
Wednesday 10 September 2014

5th Apparation Of Fatima (13/9/1917) - in general

In 1917 Blessed Mother have revealed herself in the insignificant little village of Fatima, Mostly She is known as 'Our Lady Of Fatima'.

1.World scenario at time of apparitions
During first half of last century, we experienced 2 world wars!.Ideals and values and Institutions that has shaped and nurtured our civilisation for many centuries were overthrown and trampled upon.

She gave timely messages for mankind of imminent catastrophic collapse of governments, justice,religion& morality which started in early 20th century& is continuing in various forms to effect us ever since!.


The Message of Fatima is contained in a series of Church-approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. From 13/5/1917 to13/10/1917. Holy Mary appeared 6 times(13/6,13/7,15/8, 13/9) to- Francisco(7years),Jacinta(9 years) and Lucia(10 years)at Fatima. Apparitions  took place on a small property belong to Lucia's parents called Cova Da Iria, about a mile and half from Fatima on the road to Leiria. Our lady appeared over a holm oak tree, just over 3 feet high!. Francisco could only see Our Lady; He could not hear her. Jacinta could see and hear Her. Lucia could see,hear and talk with the Blessed Virgin Mary.

4. 13/9-5th vision-
Details of the other visions will be made available on this blog or, in future)

Around 20000 crowd was with 3seers.As usual, Sudden cooling of air, a dimming to the point where stars could be seen, and a rain resembling iridescent petals or snowflakes that disappeared before touching the ground. This time a luminous  globe was noticed which moved slowly and majestically through the sky from east to west and at the end of apparition, in the opposite direction.
The seers saw a light,and, immediately following this, they saw Our Lady over the Holm oak tree.

Our Lady: continue to pray rosary to obtain the end of the war. In October,our Lord will also come as well as our Lady of sorrows,and our lady of mount Carmel and  St Joseph with Child Jesus, to bless the world. God is pleased with your sacrifices,but He does not want you to sleep with the robes, wear them only during the day!

Lucia: they have requested me to ask you for many things for the cure of some sick persons of a deaf-mute
Our Lady: Yes, I will cure some. In october,I will perform a miracle for all to believe!.

Note: seers had started to wear a thick rough cord around their waist for penance. They did not remove even night

5. Summary of other visions:

13/5- 1st vision
The 3 seers were playing at Cova da Iria when they saw two flashes like lightning,after which THE MOTHER OF GOD above the holm oak tree. Holy Mary requested seers
(1)to come 6 months, in succession on 13th of every month.
(2) Pray the Rosary(appears 5 decades) to end the war
(3)Seers to carry out penance( they started to wear a thick rough code around their waist-after this)
13/6- 2nd vision
Holy Mary again remind reciting of daily Rosary and establishing devoting her Immaculate Heart(wish of God)

13/7- 3rd vision- the frightful vision of the Hell has been shown to them in the sky & introduced"O my most need"at the end of each decade of rosary.

13/8- 4th vision- Seers could not see Mary due to unsuccessful abduction of Mayor,to get secrets from them.
on15/9,at Lucy's uncles place,seers saw Mary over a holm tree!
Holy Mary requested"Pray,Pray much&make sacrifice for sinners,for many souls will go to hell because there is no one to sacrifice & pray for them".

13/10 -6th vision- they saw
(1)beside the sun Mary & Joseph with child Jesus. Joseph & Jesus blessed the crowd by the sign of the cross 3 times
(2)sorrowful mystery with Mary & jesus(3)glorious mystery-mary crowned as Queen.
Then,people saw,the sun was dancing like a gigantic circle of fire. All these lasted in10 minutes with the sun finally going to original position!..

About 3 seers

Francisco died in1919, while Jacinta died 1920 and her face found to be in corrupt in1935.Sr lucia died on 13/2/2005.

