
Tuesday 21 October 2014

St John Paul II- (22/10) - in general

A. Karol and His family

Karol Wojtyla- a Polish, was born on 18 may 1920. His father was attached Polish military and had a dominant influence for his early formation as his mother died when he was nine years. When he was 13 his older brother passed away. At the age19 He lost his father. So when he become20, he was without any family members. These blows, caused him great grief to a grander maturity and wisdom of life and a firmer faith in God.
Added to the crucible of family loss was the circumstance of his country falling in to the hands of Nazi despot. This intellectually gifted young man was obliged to pursue studies in what amounted to an underground university while working first in the stone quarry and then in a chemical factory. These years saw his early infatuation with theatre grow in to what appeared to be career path. Yet simultaneously there was a inner sense of a call to the priest hood that began aftermath of his fathers death.

B. His personality

There was a rich combination of personal gifts afforded him such as profound and analytical intellect, his ability to communicate through word and gesture and even his fine singing voice, his exceptional sociability and ability to engage with people, his excellent memory and strong and attractive figure.

C. His prominent life experience

He experienced at close range the two greatest modern abomination stemming from the rejection of God- dialects materialism or communism and Nazi fascism. From 1939 to 1945, poland was occupied by  troops of Nazi leadership. This tragic period was followed by an era, perhaps less brutal but more insidious in some ways in its attack on the integrity of persons on basic freedom and church.
Finally Poland was with another era for 44 years, a satellite of Soviet Russia.

D. His Priesthood carrier

He was  ordained on 1 November 1946 by Adam Stefan Sapieha,and Consecration on 28 September 1958 by Eugeniusz Baziak,appointed as Cardinal : 26 June 1967, His Papacy period is from16 October 1978 to 2 April 2005(26 years,168 days). He was beautified on 1st May 2011 at Saint Peter's Square, Vatican city by Pope Benedict XVI. He was raised to alter by Pope Francis 1 on 27/4/2014.

C. How John paul II name came?

In august 1978, following Pope paul VI's death, cardinal wojtyla voted in his 1 st papal conclave since being made as cardinal. There were many possible contenders to the throne of St peter. Yet the conclave elected an italian from Venice, Albino luciani, who was 65 years old. He broke with tradition and was the 1st pope to take 2 names, John Paul I to honour his 2 immediate predecessors, John XXIII and paul VI. Luciani reigned as pope and as sovereign of vatican city state from august 26, 1978 to september 28 of the same year. His 1 month papacy is one of the shortest in history.
Interestingly, Pope John XXIII started vatican II, Paul VI conducted and John Paul II, implemented the major actions reining the 3rd longest papal office.

D. Vatican II

Previous council of Vatican1 held100years before to decide on papal infallability!.
Pope PiusXII laid ground work in1950 for Vatican2 which opened in1962by pope JohnXXIII and he declared St Joseph as Heavenly Protector of Vatican2.
Around3000 priests+lay people attended.Closed by Paul XI in 1965. Church well being and modernisation were top priority of the agenda!.Major outcomes of this council were
(1)Latin was replaced by common language of local people,priest was allowed to face people and in 3years nearly all of scriptures would be read at Holy Sunday Mass
(2)lay people to read scriptures, assist with distribution of Holy communion
(3)marriage &single life were respected,as equal vocation of GOD along with Holy orders
(4)promoting Christian unity among religions
(5)using modern technology to explain faith.

E. John paul II and Holy Mary

Pope John paul II, like most other popes, took a moto as well as a new name when He was elected bishop of Rome by cardinals, in 1978 after the untimely death of pope john paul I,one month after his election. His Motto was" totus tuus", which is latin for"TOTALLY YOURS". It is based on spirituality of St Louis de Montfort, a 17 century french priest, who promoted a strong devotion to the VIRGIN MARY. Part of that spirituality focussed on being "TOTALLY YOURS"- that is being totally committed to following the holy example of MARY, the mother of JESUS, especially in Her humility and her obedient disciple ship to that same son of hers.
He wrote a papal en cyclical in 1987(Redemptoris Mater) on VIRGIN MARY as mother of the redeemer(JESUS CHRIST) and Her Role in Salvation.

F. Brushes with death

At least in 3 occasions he was close to death. One in childhood and one as Pope.
Childhood: one friend, who's father ran a pub in Wadowice(town of karol youth),was playing with a gun of a local police man, who used to entrust it, supposedly unloaded, to the publican while he enjoyed a few drinks. In jest karol friend pointed the gun at him and pull the trigger. There was a shock on the faces of all when the gun fired and lightly gazed a side of his head, lodging in the wall behind him. Later, as a young man during German occupation, a nazi convoy passed him by considerable speed. One of the trucks hit him, knocking him unconsciously alongside the road. He lay there until a woman saw him and shouted down one of the other trucks, whose driver was sympathetic enough to take him to the hospital.
The most dramatic of all these close calls with death was undoubtly which took place in St peter's square on 13 May 1981,less than 3 years in the papcy. The images of the assassination attempt of Ali Agca are embedded in many a witness memories and in some remarkable photo's taken by bystanders. Though more than one bullet struck the pope, it is said the one that did most damage came within a millimetre of being, without doubt fatal.

