
Saturday 23 April 2016

Cycle 3:season: Easter: Sunday No: 5 Date:24/4/2016-Persona Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Why Jesus waited till Judas' to leave that place, to tell, "Love one another"!. Juda's was a disciple but what he wanted was a political success from Jesus, to overthrow, Roman Empire from Israel. So he was with Jesus as far as outside world think, resulting to live under the hands of satan. He tried with Jesus, to the outside world, but, internally, with or without his knowledge he was under the trap of satan.
Persona means, the way you behave when you are with other people, that makes them to think that you are particular type of person.
Are we Christians the same?, that is the question one has to reflect today! Are we like Juda's?

On one side we carry the banner of LOVE ONE ANOTHER, on other side of the coin, we lead an convenient life forgetting sins. Absolve sins by ourselves, without
Going to a priest!(As against Jn 20:23), without carrying out Indulgences; then when we get problems, we ask God, WHERE ARE YOU!

Upto this sunday,we reflected
(1) Risen Christ means, that You have only one worldly life, God can forgive your sins and make you happy even during your present life.
(2)Catholic Sin means going against 7 Ethics+ church rules. Mainly you sin due to over using your 5 senses. Sin will have 2 effects(a)guilt(b) punishment.
The process to remove your sins,are (A)real Repentance(B)confession with a priest(C) carry out Indulgence activities,to reduce your punishments.
(3) As clearly,laid down in 7 sacraments, there are 2 main vocation of a Christian life. Holy orders and Matrimony. These 2 Vocations have clear functionality, different to each other. Holy orders, Celibacy and administering 7 sacraments to laymen; matrimony-lead children to obey the God's Will. You cannot mix these 2 together.
(4)When they follow Catholicism, with 7 Ethics+ church rules, they will be like a golden eagle, flying over to clouds(without worries),achieving the target of happiness with time irrespective of your age
(5)Today, you are invited to reflect, value of developing whole hearted attitudes, to love each other.

B. Preamble for todays readings:

Can you cheat to your self?.any of your action in this world is a result of your mind & your sub conscious. This two will normally contradict. You can carry out action with
(1)Ulterior motive: reasons for doing something that you deliberately hide in order to get an advantage for your self


(2)persona-way you behave when you are  with other people,that makes them to think that you are particular type of person.

When you forget 7ethics & God,your actions might end up with one of these 2,resulting cheating your self.
Church has clearly identified 7 vices,in order for you to be happy for all of your actions. Main vices you should be careful is laziness &anger(while other vices,pride, envy,lust, avarice & gluttony,you might carry out without your knowledge!).To love one another,you should be trained 1st to be honest to yourself,otherwise benefits of catholicism may not reach to you. Jesus has told this in many instances: ex{Lk21-3,Mt 6-16,22-34}.

{Lk 21-3'-poor widow has put more than any of them'/Mt6-16,when you fast don't do not put on gloomy look../Mt22-34:you must love the God with all your heart..

You may be going to church,following 7ethics+rules,but no peace,in your life! Have more confessions+receive eucharist+avoid 7 vices +Practice indulgence(go thru' Door of Mercy before 20/11/2016)to see wonders!

B.2 Catholic Politics

Both Juda's &Right hand thief at Golgotha,repent for their actions &went to Hell& Heaven respectively;

Risen Christ reminds,effects of sin,(will cause you to be punished permenent/tempory into present+eternal life)can be erase.
For that primary action is REPENTANCE-you feel sorry,in breaking GOD's(7 Ethics+church rules)law.

Judas repentance is due to, not achieving his Political goal of overthrowing Roman Government,thru' Jesus,resulting his suicide.

With real repentance,you initiate Confession with PRIEST(ref Jn 20:23),he will guide you

(1)to understand about your sins
(2)to transfer permanent punishment to temporary
(3)how to treat your punishment thru' INDULGENCE
(4)according to God's Will,punishment,will be paid in your present life/in purgatory
(5)with confession,you can start to love others, wholeheartedly
(6)More confessions,more you love God
(7)God&love is different to power!

You will see how important the life of Catholic Priest, in directing Catholics to happiness thru' confession.

B.3 Sincerity!

Similar to money,power & desires,our actions,in this world can be
(1) Sincere in its intentions
(2)or with ulterior motive(bad intention)
(3)or persona(just to show others).

It is very difficult to identify,basis for your action,due to this earth bound weakness. when you are with God,your actions has to be sincere in its intentions. Then only you can show God's kingdom to others & enjoy Happiness as given by God. Catholicism provides you to find an easy path for this!

C. Today's reading:

1st Reading - ACTS 14:21-27

“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said. With prayer & fasting, they committed to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust…
He open door for Pagan.
2nd Reading - REV 21:1-5A

John saw a new heaven & earth… Saw the Holy City coming down out of heaven…  ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away… I am making everything new!”
Gospel Reading - John 13:31-33A, 34-35

When Judas was gone Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified… I will be with you only a little longer. As I have loved you, so you should love one another. Then all will know that you are my disciples”.
(1)after Jesus,your free will is independent &have to mange by your self(new heaven+new earth) Upto Holy Spirit, Human's(specially Jew's) free will was directly under the influence of God. He instructed direct, thru' prophets and thru' Jesus, How to manage your free will, independently without God.
(2)Hence now,your actions has to be whole hearted for love of God(since HE has created you to be happy) without any ulterio-motive/persona,NOT like Judas
(3)Pure intention for action always precede Love(HE waited to tell Love until Judas leave)
(4)Catholicism main slogan-you can erase effect of sins by REPENTANCE +CONFESSION+INDULGENCE. Sin will have 2 effects (a) guilt(b)punishment;
Guilt: you should know clearly what is your sin, then wholeheartedly repent for that sin. Then go to a priest for confession: his action mainly convert your permanent punishment into temporary.
(5)No rebirth, you know clearly what is your Sin(unlike Karma). When you believe in karma, you don't know, what is your sin and which birth, that you have committed the sin, hence real repentance for a sin cannot be done. It debar, the rehabilitation Process,of avoiding sins,in the current Life.
(6)when you are happy only you can love others. When you are crying can you laugh?
(7) By experiencing God's love for you, by rehabilitating your life thru' confession and minimizing punishment of your sins by indulgence, you will certainly lead a Happy life. This is Catholicism. Then world will see you as Catholic.

There are 2 major aspects, to be considered, when we have to mange free will with a personal option to surrendering that to God's Will.

1.Managing cross!

Why God selected to show death thru' a cross?. Cross is having 2 arms/horizontal-parallel to earth,showing,every time in your life,is attracted towards earth bound cravings
and other arm is vertical towards HEAVEN,strive to develop FAITH/HOPE/Charity.

How far you can manage,earth bound cravings will result you to move from Horizontal to vertical. That is why God selected CROSS,to show an example for us!.Most of religions in the world tries to balance these two. That is why, we respect all religions. Catholism gives clear unambiguous process to balance this by laymen & clergy!

2. Whole hearted actions

That we should be genuine in our actions: not to have ulterior motive or persona. That is why Jesus avoided Judas, to talk about love with others. Like earth bound cravings to money,power and desires, without our knowledge, we might, take actions with ulterior motive or persona,to take advantage to our self. When we forget God in all our actions,we might fallen to trap of satan, to get personal benefits (selfish), forgetting God.


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