
Monday 29 September 2014

3 Archangels 29/9 - in general

3 Archangels"Michael,Raphael,Gabriel" are main messengers of God. Their Hebrew names are:


Catholic traditions assigned

St Michael:

To fight against satan,
To rescue souls of faithful from satan's grasp(especially at death),
Special patron of holy church,
Bring men souls to judgement.

St michael is invoke for care of the sick and is special guardian angel of the pope.

St Raphael:

Angel who used to come down at certain Intervals to stir water in Probatica pool,which causes cure of the 1st invalid who descended into the moving waters &

St Raphael is the patron saint of travellers, of the young and the innocent.

St Gabriel;
Angel of annunciation for having been sent to inform our lady that she had been chosen to become the mother of the incarnate world.
St.Gabrial appeared to Zachary &told him birth of his son
Also StGabrial strengthen Our Lord in the garden of olives on the night of His Betrayal. And to the Message given to st Joseph with the flight to holy family to Egypt

Prophet Mohamed(Islamic faith) claimed he had received his revelation from him.

St Gabrieal is considered as the Messenger of glad or consoling tidings.

Vatican website:(

In 1995 Sr Judith Zoebelein, a franciscan sister created the web site for Holy see.
3 main servers of this website is named to these 3 archangels appropriately, to outreach catholic information into cyber space. During april/2005,(at st John Paul II death) 50 million hits reported to this web site.

After Jesus, we can spiritually realise the support extended by Archangels, to lead a Happy life!.

For more details follow this links :
Or for more details about Mary

Tuesday 23 September 2014

26 th sunday(28/9/2014) Smart Catholic! - in detail

Back ground:

Today we are reminded that knowledge of get to know the Jesus message is not uniform among the people. I might get to know earlier than you. That is why some people say it is a gift of God. When you get the real message, you realize the mistakes(sins) that you have done knowingly or unknowingly!. You clearly identify your mistake and determine not to repeat it for the love of God. At the same time you get to know, how God has helped you to come to this present life. When you do this, your banks of the life river, where it has been damaged will automatically repaired by God. This is not a static process but it is dynamic, since your life flow subject to environment of your society. So that the present day you lead a happy life with a good water flow(soul). A person can lead a good life does not mean that he will not change. The cells of our body is everyday changing. It depend upon how you develop your Soul with Jesus' messages, through out your life time. People who were leading a bad life can now lead a happy life!.
Contemplating Jesus messages given in 4 Gospels are the best method of getting to know what Jesus said. Reciting daily rosary with wearing miraculous medal will help the intervention of Holy Mary with God to get to know that knowledge. It is a life long continuous exercise until your death, to be Happy with every time which is guaranteed with Catholism.

Time is like the river water flow.  You cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Enjoy every moment of life. 

Preamble for today's readings:

B.1- Pope francis 3 rd encyclical" THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL" chapter 205 speak about the extension to what Paul says today- consider about your neighbor!

Quote ch:205
"I asked God to give us more politicians capable of sincere and effective dialogue aimed at healing the deepest roots-and not simply the appearances- of the evil in our world!. Politics, though often denigrated, remains a lofty vocation and one of the highest form of charity, in as much as it seeks the common good. We need to be convinced that charity" is the principle not only of micro relationship(with friends, with family members or within small groups) but also of macro relationships(social,economic, political ones)" I beg the Lord grant us more politicians who genuinely disturbed by the state of the society, the people, the lives of the poor. It is vital government leaders and financial leaders take head and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work,education,and health care. Why not turn to God and ask Him to inspire their plans? I am firmly convinced that openness to the transcendent can bring about a new political and economical mind set which will help to break down the wall of separation between the economy and the common good of society.

