
Sunday 10 April 2016

Cycle 3:season:easter: Sunday No: 3 Date:10/4/2016-Priestly Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
 Easter sunday, the main slogan of Christianity was introduced. I.e: your sins can be forgiven, during this life itself.

Following sunday we were reminded, that sins are coming from over craving to 5 senses(taste,smell,hearing,seeing and touch)and authority to forgive sins are with priest.

This sunday, we are reminded, special characteristics that Priest should behave, in order to maintain God's kingdom in this world.

 Jesus asked peter Do you love me? 3 times(not 2 or 4times), Similarly, Jesus told Peter, just before passion that he will deny Jesus, 3 times, before cock crows! Why? 3 times. These 2 incident happened before and after Risen Jesus, how difficult to maintain, management of Money, Power and celibacy by priest!, is clearly shown from these 2 incidents.
Before Risen christ, Peter was not convince, about the power of Jesus(God) to forgive sins,during this life itself, but after Risen Christ, he realized, the value of forgiving, and He promised that he will serve God, not craving to earth bound attractions of Money,power and desires.

B preamble for Today's reading:

B.1 Catholic priest:
Catholics are of Laymen &Clergy. All humans develop need for MONEY,POWER& DESIRES. Like gravitational pull towards earth,you start breathing,walking &learning without your knowledge. But  most of these go against Spirituality. Laymen could freely develop these 3 earthly cravings subjected to 7Ethics+church rules. BUT NOT CLERGY. That is why Jesus asked Peter "Do you love me? 3times.Not2or4times. Catholic Priests have to grant 7sacraments(especially confessions)to laymen,while CONTROLLING MONEY,POWER& KEEPING CELIBACY. They have to develop these qualities throughout their life, while maintaining their health(which most priests don't do),they also have to practice&uphold skills(building/organizing)to help laymen understand kingdom of God. In providing all 7sacraments he has to physically present(even confession) irrespective of Technology. Will you outcast them for their weaknesses over spiritual benefits you will receive?

B.2-Christianity Vs Catholicism
Christianity basic principles are
(1)You believe in1God,in3persons
(2)God has created you to lead a happy life
(3)for that you should know how to use your FREE WILL
(4)Father&Son gave you,7ethics to follow,while Holy Spirit guide you thru' church(sunday mass),how to handle paradigm shift
(5)Practical Christianity differs from other religions,as Risen Christ shown
         (A)your sins can be forgiven,during this life&no rebirth/karma/horoscopes
         (B)to be peaceful,follow7Ethics+church rules)
          (C)catholic Priest can provide 7 sacraments while Layman can Marry & maintain Children

(6)Catholicism differs from other christian groups-clear process as given in Gospels/to erase effects of your sins(acc: JN 20:23)& how to hand over your worries thru'Mary+saints(acc:Jn 2)to have worry-less mind

(7)Catholic Priest can absolve your sins!.you can lead happy life,having confessions (at least once a year-obligatory)+handing over your worries!)to Mary and saints. They will intercede with God, to support you!

B.3 Why Priest should not marry?

With the Power of Holy Spirit, in 11century  pope Gregory VII ruled that Church will not ordain a man to priest hood if he is married.
When you married, the 2 become 1. Confidentiality has to be Shared to maintain family life.
Christianity main function, is that you can get pardoned for your sins,during this life itself.
Pardoning will be done by Priest only. Last sunday,we saw this very clearly from Gospel reading john 20:23. Hence Confession is the primary functionality of Christianity. When You are married, you cannot keep this confidentiality!.

That is why? Catholic priest cannot marry!

Unfortunately, With Protestants(16centuary) Celibacy of clergy is 1st to go out-Luther,(former)catholic monk,married(former) catholic nun.U know?

B.4 Story

 A Pastor married an uneducated, jealous woman.
One day the woman was in the kitchen cooking when she overheard him
praying in the living room, “Thank you Lord for bringing mercy, joy and grace into my life.”

