
Saturday 1 November 2014

Purgatory (2/11)

Back ground
Catholics believe that there is a purgatory to cleanse our sins, before going to Heaven. They believes,though Protestants not, that our dead friends may still languish in Purgatory.
Council of trent declared that souls of purgatory are assisted by prayers and alms of faithful and specially so by the Holy sacrifice of the Mass.
Souls in purgatory being unable to help them by themselves or one another, depend solely on the supplication of saints in heaven and of faithful who are still on earth, to satisfy divine justice and so shorten their detention in purgatory,where they must expiate their venial sins and suffer the pains due to their sins,whose guilt, indeed, has already been removed but for which there still left a debt of temporal punishment on account of imperfection in repentance.

2.  What is purgatory?

What is purgatory? How long a soul does purgatory last for a soul?only God knows. Old test 2 maccabees 12:43-45 gives some reference.

3.  Recent example about purgatory:

 On the first apparition of Fatima, when lucy(10 years) asked from Holy Mary, where Amilea? Holy mary answered" She will be in purgatory until the end of the world".
That was in 1917 may 13 at Fatima.
1st and 3 rd apparitions give you more understanding about purgatory and the value of sacrifices(go against earth comforts) which is connected to understand more

1st apparition
Lucy,jacinta& francisco saw Mary(1 time) on13/5/1917,at mid day.
MARY: Do not be afraid,I will not harm you/LUCY:where is your grace from?/M:I'm from Heaven/L:what does your grace wish of me?/M:Come here for 6 months,on 13th.Later I will tell U who I am and what I want. afterward I will return here for the 7  time/L:will I go to heaven?/M:yes/L:Jacinta?/M:also/L:Francisco?/M:but he must say many Rosaries!/L:Is Neves in heaven?/M:yes/L:Amilea?/M:she will be in PURGATORY until the end of the world...Do u wish to endure all the sufferings that GOD may be pleased to send U?,as both an act of reparation for the sins with which HE is offended and act of supplication for the conversion of sinners?/L:yes/M:Then,you will have much to suffer.But the Grace OF GOD will be your comfort. PRAY ROSARY EVERYDAY to obtain Peace for world and end war. Note: world war1,started 1914, ended1918.
seers had started to wear a thick rough cord around their waist for penance.They did not remove even night,which often prevented them sleeping whole night. Mary informed them in 5th apparation in september, not to wear the rope in night, so that they can sleep

3rd Vision of Fatima(13/7/1917) to 3 children

Initially Mary told seers to pray daily Rosary and promised for a miracle in Oct,requested to make sacrifices for the sinners. Seers saw Hell.Demons& souls of human shapes,submerge in fire,devils stood like frightful unknown animals with horrible and disgusting shapes. If it were not mary's promise to take them to heaven,seers should have died of fright and terror!.M:you saw Hell,where the souls of poor sinners go!To save them God wishes to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart in the world!.If human do not stop offending God,another worse war will begin to punish world and future pope has to much to suffer,Consecrate Russia to my immaculate Heart&communion of reparation on1 saturdays,for the peace of world.

note: despite WorldWar2came 1939/1945killing more than15m people,
Russia was consecrated in1952/7/7 by pope Pius12,
Pope st John Paul II was injured in1981/5/13,
communism was demised in1989!

4. Certain SINS that can be committed mostly without our knowledge!

 When we follow major laws 10 commandments with no enemies and manage our disagreements with other people,(without anger to develop in our mind)we can have a peaceful mind.

Even with Peaceful Mind, you cannot follow God's Will, if you mind is blocked with fear and sorrow.

Fear and sorrow's of human!

 Human woe's comes in 2 forms-spiritual and bodily. That is suffering in the body and sorrow in the mind.
 Bodily suffering can be trivial or tremendous, passing or permanent, merely  inconveniencing or totally incapacitating. They can range from headaches and cancer to hernia and hideout injuries apt to arise from accidents.
Spiritual sufferings on the other hand, wound us inwardly,and can do so in ways and to degrees quite as wide ranging as the bodily variety. Here we think of things like worry, loneliness,fear,disappointments, bereavements.

Connection of sufferings to Jesus

Interior suffering like these transform the garden of soul into a little Gethsamene, while the bodily kind look to calvary as their crowning summit.
Scripture says of the Lord who so lovingly endured everything that Gethsamene and Calvary could inflict on him."Son of God though He was, He learned obedience in the school of suffering"(Heb 5:8). OBEDIENCE BASICALLY MEANS OUR LOVING ACCEPTENCE OF GOD'S WILL. This is the paramount lesson we pupils in life's school of suffering are to master at all cost.
A further key lesson in the syllabus is that every suffering, whatever it's shape or size,really forms the part of the penalty that the sins of the world, our own included, justly deserve for having offended the almighty Creator. Indeed that crucified pair who flanked our savior on GoodFriday can be said to represent all of us, since everyone without any exception hangs on a cross carpentered by life's circumstances. But we must at all cost identify with the good thief by saying to the crucified Lord"WE SUFFER THESE THINGS JUSTLY ON ACCOUNT OF OUR SINS" (luke23:41). Yet another key lesson is that we can offer our Redeemer every sorrow and suffering that comes our way as a coreredemptive contribution to the salvation of souls.

