
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Beautificationof Pope Paul VI - in general

On 21/6/1963,63yrs Giovanni Battista Montini( Brescia-Italy),became 262Pope.

Pope francis will hold Pope Paul VI's witness upto a wider audience today, when he beatified him during the closing mass of extra ordinary synod of Bishops on the Family. He worked alongside with pope pius12,during world war2&was maintaining names of prisoners of both sides,in forwarding information to worried families.

Pilgrim Pope
He was1st"PILGRIM POPE"in modern era to travel abroad visiting 6 continents in7yrs& was 1st pope to visit Srilanka in1970 Dec

Vatican II

Pope Pius12 laid ground work in1950 for Vatican2 which opened in1962by pope John23&closed by Paul6 in1965.Church well being &modernisation were top priority of the agenda!.St Joseph has been declared as Heavenly Protector of Vatican2.

St John23 convoked Vatican 2& presided over 1st session, while He was"REAL HELMSMAN"presiding over all other3 sessions& guiding it's implementation

Major outcomes of this council are
(1)Latin was replaced by common language of local people,priest was allowed to face people and in 3years nearly all of scriptures at sundaymass would be read at Holy Mass
(2)lay people to read scriptures, assist with distribution of Holy communion
(3)marriage &single life were respected,as equal vocation of GOD along with Holy orders
(4)promoting Christian unity among religions
(5)using modern technology to explain faith.

Around3000 priests and lay people attended.

Previous council Vatican1 held100years before to decide on papal infallability!.

His tenor of Papal office

His papacy was marked by public debates over changing sexual morality(Condemned artificial contraception and abortion-En cyclical Humane Vitae 1968);
church traditional teaching & changes in liturgy.
Mass we celebrate now is called"PAUL VI Mass"since He has completely revised liturgical text.

For Paul VI, dialogue was an expression of the evangelical spirit that tries to draw close to each person, that tries to understand each person, that tries to make itself understood by each person.

Ecclesiam suam laid out the vision of his papacy, looking at ways the church could and should continue God's action of setting out to encounter humanity and bring people to the fullness of truth and salvation.
How vital it is for the world, and how greatly desired by the catholic church, that the two should meet together, and get to know and love one another" He wrote.

His beatification to
Blessed Paul the VI th

 He died6/8/1978. Unborn child(USA) diagnosed severe health complications& to be aborted has been cured due to his intercession,

May we pray for His sainthood


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