
Friday 7 November 2014

32 Sunday(9/11) Passionate Catholic:(dedication of the latern basilica) - in summary

Latern basilica is the 1st basilica (out of 4) build in Rome. Jesus is reminding that you are build more value than that! and HE reassure that His followers, will be in heaven in 3 steps, just He showed by Himself by resurrection!
Paul & Prop: Ezekiel reminds that your happy life to be built according to Catholism.

Jn2: 13-22says".. before Jews passover..He found people selling cattle..Making a wip..drove them ..Destroy..3days..raise it up"reminds:

#Your  wonderful body(86 Billion Neurons with Trillion of connections-Brain) is created to image of God(Temple)
#Vices will make your temple impure/Unless you wipe Vices by sacrifices you face sorrow and fear

Once Temple is destroyed,in3 steps,it is recovered. ie *Death,*Purgatory& *Heaven.

Last sunday we reflected about Purgatory. It will help living to remember their loved departed friends by carrying out charity and sacrifices, other than the main purpose of purgatory!
In addition to the main 3 steps to Jesus was showing about rebuilding our body with death,purgatory and heaven, there are another sub 3 steps that we should follow to seek full joy of the living, the purpose of our life: they are
(1) Follow the basic principles that has to be given by Jesus with carefully avoiding Anger and laziness. You are having a peaceful mind
(2) Avoid other 5 vices: You are having an cheerful mind
(3) Develop your passionate commitment
-you enjoy your contribution to the society

*1. Basic principles
Jesus reminded by chasing money changers etc from temple about HIS PASSIONATE COMMITMENT TO IMPLEMENT GOD'S WILL"Stop turning my FATHERS house into a market"His will for us , is to follow
#10 commandments with no enemies

#peaceful mind with no ANGER/
#handover your fear+sorrow to Mary,saints/
#convert your talents to energy.


*2. check about Vices(your market)

Pride,Avarice,Lust Envy,Gluttony
Chase them away for HAPPINESS.

#PRIDE: Great an admiration of oneself and  has 7 evil consequences: boasting, love for publicity, hypocrisy, hardheadness, discord,quarreling and dis obedience leads to YOUR OWN EGOISM.

#AVARICE: will lead us to be greedy,and ends up with fraud, perjury, dishonesty, perfidy and harshness, in dealing with others, which leads us to desire and covet things that we should not. This behaviour can affect all the 6 goods: NATURAL,TEMPORAL, SENSORY, MORAL, SPIRITUAL and SUPERNATURAL

#LUST: It is a dis orientated love that seeks not the other but personal individualistic pleasure and satisfaction in everything we do. The desire for pleasure is good thing in life. Life would be sapless without it. What is dangerous is inordinate craving for it. Jesus advocate a life that is simple. He is conscious of the dangers of riches and money.

#Gluttony: this follows from disorderly animal appetite, the obsession with food and drink to the point of LIVING TO EAT, RATHER THAN EATING TO LIVE.



Try to develop a passionate commitment for the society,other than your family. With perseverance along with God/Mary,saints try to implement


Elija told the non-believers, he would prove that there is only one God by asking God to rain down fire from heaven to consume his sacrifice. He said"IF GOD DOES NOT HONOR MY PRAYER, THEN YOUR GODs ARE REAL and YOU CAN KILL ME.". He cut up his sacrifice into many pieces and laid it out on the altar. He then poured water over it to eliminate any doubt as to the source of the fire. Then surrounded by hordes of his potential executioners he called to the heavens" OKAY GOD, PROVE WHAT YOU SAID".  Fire immediately came and consumed the sacrifice right before their startled eyes. This is COMMITTED LEADERSHIP.

Nelson Mandela did not become a leader for BLACK FREEDOM,because he was handsome and charismatic. He forged his influence across world by making time in JAIL and walking down lonely roads. More than 20yrs he sat in prison,refusing to compromise his commitment to FREEDOM-because he believed it was not just an issue for himself,but for all people.
Catholism lead you to enjoy your present life with passionate commitment. It clearly gives 3 stage path(1) attain a peace full mind(2)lead a worry free life (3) enjoy your life according to your passion!

Today we are reminded with dedication of Latern Basilica, inturn you are reminded actions and words of Jesus to a passion able(enjoyable) life more than the Basilica!

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