Why food has to be earned & sex is not become a basic element?
(5)Why a priest should not marry, if he need to hear the confession of others? Why catholic should be aware about 10 comms and how to apply those into his life?
(6)Why worship only to God is important for catholics?.
(7)Why human is having 2 legs, While animal is having 4 legs?. Human back borne is vertical, while animal is horizontal!.If married & if they cannot have unison in action, will there life becoming like a animal?(Animal cannot carry out actions for a purpose!.
Pl listen:

Robo's cannot walk like humans. They walk like having a single leg and slip thru ground. Human cannot walk like robo!. One leg to the ground while other leg off the ground. Without Ur knowledge U balance Ur body. Walking resembles our living too. How to balance earth bound cravings to spirituality.  When U forget, to carryout God's will in Ur life,Ur spirituality lost & U life become ut of balance. That is why moses say next sunday, without spirituality,Ur not worth for living!

Reflection for 28th January 2018, celebrating 4th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to analyze, about (1) major categories of human living in this World
(2)what are their major functions with respect to God's will
(3) what are the major activities a catholic life rest in

First we will analyze the major activities a catholic life is rest in?

Catholics have to first follow the 10 commandments, avoid 7 vices, thern practice pardoning and love.
Like you check your vehicle for oil+water and do servicing at a regular interval, catholic have to devote time to check whether we go against to the commandments given. Hence one should be very clear about the commAndment to see whether he go against to the commandments. Due to earth bound cravings and due to the dynamic life an human has to lead, this has become very essential to reflect, that is why every mass, Catholics were remembering where they have gone against to this law. When you grow old, you try to lead a life, which is suitable and convenient to you. There is no harm in doing that,if you clear about lAws and keep these laws as a watch dog in your life. Hence you justify your living and form your own habits. This leads to conditioned your mind towards the actions you follow. Sometimes this conditioning may allow you to think some wrong actions which God has asked you not to do. 2 such things are worship and fornication.
1st commAndments requires that you should worship only God. But most of developing countries, idea has been grown, that the living God's at home is your parent. It is true that parents main responsibility is look after their children. But if parents forget that their children are the gifts of God, since they don't know at whAt time the baby has been created, but only thing they knoW is male sperm and woman egg has been instrumental in creating baby. Hence they don't deserve to be worshiped, but worship has to be only God, since HE is the one who decided when a baby to be created and how to introduce that baby to society.

Parents responsibility is to maintain their children so that they should be trained  their children, to follow God's will, once they become adults.
There are 3 types of adults. Single/ married and priests. Hence there are 3 main types o broad vocations for each category.
But these categories are broadly lead their life, about how sex is being applied in their life.
Is sex is basic need to live?
What are the basic needs for a human live?
He should have earth to live. He cannot live in moon he will float. He should have water to drink, 75% of your body consist of water. When you work water deplete, hence always you need to refill water. You need food to eat. When you eat, it converted to blood and blood will circulate in your body for you to live and be dynamic. Without food maximum of 5 days you can live, otherwise you die with starvation. You need air to breath. Your body is always pumping blood throughout in your body, mixing with oxygen. How do you get oxygen? From the air you breath. Air will be filtered from your nose to avoid dust to g into your lungs. Then air is purified to extrat oxgen to mix with blood by your lung. So lung will oxygenated your blood, so that your actual liveliness is depend upon your blood With oxygen. When you analyze your Air is God's gift for you, as nobody can produce air , even science cannot do: and you food you have earn, eat it (taste it digest it by yourself(tie a loaf of bread in to thigh will not produce blood or energy for you, you have to eat and taste. So your actual living is a combination of God with you. Making blood and circulating.
Finally you need sunlight to live, why?
Sun light gives you light to lead your life. You cannot live in a dark room without light!
So now you have identified 5 bAic elements that we should need for us to live. Ie earth, water, air, sunlight and food.
In life, you need another basic element that is fire. With fire, you can be warmed or you can cook a good dish. With fire you can kill another person. Have you seen any animal using fire? To live? No.
So fire is an additional element which human needs!. This is equivalent to your mind.

