
Friday 9 June 2017

Cycle 1:season: Ordinary Sunday No:10(Easter tide) Date: 11/6/2017 feast of Holy Trinity- Oxygenated Catholic - in detail

High light:
10th ordinary(feast of Holy Trinty)sunday
 11/6/2017-oxygenated Catholic

(1)Without oxygen can you live?. Is oxygen given free to you?.How you make oxygen inside your body?
(2)Air contains 78% nitrogen,21% oxygen,1% rest. No smell in pure air, but nitrogen is not useful for U to live. Is this 2 gases represent God(good) and Satan(bad) work U carry out spiritually?.
(3) Without your knowledge the air you inhale,is passing thru' your nose(conditioning air, suit for your body, then your lungs will make oxygen to transfer in your blood. So God will make you live, thru' the circulation of oxygenated blood.again lungs will collect all waste(carbon dioxide) to be exhaled by you. Is it connected to God-good-oxygen/bad-Sin-CO2. Nose-Mary?
(4)Water can be vapor/liquid/ice,3 different states,but one water. God in 3 person,can we take the same analogy?.
(5)Do you feel,God Holy spirit,maintain your body,thru'oxygenation of blood?.why HE is doing that? Is HE supports HIS creation of you?
(6)Why science could not make artficial human blood?. Like without air without blood can you live?
(7)To produce blood you have to eat. Are you consuming spiritual food? What is Eucharist?
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Reflection for 11th june 2017, celebrating 10th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church celebrate the feast of Holy Trinity, and invite us to reflect 3 major points. (1) how Christianity differs from other God fearing religions such as Judaism and Islamic (2) why God introduce such complication to understand HIM (3) how God maintain his creation? What is air, why God has created nose?. Why oxygen is needed for you to live?.

First we analyze the types of Religions!, in the world and their main beliefs!

 To understand that we raise the following question.

(1) Can I chose my parents to come to this world?
Obvious answer. Is no!
(2) Then, who has decided for you to come from this parents?
There can be 3 answers
(A) God
(B) some elements
(C) I don't know

Depending upon your answer, you will see, that
some people follow a religion, who believes God, others like buddhism, based on basic elements or Atheist, not worried in really answering the question.

Basic concept follows in both God fearing religions and Buddhism, that sin will cause negative effect to increase in your life.
Or increase of fear and sorrow in your life.

The definition of sin, is going to be agreed set of principles that has to be followed. These agreed set of rules differs from religion to religion. For example: christians: 10 commandments, for buddhist 5 pansil, for islamic 5 pillars of Islam.

Almost all religions have their own process to treat their sins to nullify the negative effect coming out of that!

Hence there are 2 types religions in the world. Religions who believes, that God has created this world and religions who does not believe in one God.

Christianity,Islam,Judaism, follows one God.

 Difference between Christianity and other religions who follow God concept.

Christianity has developed the process of pardoning your sins in  3 stages.
(1) God the Father, has reveled to Israelis as to how to use our free will, by giving 10 commandments with eye to eye principle.
(2) Then God-Son came as Israelis, and showed us how to led our life for happiness, fulfill the commandment with forgiving and love.
(3) Finally Holy spirit, has formed the process of pardoning and extended the same  to whole world

Summary of Pardoning process in Catholicism

(A) Sin is mainly going against 10 commandments(father): secondary not avoiding 7 vices(son)+ church rules(holy Spirit)
(B) Pardoning is having 3 phases; REPENTENEC: CONFESSION WITH A PRIEST(jn 20:23): INDULGENCE, then you can remove the guilt of your sin and reduce the punishment for that sin(no direct equation,it is in the hand of God).

You will see, the pardoning and definition of sin , involved Father, Son and Holy spirit who represent one God.

 analogy of Holy Trinity

why we say 1 God in 3 person:
For us to understand this theory, just take water, Our drinking water is liquid,but water is available as vapor, also water is available as ice. But all these 3 states are representation of same water(H2O).
Similarly, God-father has given 10 commandments ice
God-Son has given us how to live- like liquid
God-Holy spirit is invisibly, guiding us, when we prepare to surrender our will to God's will, like vapor.
Holy Trinity is beautiful,Scientific story of christianity!.

Christianity's basic principle:
In order to understand this let us analyse how we live:

We cannot live without air! Actually we cannot live without oxygen. Then what is air?

