
Sunday 3 June 2018

Tangible Catholic Feast of Corpus Christie Sunday 3-6 - in summary

High light:

(1) How U make Ur Blood in U' body?. Is it unique for U? Why cannot science produce blood?

(2)What do U mean by powerful?.can you kill a worm in Ur stomach without a pill? Then are U powerless? To lead a happy life do you need protection? Who can give this protection?

(3)Why Blood become Ur life?when a person die,his blood get clotted & no O2 is flowing, but st Janarius blood (saint of napoli-Italy) blood get active on his b'day? How?

(4) Why Jesus introduced tangible ritual of Eucharist, for us to live?. Is it a life wire of Catholic?.

(5)Why only catholic believe, in holy mass, the priest will convert the bread & Wine to Body & Blood of Christ?. Is it a sacrament? What do you mean by sacrament?(visible sign of GOD's invisible actions that sanctified human life)

(6) Why you cannot keep Holy Eucharist in your pocket? Why it has to be digest?

(7)How God has selected His blood, to be given to us & is there any reason,that,blood cannot be artificially made?Is there any evidance about the presence of blood ii Eucharist?

Pl listen:

Reflection for 3rd June 2018, celebrating feast of Holy Eucharist Sunday mass, of cycle 2.Today church invite us to reflect about importance holy Eucharist to our life.

church invite us to analyze, the tangible ritual given by God for us to live.

It is Eucharist- The heart & soul of christian faith!.

Tangible means, you get evidence,proof and signs;

Proof means Evidence sufficient to establish a thing is true or to produce beliefs in its truth.

All 4 Gospels gives the details of last supper,so there is a clear evidence and proof about Eucharist.

Catholic teaching reaffirms the real presence of Jesus Christ in the holy Eucharist. Church & the Eucharist are intimately united & can never be divided.

Catholics believe, the consecrated wafer of bread & wine miraculously transformed into the real body & Blood of Christ at the mass, when priest speaks the words of Christ"This is my body/this is my blood".

When we analyze,From material point of view,Jesus left His people with more than memories!.Only possession He had at His death was His robe, which ended up being bartered for by Roman soldiers. Yet HE gave His people something tangible to remember Him He gave us a beautiful parting memory that we could touch, taste, feel & digest in to our body!.

 If you an athletic, you need to eat nourishing food to get energy to your body. Say meat will provide you energy & if you tie a loaf of meat to your thigh!to run, Will you get energy to run? No. You have to prepare meat, enjoy eating, will digest your meat to convert energy into your body!. Similarly Holy Eucharist, you have to digest to receive the spiritual energy!

Hence Eucharist become precious nourishment for your faith, as well as a bonding ritual among members of the church!

What is the relevance of Jesus Body and blood?

You know Blood cannot artificially made. Your blood cells are made in your borne marrow(is a spongy tissue that fills cavity inside your bones-4% of Ur weight)which produce red &white cells+platlets.

Blood consist of blood cells+plasma. Plasma is straw colored fluid part of blood that blood cells travel around your body. Red cells contain Hemoglobin(HB) which gives blood in its red colour& transport(energy)O2 from lungs to all parts of body. White blood cells called Leukocytes, fight infections. Platelets play important role in clot formation,it will help stop bleeding, when blood vessel damaged.

your body converts glucose,from food you eat,when glucose is mix with insulin,you get energy to your body.

Bread & wine are changed into Body & Blood of Christ,at Holy mass,where present science cannot imagine!.

Digesting Eucharist, will result in more cells(red/white-Happiness+Immunity)& more platlets(pardoning Ur sins).

 What are Catholic Sacraments :

The sacraments are visible sign of GOD's invisible actions that sanctified human life!.

Sanctified means(1)set apart for religious purpose(consecrate)(2) to free from sin(3)to give moral or social sanction.(4)to make productive and holiness in poverty!.

7 sacrament, which consists of 3 major parts: INITIATION to the church(BAPTISM, HOLY EUCRASTIC & CONFIRMATION): PENANCE (also called confession or reconciliation ) and ANOINTING of the sick are sacrament of HEALING. Matrimony and Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY.

The Eucharist is apex. visible sign of the Euchrastic is the bread & wine. Basic needs for living consist of 5 elements. Earth, water, air, sunlight & food, where in reality, a living has to earn for food, all the other elements are free. In order to get energy to human, one has to eat the food for digestion! Otherwise energy cannot be transmitted! The Euchrastic is the spiritual food that gives the bread of life!.

Signs of Eucharist

(1) why Jesus institute Eucharist (2) is there any real presence of God, in Eucharist? What are the evidences available upto now (3) is Eucharist essential like food, for you to live?

