
Sunday 25 June 2017

12th Ordinary Sunday of Cycle 1: Infallible Catholic (25/6/2017) - in summary

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Cycle 1:season: Ordinary Sunday No:12 Date: 25/6/2017- infallible Catholic

(1) As a catholic, and church going person, you are declaring christ openly. You may belong to clergy. You know God will look after you. Will that mean infallibility over others?

(2) Why holy spirit introduced infallibility only to Pope, not any other human?

(3)As a strong catholic, how your pride/Ego,balloons for U to assume omni scent and infallibility over others?

(4)Why you have to be careful, when you have money and power, and all the people say yes to you, why automatically you tend to deviate from the teachings of God?

(5)Is it practical to declare 100% for God?

When U think U sacrifice your life to God,more than others, why you tend to forget reflecting on God's teaching? and start judging and avoiding others, who needs your support? Why you don't respond to a missed call?

Pl listen for 9 minutes:

sundayreadingAudio/ 12thsunmassord1infalliblecath2 5-6-2017.html

 Reflection for 25th june 2017, celebrating 12th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1.

This sunday church invite us to develop our spiritual immunity. What is immunity? It is the ability to keep yourself from being affected by a disease. You may be a priest or a baptized catholic, very active with church, but if you don't develop spiritual immunity, can you enjoy your life, as guaranteed by God, in creating you!

Jesus said in Mt(10:29-31)" Not one sparrow falls to the ground without your father there is no need to be afraid: you are worthy more than many sparrows."

God has given a guarantee, that you should not be afraid about life, if you follow what HE asked you to do?. In other words how to develop spiritual immunity?

To improve your physical immunity system, you should do adequate exercises and drink water: without dong these things, though you are church gong, there is no guarantee from God for your health. Why? For your laziness you tend to carry out actions for your own convenience. You take God's word for your own excusetics(not to do a thing for your own excuse). Laziness is one of 7 vices.

This is a life time, habit you should develop your immune system, and live happily. When you do your part God will look after the rest to make you happy, since there are many unknown things can happen, even when you do excises and drinking water!.

Similarly how to develop spiritual immunity. You can remember God, Mostly when you are unsatisfied and when you are in trouble. It is like you don't do exercise or drink water at regular intervals in your life. Like when you become real thirsty, you drink water.

How to remember God in all of your actions?

1st you have to believe, and it has to go to your belief system, what God does do for you, to live?

You know, that without air you cannot live. Air consist of mainly 80% nitogen+20% oxygen

Nitrogen is like your will and oxygen is like God's Will. Air will go into your body thru' nose. Though Air is smell-les, you smell from nose, then nose will filter any dust in Air, then it will condition air to suit to your body(temperature balancing). Nose is similar Holy mary. This conditioned air will go to your lungs. Lungs will filter oxygen and send to your blood. Oxyganate blood. This is how your body is activated thru' the circulation of blood.

Why God wants us to make blood? Can you get artificial blood made? Is science successful in making artificial blood? No.

You are suppose to earn your living, buy food, process it, make a dish, eat, then allow it to digest, to make your own blood. When you refuse to make blood, God will not help you to produce artificial blood. Similar making your blood, for your own survival, you have to produce spiritual blood, to please God. That is to follow HIS commandments, specially 10 commandments+ avoid 7 vices: at large you have to follow 7 ethics. God in HIS ownm wisdom shows by giving HIS own blood and Body thru' Eucharist to taste and digest

HIS happiness to us.

When you believe this process, you know God is active in your Body. Then you will resist any contrary thing to do, beyond God's commandments+ 7 vices, at large 7 ethics.

You can believe this, or you can doubt about this. When you doubt, your belief system will tune either to science or astrology. You know neither science nor astrology does not provide you with 100% solutions to your life problems. At one stage, your belief system will start blinking, so that you might start with God's concept. As catholic, when you

abides by the teaching of the Trinity, lives up rightly in the teaching, walks in the way of teaching, it is by him that the God is worshiped. Otherwise, you will see that all forms of existence are unsatisfactory and subject to suffering.

Todays readings:

Prophet jeramia says(Jr 20:10-13)" HE has delivered souls of the needy from the hands of evil men."

Pauls to the Romans says(RM 5:12-15)"The gift considerably out weight the fall"

Mt(10:26-33) says" if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him"

Death and imprisonment for christ are realities for many Christians. But we who live in more tolerant societies can be frightened by the erosion of faith and the de-christianising of values. To be a genuine Christian means standing apart at times. Christ calls us to take a stand, to be for him or else against. To live christian ideal in marriege and in business require courage. Jesus says to all"BE NOT AFRAID" and I'm the end he will stand up for those who are faithful.

When you think that you are with God, naturally you start thinking, your view is correct as against others!. This is most common disease, any strong catholic might have. Without your knowledge you develop Ego. Specially, strong catholics with money and power, where all your surrounding environment start saying yes to you. You start thinking you are infallible

Holy spirit has gven nfallibilty only to pope.

It does not mean that Pope has the power to change what God has already revealed or decreed(Divine law & natural moral law). Instead,catholics believe that the HOLY SPIRIT protects the pope & the church from teaching error in matters of faith& morals.

Unlike divine inspiration, which is limited to the sacred authors of the Bible,this infallibility does not involve God influencing the words used by the pope. The gospel writers(Matthew,Mark, Luke& John),for instance,were divinely inspired,which means that every word they wrote is Sacred Scripture is considered to have revealed by God.

Infallibility is different from divine inspiration in that infallibility does not mean that each word and sentence the Pope writes is guided by the Holy Spirit(which would be inspiration). Instead,it means that God would intervene if a Pope attempted to solemnly teach a moral or doctrinal error to the universal church. We don't know how or what kind of divine intervention would take place- just that pope would somehow be prevented from teaching a moral or doctrinal heresy (false teaching)

So catholics believe that the pope and the bishops doesn't possess absolute authority because they can't change what has already been divinely inspired and revealed, nor can any pope or Bishop change any precept of divine law or natural moral law. Yet, Catholicism teaches that the church was commissioned by God to authentically interpret, define,defend,and explain what is contained in revelation to prevent confusion. And ambiguity through the teaching authority of the Pope and Bishops.


So we have to be clear, and be cautious about our own ego, which will ruin our own life though we have devoted our life or time to God. Jesus came asking 'what can I do for you?'. In today's situation, every body is having telephones. How many of us are rejecting telephone calls?. Through telephone you can assist people, to follow love thy neighbor. When you start refusing telephone, you are depriving people to approach you. In other words you are rejecting Jesus!.

In conclusions: today church remind us the God's guaranteed happiness individual to you. For that

(1) you should not forget God n all of your actons

(2) follow 7 ethics

(3)reveAl about HIM, most easy method is thru' telephones

(4) always respond to your telephone calls, think that Jesus is asking your help

(5) always be careful about you Ego

(6) you can be a priest, whose duty is to administer 7 sacraments, but don't assume God's power in all of your other actions

(7)use the latest technology to reveal God

Thank you


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