
Friday 8 January 2016

Cycle 3:season: christmas No 3 Sunday 3/1/16- Reroute Catholic - in detail

Back ground: today is the last sunday of christmas season:

christ birth showed us
(1), through Mary, characteristics of love, 30 years before to Jesus,when HE was conceived by Mary
(2)Why God has introduced childhood,and how HE set example by sending baby Jesus.
HE wanted to follow HIS WiLL, like a child and not to act like adam and eve showing childish.
(3)characteristics of our life, we tend to change the rules, for our convenience, amending the commandments given by father(10 commandment) Son(Jesus)-pardoning + love and Holy spirit(church rules).
(4) Jan 1st we remember, the importance of Mary to our life. She is entrusted to intercede with God, on behalf of us
(5) We believe Jesus when we personally welcome him into our lives and journey towards him, clinging to him in love and following in His footsteps along the way.
Finally Jesus left His mother, as our mother, only after doing so did Jesus know that"ALL WAS FINISHED"(Jn 19:28). At the foot of the Cross, at the supreme hour of the new creation, Christ led us to Mary. He brought us to her, because HE did not want us to journey without a mother, and our people read in this maternal image all the mysteries of the Gospel.

Today, readings requesting to analyze, what will happen to your life, once you meet Jesus. Most probably, you amend your life style or you reroute your life, in following God's will. Magi(kings)once they saw or met baby Jesus, they change the route, not to revisit Herod. Similarly, your life will be changed, when following God's will,for your own betterment and happiness.

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1 what is catholic life?
Religion,faith,piety,devotion-these were no longer considered the restricted tools of the ordained and consecrated religious. Being,good, devout,practicing catholic, as husband or wife,mother or father,single man or women was not only a possibility, but also a necessity. Doing good job at work, home or school; obeying the 10 commandments and natural moral law; reading the Bible(specially Gospel),the lives of saints,papal encyclicals, and other religious works; and cultivating a daily prayer life, a regular sacramental life(sunday mass+frquent confessions),and an active apostolate (works of mercy) were seen as duties and obligation of every baptized catholic. Church authority was not conferred sanctity-divine grace did that. And grace is available to every one-clergy and laity alike.

The proper implementation of vatican II made official church worship more participatory, not in term of geographical location(sanctuary or pews), but in terms of external and internal involvement of body(gesture and verbal responses) and soul(intellect and will). Listening to the revealed word of God(as proclaimed at sunday mass) and feeding on the word(made flesh in Holy Communion) empowers the lay and ordained faithful to seek lives of holiness(in other words, doing the Will of God in every thing that is said or done-words and deeds.

B.2 summary of actions needed for Happiness!

 If you want happiness, free your heart from hatred, free your mind from worries,
But how to free your mind from worries?
Since 100% outcome for any action in your life, you cannot predict!. You have to rely upon God, who knows all outcomes. God has shown, to hand over our worries to Holy Mary+saints, for them to intercede on behalf of you. They are the humans who lived,exemplary life, and shown us how to be happy, while leading their worldly life.
live simply, by avoiding 7 vices(anger, sloth, pride,lust,envy,avarice and gluttony), give more and expect nothing(from other human) by following 7 corporal mercy and 7 spiritual Mercy.CORPORAL(7)(of body-feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing  nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick & imprisoned+burying death)&SPIRITUAL WORKS(7)(counseling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living & dead)

 You start learning and leading a Happy life.

B.3 influence and example of mary to amend your life!

1/1 church focused on Mary. Since Jesus is Son of God,Mary is Mother of God. 22/6/431,at Ephesus(subsequently in vatican2)bishops announced Mary to be called mother of God,crowd shouted with great joy & City aflame with light! 2great periods in Jesus life
(1)from crib to Cana-hidden
(2)from Cana to cross-public.
In(1)She is mother of Jesus,
in(2)She begins to be mother of you.
In Cana,God addressed Mary. Not Mother but Women 'significance was not very clear until CROSS.

Mary is only human,who followed God's Will,from old testament to new,witnessing formation of church,by Holy Spirit. Her guidance to church& (specially you),is on going,from inception. We worship Only GOD not Mary but Without Mary NO CHRISTIANITY. Anybody who wants fruit,must go to tree!.God told,satan will be crushed thru' power of a woman. He alone was born from her flesh,you were born from her spirit!

C. Today's reading:

 2 EPH 3:2-3A, 5-6 says"..
You have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace
that was given to me for your benefit,
namely, that the mystery was made known to me by revelation.
It was not made known to people in other generations
as it has now been revealed
to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit:
that the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same body,
and co partners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

 MT 2:1-12 says"..Jesus..born in Bethlehem.. days..Herod..magi..east arrived..“Where.. newborn heard.. troubled..inquired..where..Christ..Bethlehem  written..prophet..Herod called..magi secretly..“Go..for.. child..found him, bring.. word,..I was.
.. dream not..return.. Herod..another way".

D. Reminds us: when you don't follow a catholic life, others cannot find Christ through you. You become like Herod. People will not come to you, to find christ. To know,How to be a good catholic, is very important. You should

(1)follow 10 commandments, with pardoning and love.
(2) Avoid 7 vices(anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice, gluttony)
(3) You should know 7 sacraments and practice,where ever need arise: INITITION TO CHURCH:{Baptism,Holy communion,confirmation};HEALING:{penance/confession and anointing the sick; COMMUNITY{matrimony and holy orders}
(4) Carry out works of Mercy; PRACTISE CORPORAL(7)(of body-feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing  nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick & imprisoned+burying death)&SPIRITUAL WORKS(7)(counseling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living & dead)

Conclusion: Pope Francis has declared this year, as a year of mercy; With Mercy, you are supposed to renew Not reformed. As baptised person,trained to follow God's will, U can always renew, by avoiding U'r sins, and adding works of Mercy. What ever U'r sinful behavior in past, when U determine not to repeat,& follow commandments+works of mercy, MERCIFUL GOD guaranteed your happiness not only next life,even present life too!.


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