B.2 Earth bound affairs
Money,power and other desires, we tend to develop stemming from the original sin that you have inherited. We try to accumulate these since certain elements we need to facilitate for our basic living. Ex Money
Strictly speaking, we need 5 basic needs to live. Earth,water,air,sunlight and food. Only food you have to earn for living. So food is basic need to develop our health bank, where we start breathing at birth.
We need Fire also as last basic need. Fire is having 2 characteristics. You can use it to make a good meal for you to eat or you can kill a person. Fire can be used for 2 purposes GOOD or BAD. Similarly, if you are not careful of earth bound needs, you will loose spiritual need, which is essential for your long lasting Happiness. Primary vice that you will have is to accumulate power,recognition etc. When there is a threat for achieving these things, you develop Anger in your body. Which will cause unrest to your mind. You will not have a peaceful mind if you allow your mind to accumulate Anger. That is why jesus said Anger is equivalent to committing suicide. (Mt6:22:). Best remedy He suggest is to pardon not 7 times,not 77 times but777 times. Pardoning and having a peaceful mind is a basic action proposed by many religions in the world.
Next important vice that you have to be careful is IDLENESS. We like to sleep,as a
earth bound need. How long we should sleep for a day? Have you hear people who take medication for not to have sleep?. Generally a person should have average of 7 hrs cumulative sleep per day. Try not to oversleep, by controlling the sleep, then start developing your talents to be converted to energy. Then you will see miracles like in multiplication of loaves(Mt)
Basic 2 actions that you need to develop controlling your earth bound needs are (1) anger(2) laziness.
Catholic church has given you 7 vices, in order for you to develop spiritual power needed to have a Happy Soul. They are
Anger, Laziness, Pride,Avarice,Envy,Lust, Gluttony

What kind of feeling comes upon you when you are in touch with nature, or when you are absorbed in work that you love?. Or when you are really conversing with someone whose company you enjoy in openness and intimacy without clinging? What kind of feeling do you have? Compare those feelings with the feelings you have when you win an argument, or when you win a race, or when you become popular, or everybody is applauding you. The latter feeling is called worldly feelings while the former feelings are Spiritual feeling. To be happy, develop your life to be filled with spiritual feelings!.

Today's reading:
Prophet Ezakiel says that those who renounce his previous sins lives eternally!
Paul reminds us not to have competition amongst ourselves but always consider the other person is better than yourself, so that nobody thinks about his own interest but everybody thinks of other people's interests instead.
 Mt 21:28-32 tells that Prostitutes and tax collectors are making their way into the Kingdom of God before You.
Reminds that always you have to be with the God, followings His principles, in developing your Soul, with spiritual feelings.

D. Conclusions: you have seen many smart people, who achieved money, power and worldly requirements are lost with time, giving us a clear indication of how frustrated they are or how unhappy they are. In contrary if you develop Spiritual power with peaceful mind, with less frustration as a SMART ENERGETIC person. In order to develop this, you should know how to block, fear and sorrow in to your life. That is you have to invite Holy Mary,(as God in His wisdom showed Us in Cana)into your life, by wearing miraculous medal on your neck and reciting daily individual rosary(these 2 are introduced by Holy Mary) with a peaceful mind.


26th sunday Smart catholic(28/9/2014) - in summary

Prophet Ezakiel reminds importance of renouncing sins for eternal living.


 Mt21: 28-32 " did not believe Him & yet tax collectors & prostitutes did. Even after seeing that,you refused to think better of it & believe in Him"reminds that you have innate tendency to think that your always in the right.
For example"mine is right for me,yours is right for you,my mother is right for her,and so on".This attachment to " being right"often creates suffering, because it is almost always impossible to be right at all times!.


To see Jesus, you need to contemplate His sayings and actions!.Reciting daily Rosary is the best therapy to achieve FAITH! and maintain happiness throughout your life time. Also mary has guaranteed her protection for the people who wears her Miraculous medal round the neck.

Today we are reminded, how to maintain happiness throughout your life. That is the God's purpose of creation of human.

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Or for more details about Mary

Our Lady Of Ransom (24/9)

THE PRIMARY DOCTRINE OF CHRISTIANITY-BE IT OTHODOX,PROTSETANT,ANGLICAN OR CATHOLIC- IS THE MYSTERY OF HOLY TRINITY(namely, that there is one God but three divine persons). Like the other Monotheistic religions(Judaism and Islam), Christianity also firmly believe in one God. THE DIFFERENCE, HOWEVER,IS THAT CHRISTIANITY'S GOD IS TRIUNE( God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) 

This feast to invoke Holy marys' intercession for the unification of Christians. 

How this feast started?