There were many miracles that confirms the real presence of Jesus in the Eucrastic!.pope Urban 4 approved the exposition of Blessed Sacrement in 1264, due to the miracle of Bolsena(italy),the real practice has been started by Pope John 22 in 1311,due to the lack of liturgical pieces for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Only from the 17th century, the kind of mons trance with protruding rays were adopted.


Today's reading:

Exodus(24:3-8) says:

"This is the Blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you"


".The Blood of can purify our inner self from dead actionsl

Mk(14:12-16,22-26)"This is my body. This is my blood

last letter of St John Paul2 remined us about Eucharist!

St JP2 wrote His last en cyclical in 2003(Ecclesia de Eucharistia) on Eucharist & it's relation to the church!, which consists of 6 parts!.


(1) as mystery of faith- how the consecrated bread & wine can become & remain the body & blood,soul & divernity of Christ

(2) the foundation of church

(3)As apostelic(being historical connected what the 12 apostles themselves did)

(4)Requirement to receive communion

(5)Proper dignity,respect & reverence demanded as holy celebrations(frequent visit to Blessed Sacrament,Holy hours of Adoration,Exposition & benediction, Corpus Christi procession, Perpetual Adoration chapels,masses celebrated with reverence and decorum proper to the sacred mysteries to be celebrated)

(6)The role of Virgin Mary

Pope Francis & Eucharist

According Pope Francis(ref:1st encyclical letter- The light of faith) He explains about Eucharist! Para 44(quote)

" The sacramental character of faith finds its highest expression in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the precious nourishment for faith: an encounter with Christ truly present in the supreme act of His love, the life giving gift of Himself. In the Eucharist we find the intersection of faith's two dimensions. On the one hand, there is a dimension of history: the Eucharist is act of remembrance, a making present of mystery in which the past,as an event of death & resurrection, demonstrates its ability to open up a future,to foreshadows ultimate fulfilment. The liturgy reminds of this by its repetition of the word hodie, the "today" of the mysteries of salvation. On the other hand, we also find the dimension which leads from the visible world to the invisible. In the Eucharist we learn to see the heights and depth of reality. The Bread & wine are changed into Body & Blood of Christ, who become present in His passover to the Father; this movement draws us, body and soul, into movement of all creation towards the fulfilment of God"

Relavance of Eucharist Procession:

Corpus Christi procession remind us, that life itself is a procession. We are only pilgrims here. We are only passing by. We shuffle along, sing our hymns,strew our flowers and at the end of the day, the streets are empty and all our flags fly at half mast!.

Our procession points towards God. Christ is in the middle of it, helping us, encouraging us, leading us onwards. He walked with us for 33 years in the flesh. He walks with us now under the appearance of bread.

He waits for us in the tabernacle, gathers us around His table, invites us to enter His sacrifice, enters into us in Holy Communion as food for our journey, obliges us to care for all who travel with us, whether they be of our persuasion or not!. He gives us hope,peace and unity and certainty to our procession. He gives points and directon to our journey. Because Christ is at the head of it, because is at the heart of it, life is not just any old procession. It is a 'Mighty Corpus Christi' procession, the procession through history of the Body of Jesus Christ.

Let's Analyze further poofs:


 How far this is true in this scientific world?

The real presence of God in Eucharist, is been witness, in many occasions. For example

Fr Peter,German Priest was doubting the conversion of bread & wine, into the body & blood of Christ at the moment of consecration in mass. While he was travelling,he stayed at Bolsena(Italy) was celebrating mass: The HOST when he broke for communion,appeared be spattered with blood & bleed into the corporal,the small cloth upon which the Host & chalice rest during the cannon of mass. After this,in1264,Pope Urban 4 institute the feast, Corpus Christi. you can see the blood stained corporal in the church of St Christina. After 700 years Pope Paul 6 celebrated this feast in the same alter.

Another Evidence

In 1830,at Holy Mass, St Catherine Laboure PHYSICALLY SAW CHRIST at the HOST. You can see her in corrupt body in Paris.

Another evidence:

We celebrated St anthony's feast on last week the 13th. St anthony showed the following

Bonvillo(Tolouse/france)didn't believe presence of God in Eucharist. He allowed his mule,in market place starving for3 days. Anthony &Bonvilo brought Eucharist &oats respectively. Mule turned from food & kept his head on the ground in an posture of Adoration &did not rise until Anthony retired!.

There are many more incidents you can get!


Let us analyze the living example of blood miracle of st Januarius

He,Bishop of Benevento,and is a martyr:

during the persecution of christians by diocletian in 305.

St januarius is famous for the alleged miracle of annual liquefaction of blood,which according to a legend saved by a woman eusebia,just after the saints death. Feast is on 19th september.

Clotted blood can be liquefied by mechanical stirring, the resulting suspension cannot solidify again. But St Januarius blood miracle is seen at least 3 times/year!.

Holy Eucharist is the tangible ritual introduced by God

Thank you


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