G. John Paul II- lover of sports

John Paul II soccer lover!,He played as goal keeper. Young Karol was chastised by parish priest for repeatedly kicking a soccer ball against wall of church. When he was installed as pope on sunday 22nd 1978,he scheduled mass in morning,so that every one can see afternoon soccer matches in TV His papacy was remarked like a goal keeper!,who protected and understood value of being team player. He chastised a bishop"if you are going to be in choir,you have got to learn to sing in harmony"!.
Shortly after his election, He wanted to install modern swimming pool at Castel Gandolfo. Aide asked whether he is concerned about cost. Mindful of unexpected death of his predecessor, John Paul1(lived1month as pope)he responded,"It will be cheaper than cost of another conclave!"John Paul II swam until 2002(81yrs).

H. Wide traveller

He was fluent in 14 languages!.
He was1st pope to visit most of nations, while travelling1,2M Km(equivalent of 31 trips around globe).He received17.6 M visitors, at St Peters square. He died on2/4/2005. His body was respected by 3M people. No other person in recent history has had such a tremendous display of respect& mourning over his life &death.

I.  Canonisation:

Canonisation is an official decree of the catholic church. It is definitive judgement of the Pope, that a person is now listed among saints in Heaven. Through Canonisation, the pope makes a formal declaration that the immortal soul of the person in question is now with God and His eternal glory. Hence we look on saints with great respect and admiration. The saint is given as an example because of their Virtues. Beatification is a step in the canonisation process. If a person is beatified, he has been thoroughly investigated by the church, a miracle has been attributed to him, and he has been given the title Blessed. The catholic church canonaises or beatifies only those whose lives have been marked by the use of heroic virtue.(Good work that greatly out distance those of ordinary good people). In order to be heroic, it must be done with pure & honourable motives, quickly & thoroughly. A heroic virtue is a habit of good conduct that has become second nature to a person- not just a good deed here or there, like helping an old lady across a street . HEROIC VIRTUE HELPS AN ORDINERY PERSON TO ACCOMPLISH ORDINARY THINGS IN AN EXTRAORDINARY WAY!.

Does any other christian denomination have SAINTS or this kind of process?

J.  Canonisation process.

5 steps to declare a Saint
(1)whether he lead his life with 7Heroic Virtues(cardinal-PRUDENCE, JUSTICE, FORTITUDE,TEMPERENCE+theological-FAITH,HOPE, CHARITY)
(2)With approval from CONGREGRATION FOR CAUSE OF SAINTS(CFCOS),he will be considered"SERVENT OF GOD"
(3)Relator & experts investigate his writing and work whether those are Theologically Sound!,with majority CFCOS,Pope will declare him as "VENERABLE"(Virtues are worthy of being venerated by lay people!)
(4)Blessed is declared,with a miracle-(Prostulator report,action is supernatural & directly attributed to him)
(5)After Blessed another miracle need him to be canonized as Saint!.
19&20th centuries 80 and 665 new saints declared.

J. Practical aspect of Canonisation!

By divine choice Mary & saints are interceding for us!.(ex:Cana why Mary request Jesus),Intercessory prayer affirms that we are one spiritual FAMILY!,with God."PRAY FOR ME"means I am inviting you to be in my family!

In addition, canonisation indicates, that candidate should have evidenced of consistent Joy during his life!. JOY HAS BEEN CALLED" THE KEYNOTE OF THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE" as shown by John (15:11) All these I have told you so that my joy will be yours. In the lives of saints we see how characteristically the JOY OF THE LORD manifested itself. Similarly in the life of St John Paul II we see the same.

K. Canonised more saints!
St John Paul II greatly increased the number of canonisation and saints!
He held 51 canonisations recognising 483 saints!

History of canonisations are given below.
16 century- 1 canonisation ceremony with 1 saint
17 century- 10 canonisation ceremonies with 24 saints
18 century- 9 canonisation ceremonies with 29 saints
19 century- 8 canonisation ceremonies with 80 saints
20 century- 8 canonisation ceremonies with 80 saints

L. Canonisation of popes!

St peter to pope Francis,there were 266 popes.80 popes have declared as saints. Earliest popes were martyred for their faith & became as saints. once the persecution of church ended, the clusters of popes names of saints got thinner. The last 2 popes became saints were JohnXXIII and JohnPaul II,on 27/4/2014.

Both these saints were living examples of "travelling, meeting people,learning new cultures etc".They both commonly recognised SEED OF TRUTH & EVEN GOD'S PRESENCE COULD BE SEEN AT WORK IN OTHER RELIGIONS TOO.

Over the last 701 yrs from this date only 4 popes became saints.

M. John Paul II  beatification and canonisation.

Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, a French nun and a member of the Congregation of Little Sisters of Catholic Maternity Wards, confined to her bed by Parkinson's Disease, was reported to have experienced a "complete and lasting cure after members of her community prayed for the intercession of Pope John Paul II"

2 nd miracle for canonisation!

Floribeth Mora Diaz, the Costa Rican woman whose inexplicable cure from brain Aneurysm has been completely cured after praying to bl Jp2. SHE SAID I ALWAYS KEPT MY FAITH, I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN  A FIRM BELIEVER. I HAVE A DEEP LOVE OF GOD.
That was in may 2011. Doctors could not explain the rapid improvement, and Mora became the second official miracle attribute to blessed John Paul II, who died in 2005.

On 5 july 2013, pope francis signed the decree allowing canonization of Bl JP2 and Bl john 23

He died 2/4/2005,beatified on1/5/2011 and  declared as saint on 27/4/2014.He was a MAN FOR ALL SEASONS-with strong FAITH.

His Feast day is  22 October

St John Paul II- PRAY FOR US!

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