
Monday 12 February 2018

Cycle 2: Season: Ordinary(1) Sunday No:6 Date 11/2/2018 - Affectionate Catholics - in detail

High light
(1)When Ur with sin, is it similar that(Ur soul) to be sick with leprosy?.
(2)Now U get medicine to cure leprosy. But do U hv medicine to cure the leprosy in your soul?
(3)So long U don't treat leproshy in your soul, without Ur knowledge, are U spreading leprosy to others?
(4)Why Holy spirit has introduced, confession with a priest, to clear Ur soul leprosy?
(5)Why no priest(whether he left)ever told about any sins of what he heard in confession?.(He is sure about the consequences). When a priest get married, can he hear confession of others? Why?
(6)Before to Jesus,why confession was not there?
(7)After confession, why U can lead an affectionate life, without leprosy?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 11th feb 2018, celebrating 6th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 2.Today church invite us to analyze, about (1)our sinfulness (2) without admitting and get it cleared our sins, how we set examples for others to sin(3) consequences of forgetting the value of confession(4) why confession was not instituted before Jesus?

Affectionate means feeling or liking for a person or you show your love or fondness for another person,in the way that you behave towards them. Catholic has to lead an affectionate life, why it' main slogan is love others. Sometimes we extend our sins to set an example for others. Why? When we don't
Know what is sin, we start boasting about sins with others. When U sin, you are not friendly with God. When you are not friendly with HIM, how can HE guaeentee your happiness?. So first we have to identify sin, then carry out treatment for sins. This is main underlining function of Christianity. Treatment is confession laid by Holy Spirit.

Value of confession for social upliftment

Confession is the most difficult & most beneficial ritual in Catholicism. Absolution of Sins during this life is considered one of the major characteristics in Christianity, which is different to many other religions!. Sins are not common for all the religions. Going against the basic rules of the religion(10 commandments) is brand as Sin. The out come of Sins are common & identified as the unhappiness of your life. Example of confession: I have stolen money from my fathers pocket as a schoolboy. Now I see my son, who is a student is stealing from my pocket!. I have to advice him, one of the following ways.(1) son, I hv stolen from my father's pocket, But it is wrong, now u don't steal from my pocket!(2) I have'nt stolen, at any time, don't steal!
 Advice (1) is not suitable for the student, he might multiply the stealing advice(2) can be given by catholics, after the confession, where he has no intention to steal again!

Back ground of Catholic confession


Clearly talks about confession, followed by catholic church;

Who is this you?: 'you' is Catholic priest!.

Catholic priest are having powers to give the following 7 sacraments.
Baptism,confirmation(only by Bishop),holy Eucharist, Confession, anointing sick, matrimony,:Holy orders(only by bishops)

Gospel says:


Who is this you?: 'you' is Catholic priest!
Catholic priest does not have infallibility, only pope is having,as directed by Holy Spirit.

What is Catholic Confession?
How to lead your life with confession?

You have to
(1)be really sorry about your sinful act+
(2)determine not to repeat+
(3) forgive sinners, who has sinned against you+
(4)confess to a catholic priest
(5)follow his instruction, to clear your sin!, are the primary conditioned needed to have a proper confession.
(6)Once you have completed the confession, you have to forget about your sinful act, and lead your life,as that sinful act that you have not done! and carry out indulgence activities to remove the stains of sins!


(7)Finally for you to be happy,as guaranteed by God, follow 7 vices+church rules+if you are married-maintain your children(if you are a priest-always ready to provide 7 sacraments)

Catholic confession and civil law

Catholic confession is a strictly confidential matter, between the Penitent and Priest. No body can divulged any sins to any body. Priest will not identify who is the penitent. There is no abiding with spiritual forgiveness to civil punishments. These 2 are mutually exclusive. Civil law will maintain peace of Society, while confession maintain, spiritual peace internal to you.

Back ground of secrecy!