Our lady of mercy,which was founded in Barcelona (spain) in 1233 by St Peter Nolasco, and St ramond of Penyafort and king James of argon, for the ransoming of christians from Sacracen capcitivity, instituted this feast in thanks giving to Our Lady. It was gradually adopted in Spain and France, and in 1696 was promulgated by Pope Innocent XIII for the universal church.
Mary is particularly invoke under the title of 'OUR LADY OF MERCY' or OUR LADY OF RANSOM' for the re conversion of England(OUR LADY'S DOWRY), from false religious teaching. She is also the compassionate ransomer of living sinners from satan's grasp,and of the suffering souls of purgatory!.

Division's of Christianity!
Christianity first divided to catholism and orthodox in 1054/july/16. Break began as a political split within Roman Empire and evolved into a theological split. It is like twins separated at birth!.

Catholicism started to have divisions with Martin Luther in 1521. He was critical about the church activities at that time and wrote about 95 theses against nepotism & simony to correct.(Nepotism-choosing of family members to fill positions regardless of their actual qualifications)(simony-buying of church offices and church"things" such as sacraments and relics of saints) Church theologian appointed to discuss with him,Luther raised the question of Papal infallibility,which led eventually to excommunicate him with the church!. This is how PROTESTANTS started. In questioning centralized authority, Luther also showed a lack of any need for it. This stance opened the door for any one who disagreed with anyone else simply split off. These breaks grew exponentially as groups broke off from other groups, resulting thousands of Protestants that exist today.

In 1530 King Henry VIII, established himself as the supreme head of English Church, forming the Anglican church!.

Note: there are about 1 billion catholics while there are about 250 million orthodox christians centered around where christ apostles established christian communities!.

Main reason

Main divisions of Christianity has stemmed from centralized authority, but not the question of ROLE OF MARY!.

But to day, it appears, many denominations are not identifying the Role of Mary in christianity!. Without our knowledge, we have been deviating the problem towards another direction, as whether to treat Mary as MOTHER OF CHURCH universally.


Christianity is mainly follows the teaching and actions of Jesus.3 points to summaries

(1) For example, 1 st miracle is at Cana. God showed on His own wisdom, why we should go to Holy Mary for our happiness, for her to intercede with God for us!.

(2)Similarly, God in His own wisdom, send Jesus, as human and divine thru' Holy family!. Still Judaism cannot follow this

 So hope these points are sufficient enough to understand, the importance of Holy Mary/saints in Christianity

When we analyze, it is very clear, the role of Mary in Christianity!.
(1)God in His own wisdom, has sent His Son to this world thru' Mary, which still Judaism does not accept.
(2) God in His own wisdom identified the ROLE OF MARY in the new covenant of Love
Which many chrisatian denomination forget.

Why Mary?

Further, at the cross, Jesus handed over every human to Mary(JN19:26), Similarly Mary was given the responsibility of look after us!(JN19:27). Mary has instigated Jesus to come to public life, once Jesus completed His tasks, Mary has been assigned to look after us!. This is Christianity!. Never been changed, but unfortunately smoke of satan appears in undermining the Mary's Role in Christianity, which was not at all the reason for division!

Mary is always in the vanguard of humanity. She is compared to wisdom, presiding at creation; SHE IS ANNOUNCED AS THE WOMAN WHO WILL CONQUER SATAN, AS THE VIRGIN WHO WILL CONCEIVE. She becomes the first person since the fall to have a unique and un repairable kind of union with God. She mothers the Infant christ in Bethlehem; She mothers the mystical Christ in Jerusalem; and now, by Her Assumption, she goes ahead like her son to prepare a place for us. SHE PARTICIPATES IN THE GLORY OF HER SON, REIGNS WITH HIM, PRESIDES AT HIS SIDE OVER THE DESTINIES OF THE CHURCH IN TIME, AND INTERCEDE FOR US, TO HIM, AS HE, IN HIS TURN, INTERCEDE TO THE HEVENLY FATHER. We adore Holy Trinity and respect Holy Mary.

Can we forget Mary in Christianity?
Can we not wear the Miraculous medal and recite daily individual rosary, introduced by Mary?

In 1696 Pope Innocent XIII, saw the importance of Holy Mary for the Unification of Christian Church.

Today it is very important that we pledge with Mary for the unification of the Christian church!.



John Paul II for dummies

Saint companions for each day
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Wednesday 17 September 2014

25 thSunday(21/9/2014) TIMELY CATHOLIC - in summary

Mt20:1-16 says"I CHOSE TO PAY LAST COMMER AS MUCH I PAY FOR YOU"reminds that Time is given for us to spent happily.

