
Saturday 2 April 2016

Cycle 3:season:easter: Sunday No: 2 Date:3/4/2016- Contradict Catholic. (Divine Mercy) - in detail

Back ground:
Last Easter sunday, from Risen Christ,we were reminded
(1) No rebirth, since you notice, Jesus has not risen like a baby!(Same adult Jesus who was dead,has Risen)
(2)Sin has caused God to introduce death to humans, No human, who was dead and buried,has ever come as human, except Jesus (or Lazarious,with power of Jesus),showing,Jesus has overcome death. Indicating that God will erase sin of yours,during this life.(Confession): always you can forget your wrongful action,after confession(linen at tomb). This is the main difference between Christianity with other religions(during this life, you identify what is your sin,then get it pardoned!)
(3) Jesus has risen with 5 major wounds, where Thomas, has been asked to verify. Indicating our main sins, in this life is due to over craving to our 5 senses.

Today, you are invited to reflect,
(1) What cause you to Sin,
(2)About confession
(3) How to do confession(why we should have church and the duty of Priest.
(4) How other christian denomination achieve this?

B. Preamble for today' s reading:

B.1 Formation of church

Why Jesus did not form Church?

God in His own wisdom, has introduced 3 steps to provide our freedom.

Step 1: selected Jews, to train, how to follow HIS instructions. 10 Commandments were given, with Eye to Eye principle(since God is watching direct)- this is Father's stage

Step 2: same jews, God came as Son, to this world like a normal human. Jesus showed, how to manage our life, without direct intervention of God, Full freedom!. He introduced same 10 commandments, but change 'eye to eye' To love and pardoning(Since God is becoming indirect,you don't know who is correct,then you have to accommodate other human. Now God will not drop manna, instead you have to search for food. In addition HE introduced 7 ethics to humanity to live in harmony, as one family of God. All these things HE introduced as a jew. He has been circumcised. He did not eat pork. His methodology was appeared to be applied only to jews!. God has created all humans. How to give this message to all humans?
But how this happened?

3stage: Holy spirit: Jesus didnot start church. He told His disciples to wait until Holy Spirit comes!. Why? Holy Spirit will form the church and HE will guide all humans how to manage his free will until end of the world. You have to note that God will change of way of living of the people, with all these revolution. Such as acriculture+industrial+communication and there are lot more, yet to come! Like transport+energy. Etc. Holy spirit thu' Pope will guide all humans. Up to now , what Holy spirit has introduced is given below(there can be some more)
(1)Castles (not restricted only to jews)
(2)No male circumspect
(3) No restriction on eating pork
(4) Celibacy for Priest
(5) Concepts of Holy mary(immaculate conception+assumption)
(6) No artificial birth control
(7) No abortion
(8) No euthanasia
(9)Concept of communion of saints
(10) Concept of purgatory.

B.2: Why Jesus risen with 5 wounds?

Jesus has risen with 5wounds, just to remind us, that most of our sins are stemming from our 5 senses.

People have worldly passions which lead them into delusion and suffering. There are 5 ways to emancipate themselves from the bond of worldly passions. They should have the correct ideas of things, based on the principles of creation!(Given by catholism).

Then they can get rid of these mistaken observations and resulting worldly passions by careful and patient mind control. With efficient mind control they can avoid desires arising from the stimulation of the eyes,ears,tongue,skin and subsequent mental processes and by so doing, cut off the very root of all worldly passions, which is not based on 7 ethics of Catholism+ church rules.

There are 5 groups of desires in the world.
Desires arising from the forms of the eyes see
From the sounds the ears hear
From the fragrances the nose smells
From the tastes pleasant to tongue
From things that are agreeable to the sense of touch

Most people, being influenced by the body's love of comfort, do not notice the evils that follow comfort(by craving into it) they are caught in the devil's trap like a deer in the forest caught in hunter's trap.

There is no one way to get free from the trap of worldly passions. Suppose you caught a crocodile, a bird, a dog, a fox and a monkey, 5 creatures of very different natures, and you tie them together with a strong rope and let them go. Each of these 5 creatures will try to go back to its own lair by its own method.

The crocodile will seek water, the bird will want to fly in the air, the dog will seek a villege, the fox will seek a solitary ledges,while monkey will seek the trees of the forest. IN THE ATTEMPT OF EACH TO GO ITS OWN WAY THERE WILL BE A STRUGGLE,BUT, BEING TIED TOGETHER BY A ROPE, THE STRONGEST AT ANY ONE TIME WILL DRAG THE REST.

Like the creatures in this story, a man is tempted different ways by the desires of his 5 senses,EYES,EARS,NOSE,TONGUE&TOUCH and is controlled by the predominate desire.
If the 5 creatures are all tied to a post, they will try to get free until they are tired out, and then will lie down by the post. Just like this, if people will train and control the mind there will be no further trouble from the 5 senses. IF THE MIND IS UNDER CONTROL PEOPLE WILL HAVE HAPPINESS BOTH NOW AND FUTURE!.
Identify the rope for each desire in this example then tie that rope to Post of 7 Ethics+chuch rules, to see Happiness in this life too!.