In 1393, St john Neomucene(saint of confession) was drown in a river,by king Wenceslaus IV,for not revealing his wife's confessional sins.

Up to now, over 2000 years,many priest have left priest hood.but non of them have ever revealed the secrets,they knew,hearing from confession!-showing the great sign of power of Holy Spirit protecting DIGNITY& SANTITY of Sacrament of penance!

Why Catholic priest Cannot Marry?
When you are married, you both become 2 in 1. Gospel says
When Priest get married, can he hear other peoples sins?. Can he keep the confidentiality?
It will be difficult to manage both home and church.

From history of church

Early church,other than most of apostles,all priest were unmarried. Next 1000 yrs,this practice has became law by pope Gregory VII,(in11 Century).

In 16th Century,With formation of Protestants by luther,Celibacy of clergy is1st to go out-Luther,(former)catholic monk,married(former) catholic nun. Then with them,Sacrament of confession practiced by catholic church,also went out, since their priest are allowed to marry!.

This is the reason:

What are the basic features of Catholic confession?

Under what circumstances you can forget your sin, after the confession?

About confession from Holy scripture:
(1) Joshua(Jos 5:9-12) says"- 'LORD to Joshua ?I've taken shame away from U/They had no more manna'

Paul(2 cor 5:17-2) says 'In Christ,there are new creations. We are ambassadors for Christ'.

Lk15:1-3:11-32-Parable of Prodigal Son/Man with2sons/younger son went away/wasted all money on a life of sin/ate pigs food/realised his father's servants hv more food/Went home/his father kissed him/father celebrated with a feast/Elder son heard music&dancing/was angry.

(1)You tend to be church going,following all ethics & hand washing your Sins(without going to a priest)like elder brother(who thought he is sin less because he is with father)


(2)careless about sins,all of sudden,you feel trouble in your life &need God then go for confession!like younger brother.

 Your life is swinging from these 2states.

Avoid hand washing sins,direct with God,which dilute,depth of your sin&in long run, you will  end up with easy life,only by having Eucharist,without difficult confession,but NO HAPPINESS!

(2)You can see, more about confession on 5th sunday readings, cycle 3: which summarizes as below:

Isaiah(Is 43:16-21) says"
–‘No need to recall the past’ says the Lord.

Paul Phil(3:8-14) says" says "I no longer try for perfection by my efforts/only the perfection through faith/I forget past."

JN(8:1-11) says "To test Jesus they said ‘Master, this woman/caught in-adultery/Law of Moses condemns her/death by stoning/Jesus said ‘who hasn’t sinned, can throw 1st stone’/they went away/Jesus said ‘Neither I condemn U/don't sin anymore”.

Basic magical factor in Catholicism,with sacrament of confession
(1)nullify effect of sin
(2)You can forget the sinful act.

Paul& Augustin set examples,to show us,that, when you know,your sins are forgiven,you can forget it & progress your life happily,as if you have not done that sin.

Today readings it clearly shows, that sin in effect is like leprosy in your soul. If you don't clean it, you might set examples others to do sins and your sinfullness, you try to conditioned yourself as no sins with you!

Todays reading:

Book of leviticus(Lv 13:1-2.44-46) says"The leper must live apart. He must live outside the camp.

Paul(1 cor10:31-11:1) says" Take me for your model,as I take Christ

Mk(1:40-45) says"The leprosy left him at once and he was cured"

Your life moving from unclean to clean, like the person who was cured by Jesus. When you are unclean, you admit that you have sinned, the by jesus teaching and practically applying confession, you become clean. Think about the right hand side of thief in Golgotha, He admitted that his sinfulness,and Jesus showed that He will be in heaven with HIM. This is the basic theory of Christianity.
All 3 readings sums up to this basic message.

In conclusion: we know before to Jesus, there were no confessions, since God was direct
and God will tell you whether you are wrong but after Jesus, you have option to follow HIM or Not and you, yourself has to identify whether you are wrong or not!. This is the modern challenge!.

Thank you!

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