
Friday 14 November 2014

33 Sunday (16/11/2014) Lazy Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Last few sundays we reflected:
(1) Catholicism mission statement-LOVE and how we develop Love in the society
(2) In the society we need friends. Some friends(parent/teachers) we are grateful(our life time) for their influence for our happy life!. Similarly we need spiritual friends! We analyzed the spiritual friends through Canonization process and how we can discipline ourself with regard to the concept of purgatory. THE MAJOR DIFFERENCE OF CATHOLISM WITH REGARD TO OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS ARE SAINTS AND PURGETORY.
(3)Last sunday, we reflected (a)our body is more value than LATERN BASILICA(b)our body can be destroyed thru' death, but thru' purgatory we will go to eternal happiness (heaven)-THREE DAYS REBUILDING ANALOGY(c)while living, we can reach happiness in 3 steps,have a peaceful mind/have a worry less mind/ then removing 5 other vices we can reach happiness (Pride,avarice,envy,lust,gluttony)

Today, again we were reminded, how to achieve Happiness while we are living on this planet. Highlighting the same vices to be removed!

B. Preamble to today's reading

B.1 Human behavior
In your body there are 86 Billions of Neurons and they form 1 trillion networks. Everyday these neurons are changing forming new ideas(networks). If you are not careful about your life with practice of agreed principles of Catholicism, avoiding laziness, you tend to change your behavior pattern. You need spiritual support to achieve that: attending Holy masses(specially on sundays/with the idea of sunday readings), wearing miraculous medal, reciting daily individual rosary will help you to maintain your behavior successfully to reach happiness)

B.2 main points of Jesus messages:

When we summaries the Jesus messages
We find 3 basic actions that need to be achieved in our life. They are

(1)DEVELOP A PEACEFUL MIND: avoid Laziness and  Anger to be developed in your body. Then follow 10 commandments

(2) DEVELOP WORRY FREE MIND: worrying will block God's will to be implemented thru' you. As shown by Jesus(at cana+cross) hand over your fears, disagreements and sorrows to holy mary and saints, have a worry free mind,
In the case of disagreements, you can request to guide you/develop courage to accept the disagreement, if it is God will or you can request thru' saint to God, to correct the disagreed person, if it is satan work.

(3) HAPPY MIND: once you have the worry free mind, you convert to happy mind, by understanding the other 5 vices and avoid them in your life: these 5 vices are PRIDE,LUST,GLUTTONY,ENVY and AVARICE


In order to convert your talents to energy you should carry out the following 3 actions:

(1) You should have a happy mind
(2) You should be efficient(use the latest technology like email as against post)
(3)Use your available time developing your talents(one or more)

Without your knowledge you will see that your Talents are converted to Energy!
And society will enjoy your talents!


Forming good habits will result you to develop healthy and happy life. In order to develop habit, the following 5 actions are important:
(1) Be interested in a given subject
(2) Reflect that subject, at a given fixed time of a day.
(3) When you reflect have a worry free mind
(4)When you reflect don't think or analyze any other subject matter
(5)At the beginning of reflection try to recollect the summary of what you have reflected on the previous day

The easiest method for a catholic to start of forming habit is reciting Holy Rosary. With Rosary Holy mary/saints will certainly guide you to implement God's direction from you!

TRY TO HAVE MORE THAN 1 HABBIT for a given day. It can be physical or spiritual. For example you can have habits formed which is going to be uniform most of the days, can be as follows:
(1) Getup-go to wash room
(2) Drink water (atleast 500 ml)
(3) Do physical exercise(atleast 20 minutes)
(4) Reciting rosary (20 minutes)
(5) Having break fast

You can organize yourself according to your convenience, but make it a point to follow the habit time table without any interruption in most of the days!

C. Today's reading

C.1.  Book of proverb(Pr 31:10-13.19-20.30-31) defines about a perfect wife and conclude "LET HER WORKS TELL HER PRAISE AT THE CITY GATES" reminds the perfect bride Jesus and our duty to experience HIM,then tell everybody who HE IS!

C.2- paul says( 1 Th 5:1-6),")"YOU ALL ARE SONS OF LIGHT AND SONS OF THE DAY" and advice"WE SHOULD NOT GO ON SLEEPING AS EVERYONE DOES" reminds(1)our focus to the jesus teaching and action should be every time renewed(2)happiness even in this life is guaranteed to you,if you are not lazy

C-3-  MT gospel(Mt 25:14-30) says:
" He gave 5 talents,another 2,last proportion to his made 2 more.But man..1hid..master came..everyone who has ..more..and have more than enough,but man who has not,. will be taken away.."

When we observe this parable, we will notice that
(1) Jesus talks 3 examples
1st one is just to show how we are going to be rejected(1 example) and another 2 how we are going to be successful.

(2)Why 2 examples for success?

(3) Is it connected to last sunday within 3 days the temple will be rebuild?
Remind us the major actions catholic should carry out (by observing the Jesus character and His actions) to reach anticipated Happiness promised by God to you!

These 3 major actions are summarized here.
(1) The talents given by God to you, has to be developed to convert to energy. Then this energy will be used by society to appreciate the power of God(this is not only the religion but may be art, science.....etc). Laziness lead to anger, and will block your talents to be converted to Energy. If you train to avoid laziness and anger and practice 10 commandments in your life,will result a peaceful mind in your body.

(2) With the peaceful mind, now you are on the positive direction for happiness. Then you should develop WORRY FREE mind. This is where the catholicism plays a very pivotal role, unlike other christian denominations or religions!.Catholicism teaches you to hand over your fears and sorrows to Holy mary and saints. Through their intervention catholics believe that they find a simple solution for their worries.

(3)Once you develop worry free mind, you can reach happiness by identifying the other 5 vices, you should be careful not to develop in your mind. Ie Pride,lust,gluttony,envy,avarice

D. Conclusion
Today, it is having a direct linkage to previous sunday, where we contemplate that
(1) Your body is formed according to image of God, and it is of highest value of this earth!
(2)Your body and all wealth accumulated on this planet you leave with your death. Your Creater, God will provide you the same intended happiness of creation with Purgatory and heaven. So there are 3 stages DEATH,PURGATORY,HEAVON.
(3) Similarly there are 3 stages to reach happiness in this world
 Today it will further high lighted the danger of not having a peaceful mind which will result your unhappiness in this world and the world after death.

In order to direct to the correct path, the intervention of Holy Mary and saints are of paramount importance as shown by God Himself. Wearing miraculous medal with reciting daily rosary and practicing 10 commandments will lead you to the correct path!


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