
Friday 26 December 2014

Cycle 2; season- Christmas-Sunday1 (28/12/2014) -married Catholic-FEAST OF HOLY FAMILY - in summary

Christmas season 1 sunday we were invited to reflect about the characteristics of HOLY FAMILY, specially how they lead their life in good faith of God.

Book of genesis(Gn 15;1-6:21:1-3) says" the word of the lord was spoken to Abraham in a vision," HAVE NO FEAR, ABRAHAM,I AM YOUR SHIELD;YOUR REWARD WILL BE VERY GREAT.....SO SARAH BORE A SON.......ISAAC..."
Letter to the Hebrews says(Heb11:8.11-12.17-19)" it was faith by Abraham obeyed the call....he set out without knowing where he was was equally by faith that conceive,she believed....It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test offered up Isaac........."

Gospel(Lk2:22-40) says"when the day came for them to purified .......two young pigeons....named simeon....Now master your servant go in peace.... You see this child: he is destined to fall and for the rising of many.......Anna.......serving God night and day praise God.

Reminds the importance of faith on God's message to lead a Happy life. Mary and Joseph has given good examples of leading our lives in great faith of our creator God.

 The role of St Joseph:

A belief that permeates the old testament and extend a major influence in Joseph's life is the existence of an invisible- spirits of world of angles and demons. 1st angelic apparition " angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream(Mt1:20) to resolve his mental anguish over mary inexplicable pregnancy. The 2 nd recall of angelic al activity was. Night of saviours birth,hearing the chorus of angels for the newborn king- first ever christmas carols. Meanwhile fallen angels were taking the active hand for aiding and abetting king Herods murderous plot to liquidate the new born king. Again angle appeared in a dream(3rd time) to him to flee immediately with mary and jesus to Egypt.
The 4th time an angle appeared to exile Joseph, asking him to return to homeland. Finally he was favoured with 5 th recorded dream vision, the angel directed him to return to Galille instead Judea! Due to threat posed by Herods son.

Lessons for us to reflect:
(1)Mary did not took the upper hand, about giving messages to Joseph, rather than Her!
She trusted Joseph's directions!, though she is the starting point with Jesus.
(2) Joseph's mind was so clear to understand and receive the God's message
(3) Mary and Joseph overcame the practical fear and sorrow developed thru' the circumstances and never blame God in providing complex situations rather they both clearly accepts the God's will

The lessons Mary and Joseph shown us were applicable to our lives. Now there are no angles, no dreams, you are along with your family. How to find the God'S will for you?
Whether your wife will agree or children accepts? Very complicated story!

There were no records of disagreements with Joseph and Mary. How to lead a life without disagreements! Specially in a married life, where 2 different people with 2 different conditioning, with 2 different free will's try to follow 1 God's will, in a family will be much difficult than a single life!.


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