
Wednesday 21 June 2017

Cycle 1: Season: Ordinary Sunday No:11 (Easter Tide) Date: 18/6/2017 Feast of Corpus Christie - Digested Catholic - in detail

High light:
(1) God make you live by oxygenated of your blood but God wanted you to make your own blood.How to make blood?
(2) Can you make blood,without eating and allowing it to digest in your body?.
(3) If you want to get energy, can you tie loaf of bread into your thigh? Or you have to cook,eat and taste and allow it to digest in your body?
(4)Is science successful in producing artificial blood?.
(5) Is other christian denomination believe the real presence of God in Eucharist, than catholics? Why?
(6)Why you cannot keep Eucharist in your pocket? Why it has to be digested?
(7)Why you cannot receive Eucharist without receiving baptism and without the grace of God?. What are the evidences to show the real presence of Eucharist?
Pl spend 9 mnutes to listen:

Reflection for 18th june 2017, celebrating 11th Sunday mass of ordinary season,of cycle 1. Today church celebrate the feast of corpus Christie, and invite us to reflect (1) why Jesus institute Eucharist (2) is there any real presence of God, in Eucharist? What are the evidences available upto now (3) is Eucharist essential like food, for you to live?

Last sunnday, we celebrated feast of Trinity and mainly reflected as:
 (1) how Christianity differs from other God fearing religions such as Judaism and Islamic (2) why God introduce such complication to understand HIM (3) how God maintain his creation? What is air, why God has created nose?. Why oxygen is needed for you to live?.

This sunday church invite us to analyze, the tangible ritual given by God for us to live.
It is Eucharist- The heart & soul of christian faith!. Catholic teaching reaffirms the real presence of Jesus Christ in the holy Eucharist. Church & the Eucharist are intimately united & can never be divided. Catholics believe, the consecrated wafer of bread & wine miraculously transformed into the real body & Blood of Christ at the mass, when priest speaks the words of Christ"This is my body/this is my blood".
When we analyze,From material point of view,Jesus left His people with more than memories!.Only possession He had at His death was His robe,which ended up being bartered for by Roman soldiers. Yet HE gave His people something tangible to remember Him He gave us a beautiful parting memory that we could touch, taste,feel & digest in to our body!.

If you an athletic, you need to eat nourishing food to get energy to your body. Say meat will provide you energy & if you tie a loaf of meat  to your thigh!to run, Will you get energy to run? No. You have to prepare meat, enjoy eating, will digest your meat to convert energy into your body!. Similarly Holy Eucharist, you have to digest to receive the spiritual energy!

Hence Eucharist become precious nourishment for your faith,as well as a bonding ritual among members of the church!

 last letter of St John Paul2

St JP2 wrote His last en cyclical in 2003(Ecclesia de Eucharistia) on Eucharist & it's relation to the church!, which consists of 6 parts!.

(1) as mystery of faith- how the consecrated bread & wine can become & remain the body & blood,soul & divernity of Christ
(2) the foundation of church
(3)As apostelic(being historical connected what the 12 apostles themselves did)
(4)Requirement to receive communion
(5)Proper dignity,respect & reverence demanded as holy celebrations(frequent visit to Blessed Sacrament,Holy hours of Adoration,Exposition & benediction, Corpus Christi procession, Perpetual Adoration chapels,masses celebrated with reverence and decorum proper to the sacred mysteries to be celebrated)
(6)The role of Virgin Mary

How far this is true in this scientific world?

The real presence of God in Eucharist, is been witness, in many occasions. Fo example

Fr Peter,German Priest was doubting  the conversion of bread & wine, into the body & blood of Christ at the moment of consecration in mass. While he was travelling,he stayed at Bolsena(Italy) was celebrating mass: The HOST when he broke for communion,appeared be spattered with blood & bleed into the corporal,the small cloth upon which the Host & chalice rest during the cannon of mass. After this,in1264,Pope Urban 4 institute the feast, Corpus Christi. you can see the blood stained corporal in the church of St Christina. After 700 years Pope Paul 6 celebrated this feast in the same alter.

Another Evidence

In 1830,at Holy Mass, St Catherine Laboure PHYSICALLY SAW CHRIST at the HOST. You can see her in corrupt body in Paris.

Another evidence:
 We celebrated St anthony's feast on last week the 13th. St anthony showed the following

  Bonvillo(Tolouse/france)didn't believe presence of God in Eucharist. He allowed his mule,in market place starving for3 days. Anthony &Bonvilo brought Eucharist &oats respectively. Mule turned from food & kept his head on the ground in an posture of Adoration &did not rise until Anthony retired!.

There are many more incidents you can get!

C. Today's reading
Deuteronomy(Dt 8:2-3,14-16 says" HE fed you With manna which neither you  nor your fathers has known,
Paul says to corinthians (1 cor 10:16-17) sys that there is only one loaf means, that there are many of us, we form a single body.
(Jn6:51)says"My flesh is real food & my blood is real drink"

Physical relavance of Eucharist to our life!

around us is a mixture of many gases & dust particles. Air is clear gas in which living things live &breathe.It has an indefinite shape &volume,with no colour or smell.Air is a mixture of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen(O2), 0.9% Argon,0.04% Carbon Dioxide (C02) &very small amounts of other gases. When we inhale air,nose will sense smell,convert to suit for our body temperature,filter dust & send to lungs. Lungs main function is to provide O2 to blood,from inhaled air & exhale C02. Without our knowledge God make us 1) Inhale & exhale;2)Extract O2 to give us energy,through blood which circulate to whole body to make you live;3)Send CO2 poisonous gas out of your body. Similarly God ask U to follow HIS teaching given by Trinity &exhale(remove your sin) for Ur own happiness/joy. God is similar to O2,but air consist of Nitrogen too. Remove CO2 spiritually from Ur body,by avoiding sins

Catholic belief!
Now we know, without our knowledge, air is being purified by God. First, air is conditioned by nose(like holy mary to our lfe), then lungs will oxigernate our blood. This is the God's invisible action for us. God expect us to make our blood. By eating,tasting, allowing it to digest, withut our knowledge, we make our own blood inside our body. God bless our blood, thru' hs own body and blood!. When you digest holy Eucharist, this will happen!.

So God has given us good parting ritual when jesus left. I.e holy Eucharist.

Ritual among horses

Horses respond more to someone who breathes slowly and deeply into their nostrils!so that they can capture the essence of that persons smell. This is how horses greet and bond with each other. This is a ritual.
Jesus understood the need for people to have a tangible things to remember Him by. It was His ultimate gift to His staff- bread & wine representing tears and all the laughter!

To conclude: we can summarize all abut Eucharist as follows

(1)You cannot make air neither human blood artificially
(2)God make air,HIS will oxygen+your will nitrogen/you make your own blood by eating,tasting, digesting food
(3)without your knowledge, God oxyginate Ur blood, with your nose+lung(inhale) &send out(exhale) all poisonous stuff in your body-HE keep the promise of your creation!
(4)for a bulb to light,current is invisible
(5)similarly identify the invisible energy provided by God thru' EUCHARIST
(6) out of love to you,HE make Ur blood blessed by HIS BODY& BLOOD, thru' EUCHARIST
(7)to receive, you should attend FULL sunday mass/avoid venial sins/be grace with God.

Thank you!


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