Air around us is a mixture of many gases & dust particles. Air is clear gas in which living things live &breathe.It has an indefinite shape &volume,with no colour or smell.Air is a mixture of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen(O2), 0.9% Argon,0.04% Carbon Dioxide (C02) &very small amounts of other gases.

How we get oxygen inside our body?

When we inhale air,nose will sense smell,convert to suit for our body temperature,filter dust & send to lungs. Lungs main function is to provide O2 to blood,from inhaled air & exhale CO2.

When you trust God has created you, you will believe and realize that Without your knowledge God make you
To 1) Inhale & exhale;
2)Extract O2 to give you energy,through blood which circulate to whole body to make you live;
3)Send CO2 poisonous gas out of your body.

What God expect from you!
When you realise what God is doing for you, TRINITY has told you, how to live! & exhale(remove your sin) for your own happiness/joy. God is similar to O2,but air consist of Nitrogen too.Remove CO2 spiritually from Ur body,by avoiding sins.

Holy trinity is God the father(old testament), God the son(new testament)& God the Holy Spirit(who is in the PRESENT). To know about holy trinity there are many analogies. It’s like water which is essentially same (Hydrogen+oxygen) but can exist as vapour (gas), liquid and solid (ice cube). It is like Father/mother/child: faith/hope/charity: air/lungs/blood etc. All 3 persons, the father,son and the holy spirit shows us how to live. Initially God spoke directly only to Jews. Then God became man through Christ and showed us how to live. Christ initiated the church and left her the gift of Holy Spirit where God has become indirect (3rd party). Holy Spirit, now maintain us, thru' the supply of oxygen+guide us thru' church over paradigm shifts. When we eat good food we maintain healthy blood. Do we take care of our spiritual food?

Today's reading:
Exodus says(Ex 34:4-6,8-9)" lord Lord, a God of tenderness & compassion"
Paul says to corenthians (2 cor 13:11-13), "the grace of Jesus Christ,the love of God & the fellowship of the Holy Spirit"
Jn says(Jn 3:16-18) says,"God send HIS son thru' HIM the world might be saved".

 Reminds:(1)air(oxygen-O2+nitrogen) you inhale goes thru' nose(conditioning air)& to lung to filter O2,to oxiginate Ur blood &send wastage out of Ur body(exhale)
(2)God make you live,without Ur knowledge, similarly you should exhale sin in your life

(3)God,Father&Son shows to jews how to manage earth bound comforts such as money,power & desires,to use ur free will,independent to God

(4)now,God-Holy Spirit,guide universally thru'church,as how to manage paradigm changes,due to technology advancements

(5)water can exist as vapor,liquid,ice,similarly TRINITY showed u how to surrender Ur free will to HIM

(6)only Christianity follows God in 3 persons,but not Judaism/islam

Today we celebrate feast of Holy Trinity. To know about holy trinity there are many analogies. Father/mother/child: water-vapor/lquid/ice: faith/hope/charity: air/lungs/blood:many things. All 3 persons,father,son showed us how to live(only to jews), when God become indirect. Holy Spirit, now maintain you, thru' the supply of oxygen+guide you thru' church, how to manage paradigm changes. For you to live you have to eat, to produce blood. For that you have to eat,and allow digestion of food.what is your spiritual food?.

We can’t live without oxygen (O2).Is O2 free?How do we make oxygen inside our body?Air contains around 80% nitrogen & 20% O2.Nitrogen is not useful for us to live. Do these 2 gases represent God(good) & Satan(bad)? Without our knowledge, the air we inhale passes thru' nose(conditioning), and lungs will make O2 that will be transferred to blood which will then be oxygenated. Lungs will collect all waste(carbon dioxide)to be exhaled from the body. Is this process connected to good (God/oxygen) and bad(Sin/CO2)?

On one hand God the holy spirit make you to live by providing and allowing you to make oxygen inside your body. The blood you make by digesting food will be blessed by oxygen for you to carry out any action physically and mentally.  The equivalent of ex hailing is the pardoning process, which God has clearly shown

Finally there are 3 major scenarios for you to live
(1) How God is giving you oxygen without your knowledge and how HE oxygnate blood for you to lead a happy life
(2) You have to earn and produce blood. For that you have to eat allow it to digest physical food. Internally you have to digest, how to adhere to God's will.
(3) God, send poisonous gas out from your body, expecting you to understand HIS pardoning process, and clear your sins!

Thank you

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