
Friday 3 October 2014

27 Sunday Rejected Catholic(5/10/2014) - in detail

Back ground:
Last sunday, we observed how to maintain happiness, through out your life, without loosing faith. At the same time you don't know how faith will come to you. There is no simple equation!. Every religion in this world primary aim was to introduce peaceful mind among their devotees.
Then every religion differs to the treatments that their devotees have to follow, in the case of fear and sorrow of your life. In christianity, the role of Mary and Saints plays a vital role, to intercede with God, for your happiness. Why? God in His own wisdom, showed us at Cana, that we should invite mary to our life, in addition to God, for our happiness(wine), while we maintain our life with 10 commandments/following God's will for you(water).

In catholicism, the introduction of Mary's dogma's has taken 18 centuries(Immaculate conception in 1854 and mary's assumption in 1950), though people were venerating Mary. Christianity divisions stared from Authodox(1054A.D),Protestants(1521A.D), Anglicans(1530A.D)
Though all Christian denomination basic faith is Trinity, understanding the role of Mary may vary from denomination to other denomination.
It appears that Catholic church has progressed far on the study of Role of Mary, when compared to other christian denominations.

Example: the vatican 2 council
(Ref: The document of VATICAN II-with Notes and Index) section 58 talks about the understanding of Mary's role. Herewith you will see the "quote"

58.In the public life of Jesus, mary make significant appearances. This is so even at the very beginning, when at the marriege feast of Cana, moved with pity, she brought her intercession the beginning of miracles of Jesus the messiah(cf. Jn 2:1-11). In the course of her son's preaching she received the words whereby in extolling a kingdom beyond the calculations and bonds of flesh and blood, He declared blessed (cf:mark3:35;27-28) those who heard and kept the word of God, as she was faithfully doing(cf luke 2:19,51). After this manner the blessed virgin advanced in her pilgrimage of faith, and faithfully preserved in her union with her son unto the cross, where she stood, in keeping with the divine plan(cf: john 19:25), grieving exceedingly with Her only begotten son, uniting herself with a maternal heart with His sacrifice, and lovingly consenting to the immolation of this victim which she herself has brought forth. Finally she was given by the same Christ Jesus dying on the cross as a mother to His disciple with these words"WOMEN BEHOLD THY SON"(cf John 19:26-27).

B.  Pre amble for today's reading:

B.1. Purpose of living

Everybody in this world wants to lead a happy life. There are two types of happiness.
What kind of feeling comes upon you when you are in touch with nature, or when you are absorbed in work that you love?. Or when you are really conversing with someone whose company you enjoy in openness and intimacy without clinging? What kind of feeling do you have? Compare those feelings with the feelings you have when you win an argument, or when you win a race, or when you become popular, or everybody is applauding you. The latter feeling is called worldly feelings while the former feelings are Spiritual feeling. To be continuously happy, you have to develop balance life to be filled with spiritual and earthly feelings!.
Here the Role of Mary and saints plays a vital role!. One should be very careful that catholics Adore only God the Trinity, but not Holy Mary or saints, where they become similar to our earthly friends. Earthly friends we don't Worship but we respect.

B.2. Free will:
Free will means ability to choose. God created human to his image means that God has given human,ability to choose. If you cannot choose you become a slave. You feel your freedom is curtailed. Human thinking pattern normally depends upon(1) where he live-different time table and different climatic conditions(2)how he is brought up in living-different family,religious and social environment,he underwent. Free will of human, cannot be stolen by another human. How much you try to force another human for your idea, he may show that he is accepting, but his inner heart may not accept. This is the value of Free Will of human.

B.3 Dictatorship
Your idea is true for yourself, similarly my idea is true for myself!. With differences of truth, how can we associate each other. This is the challenge we face throughout the human history; Pilate ask Jesus;"What is truth". At the end you will see, the truth is simply one's preferred, culturally conditioned, socially constructed version of reality. How to surrender your idea to other is shown clearly in catholicism. Ultimately it directs, how to surrender your will to God's will.
If we are not concern about other, you will be like a dictator. Catholicism train you, how to become a slave of Jesus to lead a Happy life.

B.4 Difference between before to Jesus and after Jesus(old testament to New)
Earlier God was directly guiding the people, since God was direct He ask human to
(1) Follow 10 commandments
(2) Use the flat form "teeth to teeth or eye to eye". Since God directly intervening
But after Jesus, God has given us full freedom to use our Free will, search for His will individual to you, by following new set of guide lines, to reach intended Happiness in your life.
Guide lines given as follows.
(1)Follow 10 commandments
(2) Since God is indirect now, use the platform of"you tern your other cheek"
(3)If anybody ask you to carry "one mile, carry 2 miles" happily by handing over your unrest to Holy Mary/saints or Jesus at the cross
(4)You allow God to lead your life, by following His will (not your will)
(5) Always have a Peaceful mind, without anger and Idleness.

Today's readings:

C.1 Prophet Issaiah says:he expected justice but found blood shed,integrity but only a cry of distress.

C.2 Mat:21:33-43 ends "It was the stone rejected by the builders that become the key stone.

C.3 Paul reminds the importance of having a PEACEFUL LIFE.

With Baptism you become Catholic.
With Holy Communion,you will be nourished with Eternal Food,with Confirmation,you become catholic adult with full knowledge. Simply to understand, that God created you to have a Peaceful eternal life, including this world.
To achieve that Jesus message of Love to be practiced in your life. Due Egotism & laziness,U deviate from Catholic principles,extending fear & sorrow into your life. More deviation will result either you become atheist or forget God. He will invite you to follow Him,thru' many of your life experiences.

so that it will become KEYSTONE of your Life.

Today reading summarizes, the truth of Jesus message of love. Due to earthly happiness, we will deviate from His teachings, but we always been sensed that His teaching is ultimate truth, to lead a Happy life both here and eternal.
In order to reach happiness, one should clearly understand the Role of Mary and saints in Christianity. Also they have to be clear as to the physical and mental action they should follow in differentiation of Worship and Respect.
Then you will see Catholicism become your corner stone with the examples given by Jesus(part of Trinity)


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