
Friday 17 October 2014

29 Sunday Political Catholic(19/10/2014) - in detail

Back ground:
Up to now, sunday readings were highlighting how to develop your faith. The root less faith you develop from school, has to be properly developed to actual faith, through the careful, contemplation of sunday readings!.Trouble follows when church & state are blended together,ie when clergy holds public office:

 To day we are invited to understand the difference between politics to religion!

'no servant can serve 2 masters, either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise other' (luke16:13).

B. Preamble for reading:
B.1 The difference between Religious law and Government law
Always freedom is subject to law. Since Freedom is WHAT YOU OUGHT TO DO not what you want to do.
Human freedom can be distinctly separate into three parts.
External Freedom, internal freedom and personal freedom.
External freedom is governed by Government laws. There, another human with,evidence, will try to judge you, whether you have gone against the rule. This system is not ideal, as human is prune for many errors!.
Even if you make a mistake(illegal act), similar to sin in a religion, you are innocent, so long you are been proved as guilty.

Internal freedom: is your religious laws. 10 commandments for christians. God has given you freedom subject to these laws. Even if you think to break these laws is called Sin.
You and only God knows, whether you have committed a sin. In this case, understanding the law, clearly help us to have a dialogue with God. No third party involves to find whether you are wrong or correct. This is the real application of finding where you have gone wrong and with dialoge to God, you can correct it.

Your personal freedom, lies between these two: internal to external.

Your external freedom is earth bound (going with gravitation),as how to live in harmony on earth or in a given country with regard to Money,power and earthly desires. Always the systems introduced are error prune.
Your internal freedom is Spiritual bound, going against gravitation, where you have a dialogue direct with God and is ideal analysis.

Combination of external freedom to internal freedom, lead to short circuit, your internal freedom, where your ability to judge by yourself, whether you go against to your law, you allow another human to decide!.In this case you tend to forget, the actual implementation of religious law. IN OTHER WORDS YOU TRY TO COMBINE EARTH BOUND WITH SPIRITUAL BOUND WHICH IS OF TWO OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS:

B.2 Examples from the catholic church
Thomas Becket at the age of 37,became the most powerful figure in UK.In1161 he became the Archbishop of Canterbury, nominated by his friend king Henry II . But friction started between king and the church. In 29/12/ 1170, king's nights killed Thomas. In short period he was raised to alters.

In the recent past, St John paul II, took stern action, against priests who were involved in politics & holding office in the Governments:ex Jesuit father Earnesto Cardenal/1983.

B.3. Difference between external Freedom and internal Freedom: treatment for breaking the law!
Making laws from one country to another country is different!. For example in US, you drive your vehicle on the right hand of the road while in UK,it is opposite!.purpose of making  Laws of a given country, is to allow it's citizens to live in harmony.( It depends upon climate,culture etc). But the religious laws (Ex 10 commandments in Christianity) is independent to such conditions. It has to be universally implemented without any ambiguity. Catholic means Universal(in latin). That is why, you have no reference to food in 10 commandments!.

B.4. What is the present church view on Governments
Pope francis in His "Joy of the gospel" 3rd encyclic written 24/11/2013, chapter 240 and 241 "requote"
240: It is the responsibility of state to safeguard and promote the common good of society. Based on the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity, and fully committed to political dialogue and consensus building. It plays a fundamental role, one which cannot be delegated, in working for the integral development of all. This role,at present, calls for profound social humility.
241: In her dialogue with state and society, the church does not have solutions for every particular issue. Together with the various sectors of society,she supports those programmed which best respond to the dignity of each person and the common good. In doing this, She propose in a clear way the fundamental values of human life and convictions which can then find expression in political activity.

B.5 Difference of Vatican city with a earthly Government?

But how about Vatican?

This city state is 108.5 acre tract of land(compared to 485 acre of Monaco or 843 acres of New york central park!),plus other churces & buildings outside it's walls!. Their currency is Euro & they mint their own coins & stamps. It has it's own news paper,postal system,radio & television stations & rail road.Although there is no vatican army,the swiss guards were protecting pope since 1506. It has it's own flag & national anthem & issues it's own passports & citizenships. It has the oldest diplomatic corps in the world,with embassies more than 180!. Pope has to manage the universal church along with Vatican City!

Vatican city there are no instruments to control power, such as Police,Army,Navy, it has no Judiciary system etc. This catholic headquarters is a good heavenly example of how to lead catholics spiritually!

B.5 Baltimore decisions:
It appears church played vital role in the activities of the governments until 1884, where all bishop agreed at Baltimore, that church should not involve in politics. This clearly shows clergy to refrain from political activities. This does not refrain catholics to do politics!. The catholic politicians should clearly know the difference of religion to politics, and try to make government laws, which has to be error less!.

C. Today's reading:
' Very well, give back to caesar what belongs to Caesar's-and to God what belongs to God"
Christianity clearly indicates that Governing the people(Government) and combining to religious laws is not practical. Governing the people is mainly go towards earth bound, money and power friendliness, while religion is going towards spiritual bound, to have a peaceful mind(follow religious law. avoid anger, judging others etc)

Paul says;",,constantly remember before God our Father how you have shown your faith in action, worked for love..."
Reminds following 10 commandments whole hearted ly will certainly help you to develop faith. Strive to have a Peaceful mind, otherwise God's direction for you will be hampered.

Prophet Isaiah says;
"...Though you do not know me, I arm you that men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun, that, apart from me,all is nothing"

Reminds God is all powerful and HE is the ultimate Judge to decide whether you are wrong!


Today's  message clearly remind us that God,the beginning and end of all things,can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human reason(cf Rom 1:20); but teaches that it is through His revelation that those religious truths which are by their nature accessible to human reason can be known by all men with ease, with solid certitude and with no trace of error, even in this present state of the human race.

Until 1884, Baltimore, the church might have sailed with certain errors by combining religion and politics. Good example is when emperor maximinan II, tried to have ecclesiastical celibacy abolished during pope pius IV in 1557.

This kind of actions might have cause for the separation of our other religious denominations!. Though the wrong actions has been properly addressed in a reasonable time by the church, the reconciliation process of unity appears still slow. Nevertheless, we should not forget, the strong process with respect to implementation of Jesus message, that catholic church has followed up to now. Specially to provide rulings to upheld social values(ex abortion, euthanasia, marriages etc). Similarly the study of Role of Holy Mary is appreciable. Today church is equipped to safeguard all Catholics, in advising on various trivial issues that stemmed from modern scientific developments!


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