How to spend time Happily?

Always try to forget past & live present!. You may live5/25/75or100 years, important thing is not the duration you live(since when U compare even100yrs with Eternal life,it is negligible)but whether you spend time happily!(Irrespective whether you are' NORMAL/DEFORMED or SICK).

What is happiness?

Happiness is not merely achievement of worldly affairs such as Money,power &desires/where you drop all these at your death.

Summary of other readings!

Prophet Issaiah, reminds importance of following Jesus,to yield good grapes!.

Paul reminds importance of having PEACEFUL MIND,to reach Happiness!.

How to maintain Happiness?
(1)Sticking more to worldly affairs,
(2)not following 10 commandments:
(3) with Anger &Laziness to develop in your mind 
(4)not knowing how to treat FEAR& SORROWS from catholism,
(5)not following God's Will,

All above will make your life miserable and will influence badly for your immediate society!too.
Remember that God has created you to lead a happy life!
Today, God gives us a clear answer to, the question, why He created human?
The main purpose is to lead a Happy life, irrespective of your deformities! (Both mental or physical)


For more details follow this links :
Or for more details about Mary

25th Sunday(ordinary Time) Timely Catholic(21/9/2014) - in detail


Back ground:
Up to now, sunday by sunday, we were reminded of developing your life river(Soul) with strong banks(avoid anger,avoid laziness,avoid other 5 vices Pride(boasting, love of publicity)/Avarice(greedy,dishonesty)/Envy(why shouldn't I have with everything that others have)/Lust(disoriented love for personal pleasure)/ Gluttony(the disorderly animal appetite, obsession with food & drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live/ start the flow with higher elevation(with converting your talents to energy), following God's will, with looking after your neighbor to reach Happiness in both worlds!.
Last sunday we were reminded, about the original Sin and it's effects!- death,sorrow and fear into our lives and How God in His own wisdom send His only Beloved Son, to this world through Holy Mary, to reinstate the intended Happiness into our Lives!. In this context Jesus life has to be analyzed very carefully!, since He is part of TRINITY!

, it is clear that Jesus is part of Trinity.
(2) And it address to whole humanity to follow the easy path!
Quote Mt11: 28-30;
(3)What is this easy path?
Mt 13:53-58 talk about. HOW THE JESUS IS REJECTED AT NAZARETH why people were worried about His pedigree than His words and actions!. Even today this is happening!
We are worried about Jesus as a person, forgetting the intended messages from His teaching and actions, that God is showing to us, in His own wisdom, for us to follow a happy life!


(4) Action of 1st Miracle, clearly shows that Mary has been assigned to look after human's Happiness. We have to always intercede with Mary for our Happiness from God.(Despite jesus was there Mary sees the wine is depleting)
(5) Action at the cross, God in His wisdom clearly shows us that Mary has been assigned to look after human.


Today, we are reminded, the elementary purpose of Creation of Human. Ie
(1) Whether you live 0 hrs/1yr/100 years,(in this world) compared to infinite time of eternal life, it is negligible
(2) Whether you are Normal/deformed, God created you to enjoy your life time HAPPILY!.
(In this world and outside eternal world)

   Preamble for today's reading:

Earth bound Happiness:
With our birth, we start
(1) breathing-develop our health- with death diminishes
(2) Walking on ground- subject to gravitation- developing earth bound Short lived Happiness of acquiring Money, Power and worldly desires- with death diminishes
(3) Developing our mind- to get more knowledge on science, earth etc, to convert our talents to energy; and by doing that we develop our ability to Choose. We develop our soul- carry after death

Whole of our exercise to convert this earth bound happiness, to be independent to this worldly life. Ie HOW TO BE HAPPY IN THIS WORLD AND NEXT.

When you are really happy, you feel like a bird. In order to get that happiness, and to make that eternal, you should trained to have a peaceful mind throughout your life time. Main vices you need to control is (1) developing anger(2) developing laziness
Then you should be free from fear and sorrows. This is where Catholicism gives you an easy path!

