
Saturday 23 January 2016

Sunday(24/1) Magnatized Catholic - in summary

A MAGNATISED PIECE OF STEEL WILL LIFT ABOUT 12 TIMES ITS OWN WEIGHT,AND IF YOU DEMAGNATISED IT,IT WILL NOT LIFT EVEN FEATHER!. Similarly there are 2 types of humans; who is full confident and faith-full magnatized person; who is full of fears and doubts- demagnetized person. Easy path to be a magnatised person given by Catholism.
You are similar to Steel Rod, when there is a current flow, it will get magnetised. More you practice Catholism, more you generate equivalent current, so that your life is fully magnatised, enjoying happiness, with contribution to society.

Today we are reminded that factor!.

Last 2 sundays of ordinary season,cycle 3, we were reminded
(1) With Confirmation you become a professional Catholic
-Professional means who understand the God's message and implement first to his life then apply to betterment of the society. Professional always follows ethics. In catholism there are 7 ethics.

(2) God showed us the path of salvation or path of happy life to be enjoyed. 1st miracle summarises most of the factors.
2.1 how to treat our worries-thru' Mary and saints- you get more than what you asked, provided, if you fill water- you should not loose faith(follow 7 ethics)
2.2 mary did not know what Jesus is trying to do!. This clearly shows all things are known only by God but not Mary/saints. God wanted us to come thru' saints for us to resolve our worries. When you, analyse, why, he wanted like that, it is evident
(A)your worry may be reasonable or highly conditions(ex: if I am worried that I could not buy an aeroplane- I might think this is reasonable, but may be in the eyes of God, no need now)
(B) Mary and Saints are humans. They first console us with our request
(C) this process allows the church to be dynamic, raising saints, when ever there are heroic persons who led their life,as example to other humans, Now and future

Today: You are reminded, why Jesus came
(1) To train and show us, how to manage mentally and physically, intended happiness of life, when we are freed. Freed means, you are standing alone, try to manage your life, without physically getting instruction from God. God has become invisible. By following Jesus teaching, the God will become visible to you, enjoying your life
(2) In order for you to see the invisible God visible, you should follow 7 ethics.

(1) 10 commandments
(2) 7 sacraments
(3) 7 vices
(4) 7 corporal mercies
(5) 7 spiritual mercies
(6) Pardoning
(7) Love
Without adhering the ethics, one cannot, start love to others. His love may not be the same as what Christ told about love, but selfish love

C. Today's reading:

Book of NEHEMIAH(Ne 8:2-6, 8-10) Says" scroll..blessed..LORD“Amen..”faces..ground
interpreting..Nehemiah..people..not be sad.. weeping..Go,eat..drink..allot.. nothing prepared..LORD..strength!”

Paul(1 COR 12:12-30)Says"..body..many body..also body..drink.. one Spirit..body..not a single part, but many.
..less presentable.. treated..propriety..Christ’s body.."

Gospel(LK 1:1-4; 4:14-21)says" grown..custom..sabbath day..scroll..Isaiah.. passage..Spirit..upon me..

Reminds: that Jesus teaching fulfils, the process that we should follow, to be independent person, enjoying with full freedom.
For that we have to be clear on the following points:

(1) No 2 humans are identical mentally or physically
(2) Every human's body and character changes every day.(Every 7 years you are a new person). The change can be ether positive or negative, with respect to physical and mental abilities.
(3)When you are living in a society, you are always interdependent to other person.
(4)Each person will have his own knowledge different to another person.
(5)Each person will have different work style and mostly different professions, in running a society, towards a common goal of reaching Happiness
(6) All these different persons will have one common expectation individual to him,- that is to live happily with time. You are child, you want to happy, when you are old you want to be happy.
(7) What God guarantee is that happiness, when you follow HIS WILL.

For the above 7, you should 1st practice the 7 ethics in Catholicism to have a peaceful mind, then you hand over your fear and sorrows through Holy Mary and saints, to have a worry-less mind. Finally, you follow church rules, to develop a HAPPY MIND. Catholicism provides you a short cut practical path!.

Infinite Riches are all around you, if you will open your mental eyes and behold the treasures house of infinity within you. There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract every thing you need to live life gloriously, joyously,and abundantly. Catholicism will provide this!

To be more magnatised, check whether, you follow 7 ETHICS

(1)10 COMMs; Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me/Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain/Keep holy the Sabbath Day/Honour thy father and mother/Thou shalt not kill (means only HUMANS)/Thou shall not commit adultery/Thou shall not steal/Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour/Thou shall not covert thy neighbour's wife/Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours goods
(2)7SACRAMENT-Baptism/holy communion/confirmation/confession/last rights/matrimony/holy orders
(4)practice 7CORPORAL MERCIES{feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick & imprisoned+burying death}
(5)practice 7SPIRITUAL MERCIES{counselling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living & dead}

We high light only LOVE. Your Love may not be same as my Love. LOVE is guided by 6 other ethics!


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