
Friday 8 January 2016

Sunday(10/1)professional Catholic - in summary

This sunday, we start a  in new season,ordinary season; there are 2 parts to this season, since lent and easter comes in between during ordinary seasons. 1st part upto 5th sunday
On bef 10th, and second part starts on 8th may-as 6th sunday and ends ordinary part 2 on 20 th november as 34th sunday.

Jesus christ baptism at Jordan river

 Today the1st sunday of ordinary season you are invited to-reflect on Baptism of Our Lord!. What we should know about Baptism?
Today John the Baptist, for told the formation of church by Holy spirit, also he indicates, 2 important sacraments of the church

(1)baptism-Holy spirit like a dove

(2) Confirmation- Holy Spirit like fire.

Baptism and Confirmation are 2 major sacraments that needed to be received to become a professional Catholic. These are 2 basic rituals one has to follow for the initiation of the church.

The following questions will ponder your mind with regard to Baptism.
Why there are 2 rituals? Why cannot you follow both together, at one time?. Why you baptise your child, newly born?, when Jesus was baptised at the age of 30?

Basic answer for above questions can be summarised as follows:

Betrayal of our original parents(Adam and Eve), has caused God to introduce Childhood to human(our original parents did not have a childhood). God kept full responsibility of maintaining children into the hands of parents. This is evident by(1)parents has to put name to children
(2) Parents has to provide suitable food for the children
(3)This justifies, that you should baptised your new born child as soon as possible
(4) When you baptised a newly born child, Holy Spirit will descend to him like a Dove-very innocent bird.
(5) So baby Jesus did not have early Baptism, since HE,Himself is God and followed all rituals of jewish baby.
(5) Child Jesus life is hidden, and is not very much relevant to us, as HE came to show a path, where an matured human should follow. Gospel witness that mary and Joseph followed all jewish rituals for baby Jesus.
(6)Parents/God parents and teachers primary responsibility with regard to any child is to train him to be a professional catholic,once this child become adult. At this stage only CONFIRMATION is given. Holy Spirit will descend to him like fire.
(7) Fire represent your free Will, where you can use it good or bad purposes.
(8) When you want to follow for good purposes following 7 factors to be satisfied
(A) follow 10 commandments;(1)Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me/(2) Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain/(3) Keep holy the Sabbath Day/(4) Honour thy father and mother/(5) Thou shalt not kill (means only HUMANS)/(6) Thou shall not commit adultery/(7) Thou shall not steal/(8) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour/(9) Thou shall not covert thy neighbour's wife/(10) Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours goods

(B) Practice 7 sacraments, where ever applicable to you; INITIATION to church:
BAPTISM, HOLY EUCRASTIC & CONFIRMATION): PENANCE (also called confession or reconciliation ) and ANOINTING of the sick are sacrement of HEALING. Matrimony and Holy orders are sacrament of COMMUNITY.

(C)avoid 7 vices(anger,sloth,pride,lust,envy,avarice,gluttony)
(D) carry out 7 Spiritual work of mercies
counselling doubtful+instructing ignorant+admonishing sinner+comforting sorrowful+bearing wrong patiently+pray for living +pray for dead)

(E) Carry out 7Coroperal(body) of Mercies
feeding hungry+giving drink to thirsty+clothing  nacked+welcoming stranger+visiting sick +visiting imprisoned+burying death

(F)practise pardoning

(G)Practise love .

When you practice above 7, you become a professional Catholic, enabling you to lead your life happily with following characteristics
(1) Love the Hate
(2) Include the exclude
(3) Admit that you are wrong.

Todays reading:
Isaiah(Is 40:1-5,9-11) says"console..says..God..voice.."Prepare..wilderness..straight high way..desert..shout without fear..lord..with Power..He..shepard.."
Paul(Tt 2:11-14,3-4.7) says"God's give up..does not lead to God..He sacrificed..set us ambition except..good..own compassion .. Saved us..Holy Spirt..generously poured..eternal life" lk(3:15-16,21-22) says"..john might be ..christ.."I baptised with water..more powerful..HE WILL BAPTSE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND a dove..voice from.."U'R MY SON..MY FAVOUR REST ON U"

Reminds: formation of church by Holy Spirit, and to become a member of the church- baptism(dove), finally, to become full member of church confirmation(fire). When you want to become a medical doctor,first, you become a member of the medical council, with the basic qualification, then you practice under the supervision of full member for some period, for you to be a full member, to practice, as a medical doctor. Similarly, for Catholic ism, too, to become professional,one has to undergo training! Parents/God parents/teachers have the primary responsibility to educate their children, how to follow God's will, when child become matured.

Professional means who understand theory& apply for betterment of society!.He does things,even when he does not feel like doing them and  not blown about by winds of moment. He stay focused to success of his mission and do difficult things. Many charismatic and popular leaders get into trouble when they seize doing 'difficult things' in order to win approval or be liked. It was difficult to Jesus to say 'no' to people,but
(1)HE said NO to ambitious young man to follow HIM
(2)HE said NO to HIS mother,when She interrupt HIS teaching
(3)HE said NO to Judas,turning into politics
(4)HE said NO to temptation in wilderness
(5)HE said NO at times,to HIMSELF"NO,I will not run from this. I will drink the cup that is placed before to me"

Catholic professional

You become Professional,after CONFIRMATION. Training under professional is needed for you to become professional. Your parents+Godparents +teachers
has given that training to you,after Baptism!.(That is their responsibility)

In summary, any Profession, before you becoming a professional you need to undergo training, with professionally qualified person/s.
In Catholic Profession too, you start with your baptism(newly born),Holy Spirit will come like a dove, to you), you have been trained from your parents & GoD parents+teachers, then only you will have CONFIRMATION(Holy Spirit will come like a fire), you become as a qualified Catholic professional.

Why Fire?
Fire can be used for good,as well as bad purposes, depending upon how you take decisions from your free will.
You can be a good catholic or bad catholic. Confirmation does not guarantee you, any power. You are capable of taking your own decisions, to follow God's will, and to enjoy happiness, as promised by God.

Today, you have been told, the path that you should take, to be, a practising catholic, like normal other professions available in our society. You will be happy to note:
How practical is Catholicism?
How other professions have followed church,to develop their professional bodies!.


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