Two of the children, Francisco and Jacinta, were beatified — declared blessed, the final step before canonization — by Pope John Paul II in year 2000.
6. Additional reading:

6.1 Time in and around of world war 1 and world war 2

World war 1 ended in 1918, which resulted, 8.5 m casualties,21m wounded.  When the fighting stop & war ended.  Many people wanted to forget the horrors of 1914 to 1918, so they indulge themselves into numerous pleasures & distractions. Post war resulted in, to convert the factories that were producing weapons & ammunitions, now to produce consumer goods,& people wanted to spend money on entertainment, fashion & leisure. So many people endured enormous hardship during the war,& after the war they wanted to compensate their former misery with contemporary fun. The invention of talking movies(movies with sound), in the early 1920s & the invention of vacuum tube for wireless radio, made going to the movies & listen to the radio two-popular past times! Although the former only cost pennies to do, the latter was free, & that made even more popular!.
Prohibition( the outlawing of alcohol in USA from 1920 to 1933) did not poop out the parting by any means. Though illegal, booze was still produced, shipped, & consumed during those years. Organised lime made a fortune on bootlegging( manufacture & transport of illegal beverages like beer & whiskey), & americans drank their hooch at speak easier(secret locations where members have to quietly order the illegal drink) run by gangsters like Al Capone, Bugs Morgan, & Lucky Luciano!. The straight-laced Victorian era (1837-1901) where manners & protocol were strictly adhered to by almost everyone in society regardless of social rank or economic statues, was caricaturized, ridiculed,& repudiated in the years between world war 1 & world war 2(1919-1939). Because many monachies were involved in the eruption of world war 1, some overreacted after the war not only abandoning the monachical style of government, but also the social expression of the aristocracy as well. The Victorian era morality was seen by some people as a relic & the symbol of the anti democratic republican system. The prim & proper demeanour of people during the reign of Queen Victoria of England(1837-1901) was now seen as being prudish or even puritanical. Where as the older morality found it socially unacceptable to be seen in public exposing your face & hands, the new morality of the 1920s not only saw the hem lines of women's skirts go higher & higher, but the overall ethical behaviour become more & more lax & licentious.
Whether it is drinking illegal alcohol, visiting places of public prostitution, or attending burlsquare shows, the Roaring twenties would later be considered somewhat decadent & antitheticle to traditional values like marriage & family. Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Anger & Gluttony are not only the seven deadly or capital sins- most of them were hobbies, if not preoccupation, of many people after world war 1 when some economic prosperity & new political freedom gave them a feeling of total liberty.
Treaty Of Versailles
In world war 1 Allied forces(UK,france, Italy, Belgium, Russia,USA) defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey,Balgeria. The defeated central power were led by GERMANS(Kaiser Wilhelm). Accordingly Germans were to handover their colonies, and they were restricted to 100,000 army with no tanks, no air crafts, no air ships with no submarines!. Adolf Hitler later used this treaty to drive the Germans to his Nazi Party. In 1923, outrages inflation was seeing in germany, where one $= 4 trillion marks( you need a big pocket to buy a loaf of bread). Also,  Allied forces could not supervise,& enforce the conditions of the treaty due to beurocratical process that they have to adopt by each countries.
World Wide Depression!
The US stock market crashed on Oct 1929, resulting, closure of banks, loosing jobs,their savings, pensions,homes & their lives!. Early 1930's resulted astronomical unemployment rates to be developed more than 25% in US, Germany & in UK.
Losing Confidence in the System
This inflation & no jobs, created frustration among people, resulting lack of faith in to the Governments!. This has resulted two political systems to arrive: Communism & Fascism (1920-1940).

Lenin(Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov)1870-1924
 & Stalin( Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvill) 1879-1953

Stalin met with Lenin in 1905. Lenin was arrested for stirring for rebellion: he was sent to Siberia from 1913 to 1917.
When Czar Nicholoas2 was forced to abdicate in 1917 & was subsequently executed along with his entire immediate family,(Bolshevik Revolution) the government of Russia fell into the hands of the communist party & the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R) was formed in 1922. Lenin is considered the founding Father of Communism. Lenin use Stalin as the enforcer of the communist party. I n 1922, Stalin chairman of the Communist party. History later exposed, that Stalin had anyone from his past executed so that he could create his own myth about his origins. Stalin signed a non aggression pact with Hitler in 1939(to divide the eastern europe between them), which was honoured until 1941, when the Nazis invaded Russia & violated the treaty. After the pact was dissolved, Starling took Eastern europe for himself, so that by end of world war 2, the Warsaw pact nation under Soviet control. They are Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, estimated of 11 m people died at the orders or under the authority of Stalin! During his long reign of terror from 1922 to 1953.

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