
Sunday 3 June 2018

Feast of Holy trinity God and God Catholic (27-5) - in summary

High light:

(1)Is God & god having same meaning?. God is not created while god is created! Is god is similar to catholic saints? Why we have to be clear about God?

(2)To understand God,why U should know,HIS vision of creating U? How HE has shown the method of REALISING that happiness, in Ur life thru' Jesus?.

(3) Any of Ur actions in life,do U follow VIsion,Realization and finally Experience U'r vision?.

(4)Why Vision, Realization,has been introduced by Father & Son, for human to Experience Holy Spirit, thru' catholic church?

(5)What is the relevance of administering 7 sacraments, to experience How Holy Spirit protect Ur life? Do U need that protection?

Otherwise do U know what will happen to U t'morrow?

(6) What is the difference between God,god and God(Trinity)?. What is the difference between other religions, God fearing religions such as Judaism,Islam with Catholicism?

(7)Why when combined Red,yyellow,blue color will make white color?.3 colors make 1 color? Is it resembling Holy Trinity? One God with 3 persons?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 27th May 2018, celebrating Holy Trinity Sunday mass, of cycle 2.Today church invite us to reflect about importance of the knowing about Holy Trinity. The real definition of God, what is the difference between other religions with Catholism!

All religions are Good. They talk of loving others &avoiding Sin.They have their own concept which represents a set of related ideas.For ex:when I say TEETH,TAIL,FUR& 4 legs,U might say it is a cat,dog or a lion.But if I add BARK,U'r certain it is a Dog.If U want to study about religions,U should be aware of their concepts. What is CATHOLIC CONCEPT(1)One life(no rebirth) & God support to lead our life happily ;2)your effect of sins can be erased thru' pardoning process(REPENTANCE,CONFESSION with a Priest & INDULGANCE);3)1God in3persons(Father/Son/Holy Spirit) relating Vision, reco & Experience;4)normally your life will move from sin to grace withGod/ pardoning;5)Holy Spirit will manage all paradigm changes thru'Church;6)Confessing &receiving Eucharist(real God),will develop peaceful mind;7)U should develop happy mind by handing Ur worries to Mary+being efficient(no gossip)+healthy.(8) follow sunday readings

Who is God?

Are you following a different God?. Is all religions talks about same God?

We used to attribute unexpected happenings as act of God.Then Who is God? HE is the creator of all things in this universe,not being created by anybody.

To elaborate further,one can question

(1)Can I chose my parents to come to this world?Obvious answer: no!

(2)Then, who has decided for U to come from this parents?one of following 3 answers.God/some elements/I don't know. Christianity, Islam, Judais, follows 1 God.Christianity further extend1 God in 3 persons(Triune).Jesus talked about HIS Father in heaven & sending Holy Spirit.

 Combination of Red, yellow, blue, make U white light. When U see Light that is vision, which signifies a future realization. When U feel light entering into U, that is experience.

God(Father),has a vision on you,ie HE created U to livehappily.To

realize happiness,God(JESUS) showed U how to live.Then U REALISE HOLY SPIRIT directing Ur life!Hence catholic Trinity(God)is different to other God's or god's talk about other religions!

Sometimes people recognize the people who lived exemplary life as god. But this god does not start with G,instead g: to indicate these gods are created by their parents. They are like saints in Catholicism.

Catholicism God is not created by anybody, you always say in Creed!. So identify the difference between Catholic God(similar meaning in judaism and Islamic) or god defined in any other religion!.

Difference between 3D and 2D

Difference between 2D and 3D pictures:

3d pictures gives you depth perception,or the ability estimate object's distance.

So similarly Catholic God, in 3 persons you can easily visualize, as most practical to the human life.

Your actions

When you want to carry out an action, first you should have a vision, then you study as how to realize that vision,what sort of actions that you have to do, then you implement those actions, to experience your vision. This is the normal management methodology you adopt to achieve your goal. Similarly Holy Trinity will help us to identify and enjoy Happiness of your life independent of time.

Today readings:

Deuteronomy(Dt 4:32-34,39-40): The Lord is God indeed, in heaven above as on earth beneath,HE and no other.

Paul (Rm 8:14-17) says:

"You receive the spirits of sons,and it makes us cry out, Abba,Father"

Mt(28:16-20)says"Baptize them in the name of the father,and of the son,and of the holy Spirit"

Reminds(1)meaning of God,varies from person to person(2)it can hv 3 major types: God-has not being created by anbody/god:has being created ex human/(3)islam,judaism & Christianty follow God concept(3)but christianity hv extended concept 1 God in 3 persons(4)similar,that U mix red,yellow & blue to get white color(5)Similar that U carry out actions with a vision,then anlyse the realisation,then only U practice to get Experience(6) similar father's vision about U,how to achieve has been shown by Jesus,by practicing U experience the presence of Holy spirit in to Ur life!(7)earlier U get 2D films but now U get 3D,where U will get to know God fully!.

Concept of Triune God has been reveled by Jesus Himself. He talked about His father in heaven and sending us the Holy Spirit. The very basic foundation of Christianity!. HE request us to carry His message and follow His Commandments.

Fear and suffering is part of any human life. This is coming from our WILL is not really the Will of God. That is why in the old testament it says God speaking from Fire!.paul says when we follow God's Will, we become happy and become children of God!.

The God you get in Catholicism, guide you, if you follow HIM, and believe in HIM, and HE Will ensure for you to experience happiness, thru' Holy Spirit, subject for you to follow 7 ethics of Catholicism!


U hv been created by God, according to His image, to lead happy life(now & eternal). For this we notice that there are 3 distinct phases.Vision, Realization,has been introduced by Father & Son, for human to Experience Holy Spirit, thru' catholic church.

Administering 7 sacraments,following Church rules(since this has been given by Holy Spirit) getting the support of mary & saints to hand over Ur worries, has become major activities of Ur practical life,to enjoy God intened vision of happiness. Beauty of Holy Trinity can be seen from Catholism!

Thank you


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