For the sufferings,as mentioned above, we should train ourselves to hand over such to Holy mary/saints and try to forget the suffering,so that cheerfulness can be maintained. This is the God's direction through Jesus to us. At Cana, when wine was depleted Mary intervenes first with Jesus. At the cross Jesus hand over us to Mary.
If you cannot hand over such suffering and become cheerful, it will become sin,as you cannot accept the God's Will.

Also once you are cheerful, you may get the God's Will, but not accede to Him, if you  developed 7 vices in your body. This too become a sin. So with or without our knowledge we commit sin, which can lead us to the Purgatory!

5. Love and inter dependency

Then we are capable to love another!.
To understand God loves you, you will see there are many in the society loves you, as well as you love them too. Good example is your parents!. Love involves time, money & your heart. Just telling that I love you, will not help if it is not connected to your heart. For the eternal reason God has shown us, how our parents loved us or how our sisters/brothers loved us, when we were child. When we become adult this will change to identify the God's love for you. Unfortunately we are lacking to understand the change over.

Inability to follow God's will is sin, can lead to PURGATORY after your death. If you make traffic offense,it will lead you to pay fine and become free again. May be to show eternal reasons(1)you are prune to sin(2)you can free again, after the period of purgetory

6. Inter dependency of your life and example of purgatory
​To live always you need another person support. You respect your parents/friends who supported to make your  life happy. Once they depart you still love them by using your God given(assets) TIME,SPACE &ENERGY to relieve them from Purgatory.
If you use such time,space,energy(ex alms giving,free teaching etc) without love, you end up in 7 vices,only cheating your self.(7 vices are anger,sloth,pride, envy,avarice,lust,gluttony) And not achieving the purpose of relieving your parents/friends from Purgatory.

Instead if you carry out with  honest love for them, result in a mirror image of your love to God,your creator!. This will lead you  to follow God's Will,to enjoy Happiness in your life even after death too.

In summary Purgatory, allow us to lead good practices in carrying out charity and sacrifice for the benefit of the society, where we do these things are in gratitude for the goodness received by our parents and friends to lead our life happily. Concept of purgatory lead us to discipline ourself.


Every person in this world is born with talents. Your life will become cheerful when you convert your talents to energy. Question is how to convert your talents to energy. There are 3 points to achieve
(1) You should be in good health- drink plenty of water, do exercise with a peaceful mind
(2) Happy: follow your religious principles, to enjoy happiness
(3) Efficient: world is ever changing. Now we are traveling with cars, future we will be travelling with helicopters!.earlier we used letters, now we use intelligent mobile telephones with e mail, internet, face book etc. If you don't use the present day technology, will hamper you to convert your talents to energy. Always try to see the the positive side of the technology by not dis carting those.
 If you carry out above your talents to be converted to energy to be used by the society!.

8. Enjoy your life/ achieve Happiness

To enjoy love in christianity or any other religion, you should (1)first have a peaceful mind develop without fear and sorrow(2)you start to love respectfully your parents and friends, without expecting a return(3) you convert your talents to energy(4) remember your departed loved parents/friends, carry out charity to relieve them for eternal happiness.

The concept purgatory is very useful for us to carry out actions in above(4).
Only catholics have developed a good process to identify saints and it preserves the same concepts about purgatory!

9. Why most of other christian denominations are silent about purgatory
Most of our separated betherans, departed from 1000 AD to 1530 AD, with Orthodox,Protestants and Anglicans. Main cause of separation was not a theological issue but mainly either leadership or political issue. Though church remedied certain errors immediately with pope Pius V, already separated friends were not reconciled with catholic church and they were moving separately.
Any religion in the world, teach a path to lead your life happily (both here and after death). In this process, the treatment for fear and sorrow in the present life plays a vital role.

In christianity God clearly shows 2 major concepts:
(1) He send His beloved son thru' holy family(still judaism don't believe)
(2) Treatment for fear and sorrow always thru' Mary and saints(most of the other catholic denomination pay less or no attention)

(3) Existence of purgatory!

Catholic church has developed a beautiful process of canonization and purgatory, for the people to be reminded the need of spiritual inter dependency and extend our love to beloved departed thru' various charitable activities or sacrifices, to discipline the living and support the departed.
Unfortunately our departed friends from Catholicism, have not developed such process but they have departed from canonization and purgatory, where it is of paramount importance to practise it.
Further details:


Canonization and purgatory are 2 process to help us to lead a disipline practical life. Practical realisation can be summerised as below:
(1) Interdependence- in this world we are grateful to our parents/friends who helped us to lead our happy life.
(2) We know that everybody is prune for sin. Hence our departed loved ones may be in purgatory
(3) Purgatory is a temporary place of suffering, until the soul goes to heaven. The Lord will decide how long a soul should be in purgatory.
(4) The living can offer charity and sacrifices to relieve their beloved souls from purgatory
(5) Purgatory practically combines living to departed(dead). Starting point to think the spiritual friends thru' our loved departed ones
(6) Canonization is a beautiful process to identify the dead person is for sure in heaven. The living can easily make a spiritual friendship with saints, whom sometimes saint has lived during his life time, has been heard about him.
(7)Canonisation and purgatory conceptually combined together for us to train ourselves, to enjoy the beauty of christianity. Beauty of God's plan, our creator to lead our life happily!

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