
Saturday 16 January 2016

Cycle 3:season:ordinary(1) Sunday No:2 Date 17/1/2016- third party Catholics - in detail

A. Back ground:
Why we respect Mary and saints; Are they important for our spiritual life?. When God is omni potent, omni scent and omni presence, do we need the support of Mary+saints? Why Jesus showed, for our needs, when Mary+saints intercede with Him, HE will give much more(incentive), than coming HIM  direct!. Why Mary+saints are important to Christianity?
The answer to above all questions has to be addressed in today's sunday readings:

 last sunday,church invited us to reflect, how to be a professional catholic. By baptism, you receive Holy spirit like a dove. Next you get the adequate training on christianity, through, your parents/God parents and teachers. Then you receive Holy Spirit like a fire from Confirmation. You become a professional Catholic. Professional means,who understand theory& apply for betterment of society!.He does things,even when he does not feel like doing them and  not blown about by winds of moment. He stay focused to success of his mission and do difficult things.
Today, church invites us to reflect, how, A professional Catholic enjoy his life, understanding an essential characteristics of Catholicism, treatment for your worries!. God has shown, to enjoy our freedom,we should basically follow 7ethics. This is shown in 1st Miracle-where Jesus has made wine from nothing, but, HE request staff to fill water to jars! Why the resemblance of water?

(1) 10 commandments
(2) Follow 7 sacrament
(3) Avoid 7 vices
(4) Practice 7 corporal(body) Mercies
(5)Practice 7 spiritual mercy's
(6) Pardoning
(7) Love.
This will lead you to achieve peaceful mind. Still you might get sorrows/worries in your life. What are the treatment for these?.
Today reflections, gives the full treatment, as shown by almighty God

B. Preamble for today's reading:

B.1- church principles:

Holy spirit formed the church. She reminds us, how to lead our life happily. Also She remind us How we are created by God and for what purpose. God has introduced 3 phases for us to understand, how HE has introduced Freedom to human, and how to enjoy that freedom, to be happy in this life. Your life in this world is always interdependent.(You are not powerful enough to manage,to live independently/you need a doctor for sickness,loaf of bread on your table,is a coordinated work of many people). You need the support of another person, justifying why you should love your neighbor.
Church guide us to how to implement God's plan, individual to us. There are 2 parts for this.
Part 1: General spiritual support to understand and practice, principles given by God;
(1)10 Commandments by father
(2) 7 corporal mercies+7 spiritual mercies,value of pardoning, value of love, introduced by Jesus Christ, the son
(3) Church rules introduced by Holy Spirit;
(A)No cast (b) no circumspect (c) no restriction to eat pork (d) concepts of Holy mary (e) concept of saints and purgatory (f)no artificial birth control (g) no abortion (h) no euthanasia(I) concept of 7 sacraments. etc

Part 2: each individual is created for different purposes, but one thing is assured, INDIVDUAL WILL BE HAPPY AT ANY TIME, provided if he follows the God's Will

Without practicing part 1, you will not identify God's will for you. Rather you carry your Will, for your own convenience, conditioning your self, that you are doing God's will.

B.2 Out come of first miracle- Cana
(1) God has converted water into wine
(2) The new wine HE produced was better than old wine. HE should have created wine,inferior to old (to synchronized most common method of serving) or HE would have created the same old wine. But HE opted to create new wine better than old? Why? What is the message HE is trying to show us?

(3)Holy Mary instigated to produce new wine
Through Holy Mary, they got a better wine,naturally, which, they never expected. What is the message, God s trying to show us?

(4)Holy Mary saw wine is depleting, where Jesus did not see. Jesus is God. God is omni potent,omni scent and omni presence. So why HE pretend not to know. Why HE allows Holy Mary to mediate. What is the message God is trying to give us?

(5) Why Jesus, told to fill jars with water, while they are nervous of depleting wine. HE should have created wine with nothing.
What is the message HE is trying to give us?

(6) Why God allowed all this story to happen? Just before HE started HIS public life?, as 1st miracle?.

(7)He should have simply, multiply the same old wine, without the participation of Holy Mary. This reminds you another basic question; why God decided to come to this world thru' Holy mary +Josehp.
He should have just send Rapael(angel) to Mary or Joseph, ask them to write what HE wanted from human to carry out. HE did not do that, instead, HE showed us the principles to follow, in a more attractive way, humans to study!. Use their brain!