So number of basic element that you need to live is become 6, without these you will die.
Under these scenario, where sex comes, it is to maintain the generations, and it is not an basic element for you to live. Without sex you will not die.
You can conditioned anything that you need, for your living, but When you analyze only you can easily find out what are the basic elements you need.
So that is Why there 3 categories of people in this world, single/married/ priest they openly declares that their whole life is devoted for the God!.
Though all other 2 categories single and married they have additional function, while managing their life, they have to follow God's will.
Due to earth bound cravings all these 3 lives are become challenge for them to lead their life hAppily.
While single/priestly life you can carry out your actions independent to others(where decision making is easy) while marred life you always depends upon other partner for decision making and sometimes you don't know who is correct, when there is a difference of opinion!.
So when a human follow's God's Will, maried person will have 2 persons to listen: your other partner and God!. You need saints support to do that

So in the eyes of God, it appears to follow God's will for each category may have it's own challenges!

Let analyze how church has undergone in history the application of each category of human!

Early church,other than most of apostles, all priest were unmarried.In11th Century, Pope Gregory VII made this practice the law.
When a priest is married &hear confessions,he'll have a problem regarding confidentiality.
In1517 with formation of Protestants by Martin Luther,Celibacy of clergy was1st to go out. Luther (former) catholic monk, married(former) catholic nun.
Then with them,Sacrament of confession practiced by Catholic Church,also was discarded since their priests were allowed to marry.
 John20:23 talks about confession, followed by Catholic Church;"IF U FORGIVE ANYONES SINS,THEIR SINS ARE FORGIVEN"Main slogan in Christianity is God will forgive sins. What is the process we should follow to attain this? Holy Spirit has given us sacrament of confession.

Catholic confession - priest will not identify the penitent (person confessing). In 1393, St John Nepomuceno was drown in a river by King Wenceslaus IV, for not revealing his wife’s confessional sins. Over 2000 yrs, many priest have left priesthood (like Luther. Main reason: problems in church, but underlying marriage/vice versa?) But none of them have ever revealed the secrets they knew, hearing from confessions. Showing the great sign of power of Holy Spirit protecting DIGNITY& SANTITY of Sacrament of penance!

So christian life is mainly pin on 2 actions: one is confession, other one is receving holy Eucharist-(heavenly nourishment provided to catholics, which is equivalent to food) withut food you cannot survive for a long period, similarly for heavenly reasons, holy Eucharist is provided to you!

Today's reading:

deuteronomy (Dt18:15-20) says" I will raise up a prophet I will put my words into his mouth"
Paul(1 cor 7:32-35)" an un married can devote himself to the lords affairs,all she need is to worry about been Holy."
Mk 1:21-28 says"HE taught them with authority"

Who is prophet?
Prophet in Hebrew scripture, is not mainly a person who predicts the future.Rather the heart of his role is that he speaks the WORD OF GOD for today.Many of the great prophets took on their role with great reluctance.What drove them on was the power of the word of the lord, which they were urged to proclaim.In many cases it meant adopting an unpopular stance,particularly at a time when things were going well.In times of crisis,it often involved giving people a word of consolation.Why today  Moses say,if a PROPHET PRESUMES TO SAY A THING IN MY NAME I HV NOT COMMANDED HIM TO SAY,OR SPEAKS IN THE NAME OF OTHER GOD's, THE PROPHET SHALL DIE?&

Pope Francis&Confession
After Adam&Eve disobeye,God asked Adam why?he said"WOMEN WHOM U GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT& I ATE"means-Adam not only blames women,but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom U gave me"Similarly if U'r not going for confession,U lead a dictatorial life without knowledge,always U hv reasons for doing wrong!(Same ADAM).Pope,As bishop,conducted spiritual seminars in outside convent,so he travel by train.As schedule time near,he went to church for small prayer.As He was leaving young man under influence of drug,who appeared to be psychologically disturbed request him to hear confession.He told"Soon priest will arrive &he can confess to him".But He felt tremendous shame& went back to hear his confession.Finally he went to station thinking that he has missed train but it has delayed!.He says"If I don't confess,tomorrow I cannot celebrate mass.."U?
Robots cannot walk like humans. Humans cannot walk like robots. One leg to the ground while other leg off the ground. Without our knowledge we balance our body. Walking resembles our living too. How can we balance earth bound cravings &spirituality? When we forget to carry out God's will in life,our spirituality will be lost & life goes out of balance. That is why Moses say next Sunday, without spirituality, it is not worth living!

Today paul reminded us about main categories of humans ie single/married & celibacy life. Each human is assigned different vocation/responsibilities by God.But when U believe God has created U,U'r supposed to follow HIS commandments &WORSHIP only HIM. Whom do U worship? God/elders?

Great Socraties said" unaware life is not worth for living" and today moses reminded us, we have to be aware what God asked
Us to do? Otherwise we cannot lead a happy life, as HE promised!
Thank you

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