C. Today's reading:

Mt20:1-16 says"I CHOSE TO PAY LAST COMMER AS MUCH I PAY FOR YOU" reminds that Time is given us to be happy. Always try to forget past & live present!. You may live5/25/75or100 yrs,important thing is not the duration you live(since when you compare even100yrs with Eternal life,it is negligible)but whether you spend time happily!(Irrespective whether you are NORMAL or DEFORMED).
It is not achievement of worldly affairs such as Money,power &desires/where you leave all these things at your death.

Prophet Issaiah, reminds importance of following Jesus(word),to yield good grapes!.

Paul reminds importance of having PEACEFUL MIND,to reach Happiness!.

The following actions may go against to reach your happiness in this world!

(1)Sticking more to worldly affairs,
(2)not following 10 commandments,
(3)with Anger and laziness to develop in your mind - resulting hot mind
(4)not knowing how to treat FEAR& SORROWS from Catholicism,
(5)not following God's will,

make your life time to be spent under frustration!,which will influence badly for your immediate society too.


Every living human being in this world want to be happy. They want to spent time with happiness. When they lost happiness, they will start committing suicide or leave unhealthy life!. Happiness does not ONLY relate to achieving earth bound needs such as Money, power and worldly desires. It is a life long exercise of keeping a peaceful mind with avoiding or resolving fear and sorrow in your life. This sunday it gives clear message of God wages for our life and His intention of creations!
Have a Peaceful mind!, forget the past! Enjoy present!


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Saturday 13 September 2014

Our Lady Of Sorrows(15/9) - in general


7 Great Sorrows of Holy Mary:

(1) Propercy of aged Simon in temple- Mary was fore told that Jesus was born to be a victim for Sin. Mother has only 40 days of embracing her Infant Child when she sees the shadow of a contradiction thrown across His life!

(2) 2000miles(2yrs)flight into Egypt with infant Jesus- summoning of His mother to share sorrow with all the exiles and the displaced person of the world of whom He Himself was the first born. Now that Mary is crowned in Heaven,as she looks down on the earth, she sees millions of people still banishing the Creator, out of their lands, and driving Him out of their hearts!.

(3)loss of Jesus(12 yrs) in Jerusalem- Mary is setting an example for us, when we Lose God, we must not wait Him to come back. We must go out in search for Him; and, to the joy of every sinner, she knows where He can be found

(4)Mary's encounter with Jesus on His way to Calvary- As the 4th station of the Cross has it:" Jesus carrying the Cross, meets His blessed Mother" simeon has foretold that He would be a sign of contradicted; Now Blessed Mother sees the sign of contradiction is the Cross. How often Jesus said" IF ANY MAN HAS A MIND TO COME MY WAY, LET HIM RENOUNCE SELF, AND TAKE UP HIS CROSS, AND FOLLOW ME"(mt 16:24). If carrying one's own Cross is the condition being Christ's follower, then the condition being the Christ mother is to carry the saviours Cross. The curious on the road way to Calvary could see what He was carrying, but He knew the load She bore.

(5)His crucifixion- The peculiarity of this dolour is that the 7 words Our lord spoke from the Cross were like 7 notes in the funeral dirge. Our Blessed Mother is recorded as speaking only 7 times in Sacred scripture. This does not mean that she spoke only that number of times, but only 7 of Her utterances were recorded.
Our Lord also spoke 7 times from the Cross. As He spoke each word, Her heart goes back to each of the words she herself has spoken, making the sorrow more intense as she saw the mystery of the "sign being contradicted"

(6)Taking down His body from the Cross
For Mary, this is not Bethlehem; this is calvary. He is not white as He came from the father, but red as He came from us. In the crib He was as a chalice of the offertory, full of the red wine of life. Now, at the foot of the Cross, His body is as a chalice drained of the drops of blood for the redemption of mankind. THERE WAS NO ROOM IN THE INN AT HIS BIRTH; THERE IS NO ROOM AT THE INN FOR HIS DEATH. "THE SON OF THE MAN HATH NOWHERE TO LAY HIS HEAD- EXCEPT IN THE ARMS OF HIS MOTHER"

(7) His burial- all the fatherless, mother less, son less, husband less, wife less griefs, that ever tore in the hearts of human beings, were now bearing down on the soul of Mary. She prepares Her Divine Son for burial. Eden has come back again as MARY PLANTS IN THE EARTH THE TREE OF LIFE WHICH WILL BLOOM WITHIN 3 DAYS!.
As Adam and Eve fell through the pleasure of eating one apple, so Jesus and Mary were united in the pleasure of eating of the fruit of the Fathers Will.