Cana story: tells us;

(1)Your worries has to handed over to mary/saints,to intercede with God-Mary only saw wine depleted
(2)Practise 7ethics{10 comms+7(sacraments+vices+corporal/spiritual Mercies)+pardon+Love},patiently-fill6 jugs with water
(3)YOU RECEIVE MORE THAN WHAT YOU ASKED-new wine not same,but better
When you ask one loaf of bread, God will give you 10 loaf of bread, through Holy mary and Saints. This does not mean, Holy mary or saints are powerful than God!. HE on HIS own wisdom show us a process to follow!

(4)God,has showed,value of 3rd party  prayers: all humans in the world become one faamily, thru' prayers!.

(5)value of raising saints-Church has to guide people until end of the world. New saints also to be appointed, to set an example of the progress of the church and give you latest examples: ex St john paul 2, mother theresa etc

(6)1st miracle shows,basic principle of CHURCH!.
Water- how to lead your life, up keeping your moral values-7 ethics:
Wine- how you will enjoy happiness, at any given time, in your life
Holy mary: guide and set an example for us how she and saints are living with us guiding us, accommodating our sins, get the God's grace to us.

Magic Vs Miracle
Magic can be explained by science,where as Miracle cannot be explained. Have you ever heard, human converting WATER INTO WINE?Not up to now except Jesus!. Theoretically God is invisible to you, but when U practice 7 ethics of Catholicism, U start seeing God(10 comms/7sacraments/avoid7vices/7 Mercies of corporal & spiritual)/pardoning/love). You will get knowledge to understand how water is converted to wine. Water is essential for living,but you drink wine only at happy occasions!. You worship God,Not any person or element,created by God,as God, otherwise, you cannot see invisible God. That is why,Catholics repel for auspicious times!& worshiping any person as God. Then you might observe temporary magic but not Miracle of happiness(wine),in your life!.For this you need Mary's Intercession. Why?
She saw wine is depleted in Cana,in presence of Jesus?why she was address as women,in both Golgotha& Cana? Mary belongs to whole humanity,and She is our spiritual mother.

B.3 conversation with an atheist:

B.3.A. Don?t ask why people keep you hurting. Ask yourself why are you allowing it to happen. Counting other people?s sin doesn?t make you a saint.

B.3.B Treatment for hurting can be

(1)try to convince your opinion and if it is not acceptable,ignore.
(2) If there is a bodily harm for above 1, what to do?. If the drunken husband beating his wife?, are you going to kill him or attack him? Catholic way of treatment for this is,
(a) follow 7 ethics-10 command/7 sacrament/avoid 7 vices/practice 7 coporal and 7 spritual mercies/pardon/love
(B)hand over your worry to Holy Mary, you will see, a solution will come, sometimes better than you expect(Cana-new wine is better than old wine)

MANAGING OTHER PEOPLE's SIN,WILL MAKE YOU A SAINT, even in this life you will be happy.

C. Todays reading:

Today's reading: Isias:62:1-5) says"..
 Zion’s..not..silent,..Jerusalem’s sake..not.. quiet,until..her victory name..mouth..LORD.
You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD.. you..called “My Delight,.your God"

Paul to 1 COR 12:4-11 says"..different..spiritual gifts but..same Spirit;..each individual manifestation..Spirit..given for some benefit.
.. same Spirit produces all..these.."

 JN 2:1-11says" Jesus..his said
“ wine”..Jesus..“Woman..affect me?
..hour.. not.. come.”..mother said..servers,
“Do whatever..tells you..six stone..jars.. for..washing..Jesus,“Fill..jars..water.”they filled..Then he told them..headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine..said,
“.. serves good wine inferior..but you..kept..good”
Jesus..revealed..glory.. disciples..believe.. him."

D. Reminds: essence of Christianity; any body who wants to know about Christianity, this reading will out line all factors of christianity.
It provide you the answers,(1) who is God (2)what are the benefits of intercession prayers- you get more than what you asked(3)why you need, Holy Mary and Saints
(5)In to your life what resembles water- morality (6) into your life what resembles wine-Happiness

E. Conclusions: Cana miracle shows the basic theory of operation of practical church. It gives the values of catholic church, which has preserved the real essence of Christianity. other than catholic church, most of other christian denomination, appears not to follow this 1st Miracle at cana, and the role of Holy mary/saints in to human life.


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