
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Our Lady Of Ransom (24/9)

THE PRIMARY DOCTRINE OF CHRISTIANITY-BE IT OTHODOX,PROTSETANT,ANGLICAN OR CATHOLIC- IS THE MYSTERY OF HOLY TRINITY(namely, that there is one God but three divine persons). Like the other Monotheistic religions(Judaism and Islam), Christianity also firmly believe in one God. THE DIFFERENCE, HOWEVER,IS THAT CHRISTIANITY'S GOD IS TRIUNE( God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) 

This feast to invoke Holy marys' intercession for the unification of Christians. 

How this feast started?

Our lady of mercy,which was founded in Barcelona (spain) in 1233 by St Peter Nolasco, and St ramond of Penyafort and king James of argon, for the ransoming of christians from Sacracen capcitivity, instituted this feast in thanks giving to Our Lady. It was gradually adopted in Spain and France, and in 1696 was promulgated by Pope Innocent XIII for the universal church.
Mary is particularly invoke under the title of 'OUR LADY OF MERCY' or OUR LADY OF RANSOM' for the re conversion of England(OUR LADY'S DOWRY), from false religious teaching. She is also the compassionate ransomer of living sinners from satan's grasp,and of the suffering souls of purgatory!.

Division's of Christianity!
Christianity first divided to catholism and orthodox in 1054/july/16. Break began as a political split within Roman Empire and evolved into a theological split. It is like twins separated at birth!.

Catholicism started to have divisions with Martin Luther in 1521. He was critical about the church activities at that time and wrote about 95 theses against nepotism & simony to correct.(Nepotism-choosing of family members to fill positions regardless of their actual qualifications)(simony-buying of church offices and church"things" such as sacraments and relics of saints) Church theologian appointed to discuss with him,Luther raised the question of Papal infallibility,which led eventually to excommunicate him with the church!. This is how PROTESTANTS started. In questioning centralized authority, Luther also showed a lack of any need for it. This stance opened the door for any one who disagreed with anyone else simply split off. These breaks grew exponentially as groups broke off from other groups, resulting thousands of Protestants that exist today.

In 1530 King Henry VIII, established himself as the supreme head of English Church, forming the Anglican church!.

Note: there are about 1 billion catholics while there are about 250 million orthodox christians centered around where christ apostles established christian communities!.

Main reason

Main divisions of Christianity has stemmed from centralized authority, but not the question of ROLE OF MARY!.

But to day, it appears, many denominations are not identifying the Role of Mary in christianity!. Without our knowledge, we have been deviating the problem towards another direction, as whether to treat Mary as MOTHER OF CHURCH universally.


Christianity is mainly follows the teaching and actions of Jesus.3 points to summaries

(1) For example, 1 st miracle is at Cana. God showed on His own wisdom, why we should go to Holy Mary for our happiness, for her to intercede with God for us!.

(2)Similarly, God in His own wisdom, send Jesus, as human and divine thru' Holy family!. Still Judaism cannot follow this

 So hope these points are sufficient enough to understand, the importance of Holy Mary/saints in Christianity

When we analyze, it is very clear, the role of Mary in Christianity!.
(1)God in His own wisdom, has sent His Son to this world thru' Mary, which still Judaism does not accept.
(2) God in His own wisdom identified the ROLE OF MARY in the new covenant of Love
Which many chrisatian denomination forget.

Why Mary?

Further, at the cross, Jesus handed over every human to Mary(JN19:26), Similarly Mary was given the responsibility of look after us!(JN19:27). Mary has instigated Jesus to come to public life, once Jesus completed His tasks, Mary has been assigned to look after us!. This is Christianity!. Never been changed, but unfortunately smoke of satan appears in undermining the Mary's Role in Christianity, which was not at all the reason for division!

Mary is always in the vanguard of humanity. She is compared to wisdom, presiding at creation; SHE IS ANNOUNCED AS THE WOMAN WHO WILL CONQUER SATAN, AS THE VIRGIN WHO WILL CONCEIVE. She becomes the first person since the fall to have a unique and un repairable kind of union with God. She mothers the Infant christ in Bethlehem; She mothers the mystical Christ in Jerusalem; and now, by Her Assumption, she goes ahead like her son to prepare a place for us. SHE PARTICIPATES IN THE GLORY OF HER SON, REIGNS WITH HIM, PRESIDES AT HIS SIDE OVER THE DESTINIES OF THE CHURCH IN TIME, AND INTERCEDE FOR US, TO HIM, AS HE, IN HIS TURN, INTERCEDE TO THE HEVENLY FATHER. We adore Holy Trinity and respect Holy Mary.

Can we forget Mary in Christianity?
Can we not wear the Miraculous medal and recite daily individual rosary, introduced by Mary?

In 1696 Pope Innocent XIII, saw the importance of Holy Mary for the Unification of Christian Church.

Today it is very important that we pledge with Mary for the unification of the Christian church!.



John Paul II for dummies

Saint companions for each day
For more details follow this links :  Or  ‬ Or for more details about Mary

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