B. 7 vices of Humans!

​Holy Mary managed all 7 sorrows, without complaining to God. She set an ideal example of following God's Will!
In our life without our knowledge we pretend to be like God, without identifying that we have to depend with God all time.

As Fulton J sheen see(page 198. First love) "all inner miseries comes from 2 kind of sin:(1)the sin which take the gift and forgets the giver (2) the sin which rejects the giver with His gift. The first make God useless; the second drives God from the soul. Adam sinned in the first way by choosing something else before God, as does the man who sets up his EGO or FLESH, or POWER as goal of life. The crucifixion sinned in the 2 nd way, being anti God."

B.2 Our life River

With our birth (1)start breathing(2)subject to gravitation(2) develop our soul. These 3 consist our life river with 2 banks(heath& spiritual) and water flow(soul). Without our knowledge our spiritual bank will become weaker causing water to leak, if we are not aware about 7 vices!

B.3 Background of these vices!
The 7 vices for us is stemming from the original sin, it develops EGO, flesh(worldly desires) and worldly Power.
 We should be aware about these 7 vices and it should not allowed to be grown in our life!

FEAR AND SORROW IN OUR LIFE WILL BE INCREASED, if we allow these 7 deadly vices to grow in leading our life.  These vices if not surrendered to God thru' Mary in prayer will deprive Happiness of life.

B. 4. Details of  7 Vices
The 7 vices are having 2 Primary and 5 secondary drawbacks

Primary Vices

(1)Sloth(laziness or idleness).
Christianity clearly says that you should develop your born talents to be converted energy.(Ex: Multification of loaves and cursing pig tree)  If you are lazy you cannot convert your talents to energy!

(2)Anger(this is a strong feeling that comes when one is wronged or insulted either real or imaginary) all religions direct to have a peaceful mind. Christianity is equating Anger as committing suicide(Mt5:22) all following 5 will result in creating silence anger in your body, If you are attached too much!
for these drawbacks!

Secondary vices:

(3)Pride(boasting, love of publicity)


(5)Envy(why shouldn't I have with everything that others have)

(6)Lust(disoriented love for personal pleasure)

(7) Gluttony(the disorderly animal appetite, obsession with food & drink to the point of living to eat, rather than eating to live


St Francis de Sales says: We may say that Holy Family was a trinity on earth which in a certain way represented the BLESSED TRINITY itself" He further points out the counter part of the HOLY SPIRIT in  earthly TRINITY is HOLY MARY.

Joseph life work was to cooperate, at the next highest level below that of Mary, in the greatest of God's works- the Incarnation of the second person of the Trinity as Redeemer of fallen mankind. Indeed Joseph cooperation in becoming Mary's spouse was indispensable if the Son Of God was to enter our human world within the conventional frame work of marriege and family life.(Ref: saint Joseph by father Richard Foley, S.J)

Joseph too had 7 sorrows, which he overcame thru following God's Will
He had support of angels, dreams to overcome, but we cannot expect these supernatural Phenomena, after Holy Spirit!. Now no dreams or angels!
Only HOLY TRINITY with Jesus teachings and actions to be followed by Us!.

C. 1. Details of 7 sorrows of St Joseph

(1)Hearing about Mary's mysterious pregnancy
(2)travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem with expectant Mary & facing  last minute accommodation problem
(3)get to know that Infant Messiah would suffer at hands of sinful men
(4)Simeon propercies not only that child would encounter bitter opposition but His mothers heart would be pierced by a sword of sorrow.
(5)King Herod's threat on  new born saviour's life which enforced Him to exile to Egypt
(6)when they return,they were diverted to Nazareth,having being warned of a further potential threat on Child's life by Herod's son now reigning in Judea

(7) loss of child Jesus in the temple!

D.  Conclusion:
 All these 7 sorrows remind us, that if we follow God's will with faith and following Jesus teachings and actions in our life, we can over come sorrows and fears in our life!
Actions needed:
(2)with following 10 commandments: with no enemies
(3) have a peaceful mind(without anger)
(4) For disagreements, handover such to Holy Mary/St Joseph or saints, depending upon the type of the disagreement. Live happily!
(4)surrendering your' will to God's will!.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

5th Apparation Of Fatima (13/9/1917) - in general

In 1917 Blessed Mother have revealed herself in the insignificant little village of Fatima, Mostly She is known as 'Our Lady Of Fatima'.

