
Tuesday 23 September 2014

26 th sunday(28/9/2014) Smart Catholic! - in detail

Back ground:

Today we are reminded that knowledge of get to know the Jesus message is not uniform among the people. I might get to know earlier than you. That is why some people say it is a gift of God. When you get the real message, you realize the mistakes(sins) that you have done knowingly or unknowingly!. You clearly identify your mistake and determine not to repeat it for the love of God. At the same time you get to know, how God has helped you to come to this present life. When you do this, your banks of the life river, where it has been damaged will automatically repaired by God. This is not a static process but it is dynamic, since your life flow subject to environment of your society. So that the present day you lead a happy life with a good water flow(soul). A person can lead a good life does not mean that he will not change. The cells of our body is everyday changing. It depend upon how you develop your Soul with Jesus' messages, through out your life time. People who were leading a bad life can now lead a happy life!.
Contemplating Jesus messages given in 4 Gospels are the best method of getting to know what Jesus said. Reciting daily rosary with wearing miraculous medal will help the intervention of Holy Mary with God to get to know that knowledge. It is a life long continuous exercise until your death, to be Happy with every time which is guaranteed with Catholism.

Time is like the river water flow.  You cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Enjoy every moment of life. 

Preamble for today's readings:

B.1- Pope francis 3 rd encyclical" THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL" chapter 205 speak about the extension to what Paul says today- consider about your neighbor!

Quote ch:205
"I asked God to give us more politicians capable of sincere and effective dialogue aimed at healing the deepest roots-and not simply the appearances- of the evil in our world!. Politics, though often denigrated, remains a lofty vocation and one of the highest form of charity, in as much as it seeks the common good. We need to be convinced that charity" is the principle not only of micro relationship(with friends, with family members or within small groups) but also of macro relationships(social,economic, political ones)" I beg the Lord grant us more politicians who genuinely disturbed by the state of the society, the people, the lives of the poor. It is vital government leaders and financial leaders take head and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work,education,and health care. Why not turn to God and ask Him to inspire their plans? I am firmly convinced that openness to the transcendent can bring about a new political and economical mind set which will help to break down the wall of separation between the economy and the common good of society.

B.2 Earth bound affairs
Money,power and other desires, we tend to develop stemming from the original sin that you have inherited. We try to accumulate these since certain elements we need to facilitate for our basic living. Ex Money
Strictly speaking, we need 5 basic needs to live. Earth,water,air,sunlight and food. Only food you have to earn for living. So food is basic need to develop our health bank, where we start breathing at birth.
We need Fire also as last basic need. Fire is having 2 characteristics. You can use it to make a good meal for you to eat or you can kill a person. Fire can be used for 2 purposes GOOD or BAD. Similarly, if you are not careful of earth bound needs, you will loose spiritual need, which is essential for your long lasting Happiness. Primary vice that you will have is to accumulate power,recognition etc. When there is a threat for achieving these things, you develop Anger in your body. Which will cause unrest to your mind. You will not have a peaceful mind if you allow your mind to accumulate Anger. That is why jesus said Anger is equivalent to committing suicide. (Mt6:22:). Best remedy He suggest is to pardon not 7 times,not 77 times but777 times. Pardoning and having a peaceful mind is a basic action proposed by many religions in the world.
Next important vice that you have to be careful is IDLENESS. We like to sleep,as a
earth bound need. How long we should sleep for a day? Have you hear people who take medication for not to have sleep?. Generally a person should have average of 7 hrs cumulative sleep per day. Try not to oversleep, by controlling the sleep, then start developing your talents to be converted to energy. Then you will see miracles like in multiplication of loaves(Mt)
Basic 2 actions that you need to develop controlling your earth bound needs are (1) anger(2) laziness.
Catholic church has given you 7 vices, in order for you to develop spiritual power needed to have a Happy Soul. They are
Anger, Laziness, Pride,Avarice,Envy,Lust, Gluttony

What kind of feeling comes upon you when you are in touch with nature, or when you are absorbed in work that you love?. Or when you are really conversing with someone whose company you enjoy in openness and intimacy without clinging? What kind of feeling do you have? Compare those feelings with the feelings you have when you win an argument, or when you win a race, or when you become popular, or everybody is applauding you. The latter feeling is called worldly feelings while the former feelings are Spiritual feeling. To be happy, develop your life to be filled with spiritual feelings!.

Today's reading:
Prophet Ezakiel says that those who renounce his previous sins lives eternally!
Paul reminds us not to have competition amongst ourselves but always consider the other person is better than yourself, so that nobody thinks about his own interest but everybody thinks of other people's interests instead.
 Mt 21:28-32 tells that Prostitutes and tax collectors are making their way into the Kingdom of God before You.
Reminds that always you have to be with the God, followings His principles, in developing your Soul, with spiritual feelings.

D. Conclusions: you have seen many smart people, who achieved money, power and worldly requirements are lost with time, giving us a clear indication of how frustrated they are or how unhappy they are. In contrary if you develop Spiritual power with peaceful mind, with less frustration as a SMART ENERGETIC person. In order to develop this, you should know how to block, fear and sorrow in to your life. That is you have to invite Holy Mary,(as God in His wisdom showed Us in Cana)into your life, by wearing miraculous medal on your neck and reciting daily individual rosary(these 2 are introduced by Holy Mary) with a peaceful mind.


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