
Wednesday 19 November 2014

34 Sunday-last sunday cycle 1-Crowned catholic(26/11/2014)- feast of christ the king - in summary

Prophet:Ezekiel and Paul says God is true shepard and Catholism leads U to be Happy.


Gospel MT(25:31-46)says"..for I was hungry,you gave me welcome..Lord when did we see you did it this to one of the least of did it to me.."

Reminds you should be rich to serve another. Your richness will depend upon how far you have converted your talents to energy. For that you need to maintain (1)peaceful and (2)worry less mind.

Major problem to achieve peaceful mind is laziness caused from JUDING OTHERS. when you see vice with your friend CHECK
(A)same vice you like, if so first correct yourself
(B)otherwise(if you are sure you don't have that vice) handover to God thru' Mary to correct your friend
(C)God will find a path,how to relieve your friend from that vice.
Remember St Monica took33yrs to correct her Son  St Augustine.

Jesus,asked to throw first stone,by a person without sin,to a woman accused of adultery. NO STONES! Came because everybody understood their sinfulness. Always try to avoid Judging in your life.

Once you overcome Judging others, it is easy for you to utilise your time for a useful purpose. Then you can control your anger to reach a peaceful mind.

From a peaceful mind, you can attain a worry less mind, by training your self in handing your fears, sorrows and disagreements to Holy Mary/saints, for them to intercede with God, to find a solution for you. This is very simple and practical method given in Catholism.
Then you can achieve a worry less mind.

Next step is to achieve a happy mind. For this you should train to avoid other 5 vices(pride,envy,avarice,lust,gluttony) in your life.

The last step is to convert your talents to energy. With good health(mental+physical) and using the available latest technology, you can easily convert your talents to energy. So that you are rich with your talents to be given to the society!. YOU WILL BE HAPPY WHILE THE SOCIETY ALSO HAPPY!

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