1.World scenario at time of apparitions
During first half of last century, we experienced 2 world wars!.Ideals and values and Institutions that has shaped and nurtured our civilisation for many centuries were overthrown and trampled upon.

She gave timely messages for mankind of imminent catastrophic collapse of governments, justice,religion& morality which started in early 20th century& is continuing in various forms to effect us ever since!.


The Message of Fatima is contained in a series of Church-approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. From 13/5/1917 to13/10/1917. Holy Mary appeared 6 times(13/6,13/7,15/8, 13/9) to- Francisco(7years),Jacinta(9 years) and Lucia(10 years)at Fatima. Apparitions  took place on a small property belong to Lucia's parents called Cova Da Iria, about a mile and half from Fatima on the road to Leiria. Our lady appeared over a holm oak tree, just over 3 feet high!. Francisco could only see Our Lady; He could not hear her. Jacinta could see and hear Her. Lucia could see,hear and talk with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

4. 13/9-5th vision-
Details of the other visions will be made available on this blog or, in future)

Around 20000 crowd was with 3seers.As usual, Sudden cooling of air, a dimming to the point where stars could be seen, and a rain resembling iridescent petals or snowflakes that disappeared before touching the ground. This time a luminous  globe was noticed which moved slowly and majestically through the sky from east to west and at the end of apparition, in the opposite direction.
The seers saw a light,and, immediately following this, they saw Our Lady over the Holm oak tree.

Our Lady: continue to pray rosary to obtain the end of the war. In October,our Lord will also come as well as our Lady of sorrows,and our lady of mount Carmel and  St Joseph with Child Jesus, to bless the world. God is pleased with your sacrifices,but He does not want you to sleep with the robes, wear them only during the day!

Lucia: they have requested me to ask you for many things for the cure of some sick persons of a deaf-mute
Our Lady: Yes, I will cure some. In october,I will perform a miracle for all to believe!.

Note: seers had started to wear a thick rough cord around their waist for penance. They did not remove even night

5. Summary of other visions:

13/5- 1st vision
The 3 seers were playing at Cova da Iria when they saw two flashes like lightning,after which THE MOTHER OF GOD above the holm oak tree. Holy Mary requested seers
(1)to come 6 months, in succession on 13th of every month.
(2) Pray the Rosary(appears 5 decades) to end the war
(3)Seers to carry out penance( they started to wear a thick rough code around their waist-after this)
13/6- 2nd vision
Holy Mary again remind reciting of daily Rosary and establishing devoting her Immaculate Heart(wish of God)

13/7- 3rd vision- the frightful vision of the Hell has been shown to them in the sky & introduced"O my most need"at the end of each decade of rosary.

13/8- 4th vision- Seers could not see Mary due to unsuccessful abduction of Mayor,to get secrets from them.
on15/9,at Lucy's uncles place,seers saw Mary over a holm tree!
Holy Mary requested"Pray,Pray much&make sacrifice for sinners,for many souls will go to hell because there is no one to sacrifice & pray for them".

13/10 -6th vision- they saw
(1)beside the sun Mary & Joseph with child Jesus. Joseph & Jesus blessed the crowd by the sign of the cross 3 times
(2)sorrowful mystery with Mary & jesus(3)glorious mystery-mary crowned as Queen.
Then,people saw,the sun was dancing like a gigantic circle of fire. All these lasted in10 minutes with the sun finally going to original position!..

About 3 seers

Francisco died in1919, while Jacinta died 1920 and her face found to be in corrupt in1935.Sr lucia died on 13/2/2005.

