
Thursday 8 June 2017

Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:9 (Easter Tide) Date: 4/6/2017 Pentacost Day- Humid Catholic - in detail

High light:
9th ordinary Pentacost sunday of cycle 1/ Humid catholic

(1) Are you inhaling air,from Ur nose or mouth?. When you inhale from mouth,what are disadvantage than inhaling from Nose?
(2) Why God has created nose?. When your nose blocked, can you feel smell?. Can you smell God presence?
(3) If God is oxygen in air, humidity is your society,then your nose resembles whom, in christianity? What is the function of your nose?
(4) When you don't smell God, can you follow God's will in your life?.
(5)Without mary no Christianity. Then why we respect mary and worship God?. What is the difference between respect and worship?
(6)Why Mary has been selected as Mother of church?.
(7)On the birthday of church, can you forget the mother of church?.

Pl spend 9 minutes to listen to this:

Reflection for 4th june 2017, celebrating 9th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church celebrate church birthday and pentacost feast. Today we are invited to reflect 3 major points. (1) why you are more comfortable inside a church than inside your home? (2) why God institute the church (3) what is the role of Holy mary into your life? Outside these 3 points we analyze, why we revert back to ordinary season from this Sunday?

You have experienced more comfortable inside the church than your home. To answer that, if I ask you this question, is God available inside church? Or is He available everywhere! IF he is available every where why you need to go to church to visualize Him?. To answer that take a fan. If air is available every where why you need a fan?.
Obviously in hot countries, a fan in a room has become a must. Fan allows you to bring cool air, while removing hot air in the environment..
In order to understand the phenomena you should first understand what is air?
Air compoed of 78% nitrogen,21% oxygen,1% others. God represent oxygen, then think about who represent nitrogen?.

Then we have to know about what is humidity?
Is a measure of Water vapor which is gaseous &invisible to human eye. 100%humidity means air can't hold any more vapor,resulting in rain.  Air in forests is humid,while in deserts is dry. Ability of air to hold water varies with temperature. High percentage of humidity in a hot day becomes uncomfortable as it's more difficult for your body to transfer heat to air,but when it is cold,a high % is better, because U don't want to transfer body heat.

So with the fan, air around you become more cooler, so that your body does not have to transfer energy to environment(society).

Like the function of fan, you get more mental happiness to experience spirituality than Outside.

What is the role of Holy mary?

Nose is interface between air& body. In addition to sense smelling,it conditions inhaled air to suit body temperature &it filter dust. God is like oxygen,humidity is like living society& nose is like Mary. Without air you can't live,but bad air makes you sick,unless your nose filter it. Warm or cold air make you uncomfortable,unless nose condition it to suit to body temperature. For U to smell God,your nose has to work properly! by Praying daily individual Rosary,having Miraculous medal around neck.

Why God institute church?
There are 3 major points.

(1) God the father, has introduced basic commandments to follow by jews. This is 10. Commandments, since HE was directly speaking to human, thru' prophet, HE told humans to operate teeth to teeth or eye to eye principle. But when God, the son came to this world, HE showed us as how to manage our free will, in the absence of God direct, and since HE is not direct, now when you decide other person is wrong, you don't know whether you are correct, since you are not avail of 100% information, that is why HE Introduced, turn the other cheek principle or love and pardoning principle. All these things HE showed to jews environment.
(3) Now this principle, when God become indirect has t be given to whole human, that is why, God the Holy Spirit Era has been introduced, So institution of church is cast less not only to Jews, that is why, though Jesus didn't eat pork and HE was circumcised, as catholic, we are not supposed to follow these jew's rituals.

Then secondary function of church is to manage the paradigm of people, advice the people as what to do. This will be done by Holy Spirit thru' papal infallibility.
We know God make every generation live, by changing the way of living of people. The world I live will be changed to the world of my son lives. There is a technological development, making more efficient societies. So the progress of the world is always moving.
Church advice as what to do: church has given many rules such for: using artificial birth control, abortion, euthanasia are few to mention.

3rd point is managing the church and helping the human spirituality.
Declaring saints, to recognize people, and show to society, to follow their characters.
Managing and making changing to ritual. So pope thru 3 major faculties, manage administration +fnancial+ discipline of clergy and humans.

Now let's reflect Today readings:

Acts of apostles(Ac 2:1-11) says"they were all flled with Holy Spirit and began to speak.

Paul says to corenthans(1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13)"In the one spirit we were all baptised"

Jn 20:19-23) says" As the father send me so I am sending you: receive the Holy Spirit"

Shalom- peace- is one of those wonderful words which speaks direct to the heart and needs of us all. In the old testament Shalom has a rich meaning: physical health, prosperity, good relationship  and fertility. Ths Shalom of the risen Lord includes His love, HIS offer of forgiveness of sins and gifts of freedom from death and the fear of deAth. We live these gifts through the ndwelling of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the risen Christ.

Now we are in ordinary times?, how it is being designed?

Each cycle is having 5 seasons.
They are;
(1)Advent ; How Jesus came to this world thru Joseph and Mary( 4 sundays)
(2)Christmas-How Jesus came to this world &History+major characteristics of Holy Family.(2 or 3 sundays)
(3) LENT-Jesus examples of managing fear & sorrows.(6 sundays)
(4) Easter- major values of christianity.(6 sundays)
(5)Ordinary Time- major characteristics of Jesus life pertaining to Christians.(34 sundays)

Immediate history
We stopped ordinary times from 26/2/2017- 8th sunday of ordinary times. After that we went to lent and easter seasons. Today we start ordinary times with Pentacost, Holy Trinity,most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,(normally these 3 feast time is called EASTER TIDE. Then 12th sunday in ordinary times on 25/6/2017,

 until 19/11/2017-33rd sunday and finally we complete the cycle 1, on 26/11/2017 with the feast of "King of Universe"

In conclusion: the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the church. The message "Jesus is Lord" is to be preached to every corner of the earth. We cannot do this unless we receive the Holy Spirit. Today we pray that we may be open to the power of the spirit, and the spirit will come and fill the hearts of the faithful.

Finally: today church invite us to analyze, the modern application of Holy Spirit with respect to modern world. World we live is ever changing. We become much more efficient to previous generation, to fullfll our day to day needs.

We know holy Spirit has to direct us to lead a happy life,analogous oxygen in air, then how to take air into our body, naturally thru' nose, it make air purify with foreign dust, and make air suit to our body condition. It will not separate nitrogen from oxygen, which we will reflecting coming sunday.  So we know church will give us an opportunity to understand who is the God, and how to follow HIS will for your own Happiness!

Thank you
God bless you!

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