
Thursday 18 December 2014

Cycle 2:season:advent:No4 Sunday 21/12/2014 Handmade Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Christmas we celebrate the birth of Christ. In advent we reflect how to give birth of christ in our life. Birth of Jesus reestablish the Happiness to all human beings. God created all humans to be happy!
There are 4 sundays in advent to study as how to plant Jesus new teachings in our life.. Today is the last sunday

A.1 First sunday,

we reflect how to be a catholic. What we should know,and how to lead our life with catholic principles. The 4 basic pillars of catholicism; our belief-creed,our worship-7 sacraments,our behavior-10 commandments with pardoning and our spirituality-how to establish connection with God- Lords prayer and thru' intercessionary prayers with Mary and saints. In the end when you follow and practice, will lead to establish a happy mind in you.

A.2 Second sunday

we were reminded about difference introduced by Jesus, as against the earlier practices.(Judaism).
(1) Earlier God was directly talking to human thru' various means, now God is indirect and  listen to Him,you should develop a Happy mind.
(2)earlier 10 commandments were practice with Eye to Eye principle, now it is practice with Pardoning principle!.

This also very important. Most of the catholics, try to practice without their knowledge in the old testament

Third sunday we analyzed further the importance of Gospel in comparison to old testaments. These are only written documents available for anybody to learn and practice catholicism.

A.2.1. Back ground of Bible:
Hebrew Bible and christian old testament are more or less similar. First 5 books of old testament has been written by Moses.
Hebrew Bible and christian old testament, the following are similar:
The following are in christian Bible:
HISTORY: Joshua/judges/Ruth/1& 2 Samuel/ 1& 2 kings/ 1&2 chronicals/Ezra/nehemia/esther.
POETRY & WISDOM LITERATURE: job/pslams/proverbs/ecclesiastes/song of songs/
THE PROPHETS-major prophets: Isaish/jeramiah/Lamentations/ezkiel/Daniel
MINOR PROPHETS: Hosea/joel/amos/obadiah/Jonah/micah/nahum/habakkuk/zephaniah/haggai/zechariah/malachi
THE APOCRYPHA: catholic & orthodox churches consider Apocrypha as apart of bible.
TOBIT:prayer of Azariah & the song of the 3 jews. JUDITH: susanna. ADDITION TO ESTHER: bel and the dragon: WISDOM OF SOLOMON: 1&2 Maccabees,ECCLESIASTICUS- 1& 2 Esdras, BARUCH-Prayer of manasseh,

The history of the new testament's composition is much briefer,it being written within a period of 50 to 75 years(as compared to 1000years for the Hebrew Bible).
The new testament consist of histories of life of Jesus/a history of early church-ACT OF APOSTELS/ letters written by leaders of early church apostle Paul & various other 1st century christians/ final book of new testament,REVELATION-called apocalptic literature, refering to end time prophecies.


HISTORY- gospels(life of Jesus) MATTHEW/MARK/LUKE/JOHN; LIFE OF EARLY CHURCH- acts of apostels; letters PAUL'S LETTERS; Romans,1&2 corinthians,galatians,ephesians,philippians,colossians,1& 2 thessalonians,1&2 Timothy,Titus,philemon,
General letters: Hebrews,James,1&2 peter,1,2&3 John,Jude
APOCALYPSE(future events)- Revelations.

A.2.3 value of new testament
New testament, specially Gospel, allow you to reflect in many angles to resolve your own problems to find the purpose of creation of human individual to them!. Reflections on the readings of sunday mass(Gospel) and reciting daily rosary with reflecting the Gospel is the best method to gain knowledge of God and lead a happy life.

A.3. 4th sunday(to day)
If you are trained to follow God's will, then you are assured about Happy life both in this world and outside. How do we know whether my will is the God's Will. This is the most difficult part in christianity. Now God will not send angles or give you dreams, directly instructing about HIS WILL. You should first prepare your self to accept HIS instructions. The previous 3 sundays gave you the basic that you should know,as well as what to practice in your life, in order for you to tune your will to HIS. Holy Mary was the first documented example for that, while st josep's life, you can reflect to add more experience to understand how he has managed to follow God's Will.

Preamble for today's readings:

B.1 mary's humility:
The great honor by the angel created a problem to Mary, who have vowed to give her body as well as her sole to God. Therefore she could never be a mother. As she put it"I know not man. I have willed not to know man". Mary did not say" I WILL NEVER MARRY,THEREFORE,I CANNOT BECOME THE MOTHER OF JESUS" that would have been disobedient to God. God was choosing her, not just because she was a virgin but because of her humility. Later mary herself declared this as the reason"HE LOOKED UPON THE LOWLINESS OF HIS HANDMAID"(luke:1:48) So Mary troubled. Nothing troubles a humble soul like praise, and here the praise comes from angel of God.:HAIL-(peace be with you/rejoice),FULL OF GRACE-(full of virtue).

B.2: Essential factor in catholicism

Catholism allows you to develop PEACEFUL mind, then worry free mind, then happy mind. The essential factor to develop upto happy mind is to avoid 7 Vices(Sloth,Anger,pride,Envy,lust,Gluttony,avarice). Mary had avoided all those in her life. One cannot do this without handing over his life to God. Any human in this world will develop a worried mind due to fear,sorrow and disagreements. If they try to clear worries by themselves, without spiritual support, it is going to be short lived solution. That is why catholicism has developed the concept of Holy Mary and communion of saints, your guardian angel etc, to handover such worries, and lead a Happy life. This is the only way that you can go for positive thinking!. Holy mary as a human,has practised that, and now she is assigned by God to assist us in clearing our worries!

C. Today's reading:
Paul(Rm 16:25-27) reminds you to give glory to God. Samuel says(2 S 7:1-5.8-12.14.16)
Lk(1:26-38) .........I AM HANDMADE OF THE LORD, said Mary"LET WHAT YOU HAVE SAID TO BE DONE TO ME" reminds that you are also handmade of God, and we should be prepared to follow the God's will like Mary!.Mary did a great difficult request of God. As human, who also having earth bound desires, Mary set a good example for us to follow. Not only that she maintained throughout of earthly life, in following God's will. Sometimes in our life we start with God(mostly in trouble times) then forget about HIM, when we are well off!.(First will be last and last will be first!).


The last sunday of the advent, gives the final goal that we should achieve and practice to follow God's will. All sunday's reflections are aiming to reach this final Goal! One cannot think that he is following god's will unless he is properly educated and vigilant about his life. Aristotle says"unaware life is not fit for living"


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