She ran quickly with a frying pan, whacked him on the head and said,
“I knew you were a player and a fake pastor! You’ve just prayed for all your girlfriends, you think I didn’t hear you!
Who the hell are Mercy, Joy and Grace???”

Similarly, when you are married, you are having 4 legs,(like a dog) who knows, front 2 legs will synchronize with back 2 legs?, if it is not you cannot walk properly?. When you are single your back borne is straight/vertical and see heaven directly. But when you get married, you become 2 of 4 legs, and 2in1(married as I unit) back born is horizontal,parallel, to earth; you need to balance earth bound cravings such as MONEY,POWER& DESIRES, with your marriege partner.

B.5 made in Heaven

Other than childhood,U may be married/holy orders/single. All these 3 vocations are made in HEAVEN. Why did you decide to be...? Now are you happy about that?.

 In any vocation,you may swing from hell to heaven,if
(1)You compare other vocation is better than yours/or compare Your other 1/2,with anybody!
(2)you don't know,
           (A)what God wants from you
           (B)sin is,going against,7 ethics+church rules
(3)Most of your sins can be pardoned,with sacrament of confession(not hand wash)(4)all humans mental+physical conditioned change with time & marriege life is challenging since it is 2in1{2person doesn't change in equal way with time}
(5)holy orders vow's mostly single life(since they have to afford sacraments to other humans-specially guiding them thu' confession)
(6)all vocations are equally challenging,to carry out it's own duties,for your own happiness & you need support of God thru 'Mary/saints,since it is made in heaven,without which you are suffering like hell.

Today's Gospel, reiterate, how difficult is the life of Priest!.(Jesus asked 3 times Peter' Do you love me'?

C. Today's readings:

First Reading - ACTS 5:27-32, 40-41

Apostles said: “We must obey God rather than humans… God raised Jesus from the dead... God exalted him as the Savior to grant Israel repentance & forgiveness. We are witnesses of this & so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”

2nd Reading - REV 5:11-14

Apocalypse said "John heard the voices of angels… They encircled the living creatures and the elders... In a loud voice they said “… To him who sits on the throne & to the Lamb be praise & honor and glory & power, for ever & ever!” The living creatures said “Amen” & the elders prostrated & worshiped.

 Gospel – John 21:1-19

Disciples were fishing & Jesus stood on shore… They didn’t recognize him.

Jesus asked “U caught any fish?” “No,” they answered. HE said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat” which they did & caught large number of fish… Disciples now recognized HIM & they were about a 100 yards from shore… When landed, they saw a fire of burning coals with fish & bread on it… Jesus invited them for Breakfast… This was the 3rd time Jesus appeared to them after raising from dead. Jesus asked Peter 3 times “do you love me more than these?” to which he replied “Yes, Lord, you know that I do.” Jesus said “Feed my sheep. When you were younger you dressed yourself & went where you wanted; but when you are old someone else will dress you & lead you where you do NOT want to go.” Jesus indicated the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”


               (1) why Jesus asked 3 times from Peter. There are 3 earth bound Cravings money, power and desires. He asked, to be a priest, whether they can override those cravings to the love of God. Clear difference between priest and laymen

                  (2) how can you catch good crop in shallow waters. When you lead priestly life, God will ensure that you will take more people to God's kingdom(water near shore).

                  (3)when you can catch in shallow waters,(even Peter's shadow is curing diseases) kind of death is not a matter for you, since you have over come death. This is what has happened to peter!.

By preparing a barbeque by Jesus, indicates to us, What we have to earn for basic living is only food, all other basic needs are given by God.(Air,water,sunlight,earth and fire). Earth bound cravings are trap of the world. When you are a laymen, you should manage these cravings; Money, power and desires; you need these things for you to live. But for priest, he shows, clearly, these things has to be carefully managed by themselves. God will see that, means of providing food to priest while laymen has to earn for food!.

You can lead a priestly life but cannot be a priest, since you are not authorized, to convert bread and wine into Jesus body and blood/ you cannot hear confession of others, to pardoned others Sins. You can lead your life happily, even you are not a Priest!,by practicing 7 ethics +church rules.


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