Two of the children, Francisco and Jacinta, were beatified — declared blessed, the final step before canonization — by Pope John Paul II in year 2000.
6. Additional reading:

6.1 Time in and around of world war 1 and world war 2

World war 1 ended in 1918, which resulted, 8.5 m casualties,21m wounded.  When the fighting stop & war ended.  Many people wanted to forget the horrors of 1914 to 1918, so they indulge themselves into numerous pleasures & distractions. Post war resulted in, to convert the factories that were producing weapons & ammunitions, now to produce consumer goods,& people wanted to spend money on entertainment, fashion & leisure. So many people endured enormous hardship during the war,& after the war they wanted to compensate their former misery with contemporary fun. The invention of talking movies(movies with sound), in the early 1920s & the invention of vacuum tube for wireless radio, made going to the movies & listen to the radio two-popular past times! Although the former only cost pennies to do, the latter was free, & that made even more popular!.
Prohibition( the outlawing of alcohol in USA from 1920 to 1933) did not poop out the parting by any means. Though illegal, booze was still produced, shipped, & consumed during those years. Organised lime made a fortune on bootlegging( manufacture & transport of illegal beverages like beer & whiskey), & americans drank their hooch at speak easier(secret locations where members have to quietly order the illegal drink) run by gangsters like Al Capone, Bugs Morgan, & Lucky Luciano!. The straight-laced Victorian era (1837-1901) where manners & protocol were strictly adhered to by almost everyone in society regardless of social rank or economic statues, was caricaturized, ridiculed,& repudiated in the years between world war 1 & world war 2(1919-1939). Because many monachies were involved in the eruption of world war 1, some overreacted after the war not only abandoning the monachical style of government, but also the social expression of the aristocracy as well. The Victorian era morality was seen by some people as a relic & the symbol of the anti democratic republican system. The prim & proper demeanour of people during the reign of Queen Victoria of England(1837-1901) was now seen as being prudish or even puritanical. Where as the older morality found it socially unacceptable to be seen in public exposing your face & hands, the new morality of the 1920s not only saw the hem lines of women's skirts go higher & higher, but the overall ethical behaviour become more & more lax & licentious.
Whether it is drinking illegal alcohol, visiting places of public prostitution, or attending burlsquare shows, the Roaring twenties would later be considered somewhat decadent & antitheticle to traditional values like marriage & family. Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Anger & Gluttony are not only the seven deadly or capital sins- most of them were hobbies, if not preoccupation, of many people after world war 1 when some economic prosperity & new political freedom gave them a feeling of total liberty.
Treaty Of Versailles
In world war 1 Allied forces(UK,france, Italy, Belgium, Russia,USA) defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey,Balgeria. The defeated central power were led by GERMANS(Kaiser Wilhelm). Accordingly Germans were to handover their colonies, and they were restricted to 100,000 army with no tanks, no air crafts, no air ships with no submarines!. Adolf Hitler later used this treaty to drive the Germans to his Nazi Party. In 1923, outrages inflation was seeing in germany, where one $= 4 trillion marks( you need a big pocket to buy a loaf of bread). Also,  Allied forces could not supervise,& enforce the conditions of the treaty due to beurocratical process that they have to adopt by each countries.
World Wide Depression!
The US stock market crashed on Oct 1929, resulting, closure of banks, loosing jobs,their savings, pensions,homes & their lives!. Early 1930's resulted astronomical unemployment rates to be developed more than 25% in US, Germany & in UK.
Losing Confidence in the System
This inflation & no jobs, created frustration among people, resulting lack of faith in to the Governments!. This has resulted two political systems to arrive: Communism & Fascism (1920-1940).

Lenin(Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov)1870-1924
 & Stalin( Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvill) 1879-1953

Stalin met with Lenin in 1905. Lenin was arrested for stirring for rebellion: he was sent to Siberia from 1913 to 1917.
When Czar Nicholoas2 was forced to abdicate in 1917 & was subsequently executed along with his entire immediate family,(Bolshevik Revolution) the government of Russia fell into the hands of the communist party & the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R) was formed in 1922. Lenin is considered the founding Father of Communism. Lenin use Stalin as the enforcer of the communist party. I n 1922, Stalin chairman of the Communist party. History later exposed, that Stalin had anyone from his past executed so that he could create his own myth about his origins. Stalin signed a non aggression pact with Hitler in 1939(to divide the eastern europe between them), which was honoured until 1941, when the Nazis invaded Russia & violated the treaty. After the pact was dissolved, Starling took Eastern europe for himself, so that by end of world war 2, the Warsaw pact nation under Soviet control. They are Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, estimated of 11 m people died at the orders or under the authority of Stalin! During his long reign of terror from 1922 to 1953.