
Wednesday 17 September 2014

25 thSunday(21/9/2014) TIMELY CATHOLIC - in summary

Mt20:1-16 says"I CHOSE TO PAY LAST COMMER AS MUCH I PAY FOR YOU"reminds that Time is given for us to spent happily.

How to spend time Happily?

Always try to forget past & live present!. You may live5/25/75or100 years, important thing is not the duration you live(since when U compare even100yrs with Eternal life,it is negligible)but whether you spend time happily!(Irrespective whether you are' NORMAL/DEFORMED or SICK).

What is happiness?

Happiness is not merely achievement of worldly affairs such as Money,power &desires/where you drop all these at your death.

Summary of other readings!

Prophet Issaiah, reminds importance of following Jesus,to yield good grapes!.

Paul reminds importance of having PEACEFUL MIND,to reach Happiness!.

How to maintain Happiness?
(1)Sticking more to worldly affairs,
(2)not following 10 commandments:
(3) with Anger &Laziness to develop in your mind 
(4)not knowing how to treat FEAR& SORROWS from catholism,
(5)not following God's Will,

All above will make your life miserable and will influence badly for your immediate society!too.
Remember that God has created you to lead a happy life!
Today, God gives us a clear answer to, the question, why He created human?
The main purpose is to lead a Happy life, irrespective of your deformities! (Both mental or physical)


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