Always, you sin,deviating, ethics +church rules, then, always, you have opportunity to rehabilitate yourself from the process of confession. More you have confession. More you are going to be refined towards, identifying God's grace to you!. Every mass, the Thomas story is reminded.

B.3 Our hidden life!

For any action of ours, always there can be a hidden agenda. Show something to outside world but actual intention is something else.

Even in history: we have seen
Judas, was with Jesus. But his intention was to change Roman Empire, thru' Jesus. He was practicing as a deciple.
In golgotha, the right hand thief genuinely sad for his sins against God
Take these 2 actions, both repented for their actions, but Judas hidden motive is not towards God but political, so he was governed by satan, to end up his life by committing suicide.
Where as right hand thief end up his life in heaven
Take another example:
Martin Luther,went away from catholic church in 1517, with Valid reason but immediately his departure, he married. So who knows which is predominate desire to leave church. His marring, caused, the primary action of Christian to forget: erasing sins by confession, all christian denomination except catholic, priest can marry and no confession. Is it christianity?

Whole hearted support means your main+hidden motives has to be same. This is a challenge of adult life. When you are in a family, when you want to train your child to follow catholic ethics, some times, you show something to correct your child, while your hidden motives is to correct child. But when you become adult, and deal with another adult, there should not be such hidden motives. Then only you become a happy person.
Confession pave way for you to align your main to hidden motive to follow 7 Ethics +church rules. All actions of your God knows. Then when you have hidden motives, gong against your main Acton, you will have a conflict in your mind, which is harmful to your health even.

B.4 Divine Mercy and St Faustina

The divine mercy image,with the characteristic of pale & red rays,& the caption 'I trust in you' painted according to the St Faustina's vision. The feast day is 1st sunday after easter.

Faustina(Helena Kowalaska)Polish born on25/8/1905.Soon she had vision divine mercy of white garment with a hand raise of blessing.
Jesus emphasized for a set of prayer said on ordinary rosary,sign+,OUR FATHER,HAIL MARY & CREED,between Decades(large bead)"ETERNAL FATHER,I OFFER U THE  BODY&BLOOD,SOUL&DIVINITY OF U'R DEARLY BELOVED SON,OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,IN ATONEMENT FOR OUR SINS & THOSE OF THE WHOLE WORLD"for each small bead(decade)"FOR THE SAKE OF HIS SORROWFUL PASSION,HAVE MERCY ON US&ON THE WHOLE WORLD"the chaplet concludes by praying 3 times"HOLY GOD,HOLY MIGHTY ONE,HOLY IMMORTAL ONE,HAVE MERCY ON US & ON THE WHOLE WORLD"to be offered at 3PM-HOUR OF MERCY(Christ death on the cross called the 'hour of Mercy').

Faustina (Helena Kowalaska) is the 3rd child of 10 children family. She entered congregation of the sisters of our lady of Mercy,at the age of 20. As a modest girl she has many doubts & difficulties connected with the understanding & complying with Jesus instructions!. She kept a diary,in which she described her meetings with Jesus. she died on 5/10/1938.Pope JP2 canonized her on 30/4/2000.

With divine Mercy devotion, we asked God grace for us win over our sins.I.e thru' confession and try to refrain from sins.

C. Today's reading:

Acts 5:12-16 says "Believers increased/Sick brought &laid on streets so that Peter's shadow might fall on them".

Apocalypse(APO 1:9-13.17-19) says "John on the Patmos island/heard a voice/Saw HIM/HE said "Don't be afraid. I'm the 1st &Last/I hold keys of death".

Jn20:19-31: Jesus said "Receive Holy Spirit/If U forgive others Sins,U'r forgiven; if U retain, Ur retained/Thomas didn't believe unless he sees HIS hands/a week later/Jesus said to Thomas 'Put Ur finger here'/Thomas said to him "My Lord, my God!". -

Reminds Jesus saying;
1)Holy spirit will form Church;

2)According to God's will there are 2 main groups in church; a)Priest-providing sacraments(specially confession) b)Parents-guiding children;

3)All humans to follow 7ethics;

4)Most sins come from enjoying 5senses (sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch);

5)In addition church will guide how to manage paradigm shift of People;

6)If you don't know above 5, you contradict, your own catholic living.


Most of your actions are a result of conflict in your brain & sub-concise mind. This is a cross. You should know 7 ethics of Catholism & train your sub-concise. Thru confessions, you will have clear concept of God, without conflicts.

At outer appearance when Martin Luther went away from the church, he shouldn't have;

(1) agreed to the papal infallibility - which have good reasons;

(2)Married a nun-which is against 7 ethics for catholic priest, which caused to dilute Confession,(MAIN SLOGAN OF CHRISTIANITY) in other Christian denominations!

It is with regret to note that, most of the christian denomination forget the core value of CHRISTIANITY,(taking away your sins,by confession, but going after only"love",where primary effect for you from christianity is to train, how to rehabilitate your life! Without confession NO CHRISTIANTY!

Is it people who knows about Bible des not tell and people who says does not know Bible!


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