
Wednesday 3 December 2014

Cycle;2: season: Advent: No 2 Sunday; date 7/12/2014- Redirect Catholic

Back ground: last sunday, we were reminded about
(1)what are the conditions needed to have birth of christ in your life I.e 2nd coming of Jesus in to you, (in christmas we celebrate the 1st coming of Jesus)
(2) basic actions required to be carried out by a baptized catholic
(A) Faith- given in the Creed
(B) Worship- 7 sacraments
(C) Behave-Living- 10 commandments with pardoning
(D) Spirituality- Establishing connection with God- Lords prayer+ intercessionary prayers to Holy Mary and saints.
(3) Then you realize Jesus is present in your life in 3 steps ie to have a peaceful+worryless+happy mind, to carry out the god's will
(4) Finally you will convert your talents to energy to serve the society

This sunday, it highlights, the difference between old and new testaments. It is similar to a child who is brought up by parents then once he become adult, he will stand alone!. During old testament time God brought up human from direct commands and once introduce Jesus, human race was given full freedom to use their free will to reach happiness,similar to an adult,who tries to lead a happy life.

Single to Triune God concept was the basic to be introduced.

Preamble for today's reading:


Jesus message born in your life will be the 2nd coming of christ to you. We know at christmas Jesus came to this world. But how this occasion is affected you. Jesus has to be reborn in your life.

Thru' physical baptism you become name sake catholic. Once you practice the Jesus theories you realize your happiness to be spiritually achieved thu' value of baptism. How do we know these things are being practiced in my life?. If we are having any one of 7 vices (Anger, sloth, pride, avarice, gluttony,lust,envy),Jesus has not born in your life. Sometimes we stay prior to Jesus era, without our knowledge,resulting without having a happy mind!.
Every moment of Baptized catholic will be monitored by God, and HE knows whether the baptized catholic actions and thinking are honest or not. When you follow God's will, by achieving happy mind, you will face less fear and sorrows even in this life.


Judaism still follows only old testament. They don't expect Messiah to come in a normal way. They expect Him to come in a supernatural way.

The 4 pillars of Judaism has been shifted to christianity as follows:

(1) Faith shifted from 1 God to Triune(Trinity) and it is given in Creed
(2)Worship shifted from slaughtering animal and spreading blood over the offering table to 7 sacraments(catholics). Please note that all other christian denomination there are only 2 Sacraments
(3)Spirituality: Establish connection with God: going to temple and pray has been shifted to Our father+ intercession prayers through Mary+saints. Please note that other christian denomination does not support intercession prayers
(4) Behavior- How we live: 10 commandments with Eye to Eye principle has been shifted to 10 commandments with 'turn other cheek(PARDONING)

B.3 HOW GOD PLANNED TO INTRODUCE FULL FREEDOM TO HUMAN.(After betrayal of our original parents)

Please note new freedom is to utilize your own will subject to Love.

 Before to Jesus

(1) Follow 10 commandments with 'Eye to Eye' Principle
(2) God was directly involved for instruction & even for the supply of food
(3) Human free will was not fully utilized,since God was directly instructing, like a child is brought up by the parents!

 After Jesus

(1) Follow 10 commandments with 'Turn the other cheek' (pardoning)Principle
(2) God was indirect. You have to search for Him. You have to search for food. All other basic element for living is given free, same as before(ex: water,sunlight,air,earth,fire)
(3) Human free will has to be fully utilized and see that from your life God's will is carried out!
(4) Love concept introduced, since God is now indirect.
(A)LOVE YOUR SELF- maintain a Peaceful(without laziness and without anger,without judging others) and worry less mind(hand over worries thru'  Mary and saints and live without worries)
(B)LOVE GOD- have a happy mind( without other 5 vices-avarice,pride,envy, gluttony,lust)+ LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR- convert your inborn talents to energy and serve the society for the glory of God.

The above 4 th point is totally new after Jesus, and you have to first achieve A and then go to B

(Blame game or conditioning yourself)

Adam and Eve disobedience changed everything.They wore pig leaves to cover their nakedness,(explain why we should wear clothes).They heard sound of God walking in garden. They hid themselves(reminds first game of HIDE&SEEK)Peculiar question God asked "WHERE ARE you" (does God not know).God doesnot ask question to gain knowledge,but to give opportunity "COME CLEAN". Adam came clean.When God asked why?,he said" women whom you gave me to be with me,she gave me the fruit and I ate!".his words means-He not only blames women, but in case that's not going to get him out of Hot water,he says"Whom YOU gave me"God ask Eve-She realising how this game is played,passes the buck once more."SERPENT TRICK ME and I ATE" this Blame Game can only go so far and beginning with serpent,God declares HIS judgment against each of guilty parties. For serpent-scrolling on ground and eat dirt. Eve-Pain in child birth,Adam-pain of labouring field.U?
From that day onwards human always try to conditions themselves, to see what they are doing is correct, and always keep the blame on to another. Catholic confession will help you to overcome this.


Prophet Isaiah(Is 40:1-5.9-11) reminding of a new way of jesus and paul(2 Pt 3:8-14) says new heaven and new earth has come! Thru' christ to you.

All readings clearly shows that there is a change in to the human life from Christ,. Before to Christ, God trained us how to lead a happy life with using our own free will and getting the direction of God'S will spiritually. Now there are no prophets to tell about future, no angels physically says what to do. You should be aware as to how to achieve Happiness (this world and eternal).
 Only exceptions are miracles and apparitions that we receive from time to time,from Mary and other saints.
Hence development of awareness is of paramount important. That is why John the baptist says" I baptized you with water but jesus baptize you with spirit". By mere baptism, you are not going to lead a happy life. For that you need to be aware of basic factors of catholicism and how to practice it.

First sunday, we were reminded about 2nd coming of Jesus, that is how His theories are applied(4 pillars + happy mind+converting your talents to energy). This 2nd sunday we were reminded as how jesus baptized you spiritually. Catholic baptize immediately after your birth. Just to consecrate you to God. Your breath air will become God.23000/day you breath, so God get to know what you think and what you do through air of baptized person. Always HE is there to help you!. Jesus spiritually baptize means that He monitors whether you follow His directions. In order to do that you should have happy mind. For happy mind, first you should have a peaceful mind(without anger+laziness+without judging others), then worry less mind(handing your worries to Holy Mary+saints).to reach happy mind you should eliminate all vices. Then you will see that you develop blameless mind and you enjoy less fear and sorrow in life. This is how you get spiritually baptized,you realize the full meaning of Baptism. To morrow (8/12) you are reminded about the value of Holy Mary for you to achieve spiritual baptism. She helps you to have a worry less mind!


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