
Sunday 10 June 2018

10th Ordinary Sunday Receptive Catholic (10-6) - in summary

High light:

(1) Every person think that he is correct. But why people are not receptive? What do you mean by receptiveness?(Accommodate new ideas!)

(2)When Jesus, mother & relation visit HIM. Why HE didn't recognize them? Why HE told U & I are his relations? Was Mary receptive to Jesus saying?.she should hv been the most affected person,at that occasion. Has she clearly identify the difference between relation and receptiveness?.

(3)As catholic U hv relationship with God, But are U receptive to God? For that what U should do?

(4)Mary, who holds Jesus in her Body,did not get angry for Jesus saying? Why? Why her blood is cool+her plasma didnot get dried?

(5)Why adam & Eve,was receptive to satan?

Why they go against God?.

(6)Bias mean one sided,lacking a neutral point,or not having an open mind. Did Adam& Eve biased towards satan, while Mary towards God?

(7)Why Catholicism train U,how to be responsive with God not with Satan? For that how sunday readings help U?

Pl listen:

Today 10th June 2018, we celebrate the 10th sunday mass of ordinary 2 season. Today church invite us to analyze the difference between Relationship, receptiveness and bias.

Let analyze Relationship.

4th commandment of basic morality says,respect your parents, why, Parents are responsible for maintaining their children upto adult level. But when you are doing normal day to day function, as an adult, you have to support the society. Undue preference for your relations or for that matter cast, is going against Catholicism. Jesus showed today very clearly that Responsiveness precede the relationship.

Mary went to see Jesus,most probably with many hopes, but her hopes were scattered with Jesus words. But mary did not lose happiness, why?. She know God has better plan than hers, how, Mary has developed bias towards God.

What is the difference between relationship and receptiveness

What do you mean by receptiveness?

Receptiveness is willingness to receive opposing arguments,constructive views &new ideas.What is disturbing is when jesus? mother&relatives arrived,they got no special recognition from HIM.According to(MK3:21),they(relatives) thought HIM"to be out of His mind?.Jesus was establishing priorities. The spiritual family takes precedence over the natural. Indeed,an individual might have to break family ties,even at odds with one's own relationship,in order to become a disciple"NO ONE WHO PREFERS FATHER OR MOTHER TO ME IS WORTHY OF ME. NO ONE WHO PREFERS SON OR DAUGHTER TO BE IS WORTHY OF ME"(Mt 10:37).What lies at the basis of disciple ship is not relationship but RECEPTIVENESS-to God's word &God's Will. Any one who does the will of the God, that person is my Brother &sister& my mother"

but why Adam & Eve- listen to satan?. Their bias was not towards God, but towards Satan. They forget who has created them. They want to be similar like their creator What they experienced? Nakedness and unhappiness.

Then when they found they are at fault and they are naked, they start to find an excusetic(find an excuse why they have done that). That is how passing the ball starts.

Blame Game

Adam&Eve disobedience changed everything. They wore fig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked"WHERE ARE U"(does God not know).God doesn't ask question to gain knowledge, but to give opportunity"COME CLEAN".Adam came clean. When God asked why?,he said" WOMEN WHOM U GAVE ME TO BE WITH ME,SHE GAVE ME FRUIT &I ATE!"-his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom U gave me"God ask Eve-She realising how this game is played,passes buck once more. "SERPENT TRICK ME &I ATE"-this Blame Game can only go so far &begining with serpent,God declares HIS judgement against each of guilty parties.For serpent-scrolling on ground&eat dirt.Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of labouring field.

So now you see the difference of bias mary and Adam& Eve. Mary knew God very well, why she carry HIM in her womb. Similarly we have to experience God, by following HIS Words, and realize that HE created us to lead a happy life. Without you convince this, you are going to be biased by satan, since earth bound cravings to be like the God, will easily make you to fall in to the pit of Satan!.

Catholicism make you to achieve this God bias in an easy way. They are sunday mass is obligatory/ the Sunday readings are very well organized for last 500 years. There is a Well organized administrative structure of Church for you to assist in administering sacraments.

For a catholic to be God biased is much more easier than other Christian denominations!

Today' reading:

Genasis3:9-15: I will make you enemies of each other: you and the Woman,your off spring and her offspring

Paul says to corinthians:(cor 4:13-5:1) we believe and therefore we also speak

Mk 3:20-35: It is the end of Satan.

Reminds: God made our 1st parents free. But freedom is always subject to law. Freedom is not what you can do, but what you ought to do. Identify clearly what God asked you to do. Follow 10 comms+ avoid 7 vices plays a vital role. Identify clearly what is 10 comms, to be followed by you!.

In todays Gospel we see Jesus action against satan. Irony of irony's, His enemy accused HIM of being possessed by ancient enemy, who has seduced our first parents. He reputed the stupid charge of HIS enemies. How can satan expel Satan?

In conclusions:

Finally, mary's experience is a good leson for all catholics and it is challenging all of us. For when we place our lives in God's hand,and give over our wills to the lord, we are one with Jesus, and we are more closely akin to HIM, than any physical relatives.

As a catholic, your attitude to develop the desire to live each day in total obedience to the will of our beloved creator,the Lord. May be the secret of life which adam and Eve did not realize is that!.

Unlike Eve, Mary have never being disobedient. As 2nd Eve she was at one with God's Will. She was a woman who never have to run for cover. At no time in her life,had she to seek to shift the blame.

Finally in your life, you might see that ,many time you feel that you feel farthest from truth you are very close it. And when you think that you on top of the world, you can be sitting in a very dangerous place.

Thank you


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