
Saturday 28 November 2015

Cycle 3:season:advent: Sunday No:1: Date:29/11/2015. Intoxicated Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground: advent means coming or new arrival. In advent you concentrate, how you give birth to jesus in your life.(2nd coming of Jesus). Christmas day 1st coming to whole world.
Seed of knowledge has to be planted in your mind. What knowledge?
How God has reintroduced freedom to human beings?. What is the method HE adopted?.
(1) HE created human to be eternally happy with time, with full freedom.
(2) But betrayal of our original parents, fear, sorrow/death introduced to humans
(3)For remedial action, God chosen Jews, father directly instructed Jews, undermining their free will(like slaves), what to do. He even drop manna for their food.
(4) HE send HIS Son(/HE came) to this world, to show how to manage your life, without direct forceful instruction from HiM, so that any human in the world(not only Jews),can use his free will, like adam and eve,and enjoy happiness in this world. Son did not change 10 commandments, but he changed from "eye to eye" to "turn your other cheek"
(5)In order to mange freedom, without God's direct forceful influence, Church formed with Holy Spirit, HE changed, (1)church castles not only to jews(2) no circumspect(3)can eat pork.
(6) human life change due to various,technological advancements. Holy Spirit through church, guide us how to manage this paradigm change.(ex-No artificial birth control, no abortion, no Euthanasia) and HE showed us path to understand, difficult areas in Catholism, such as. Ex Mary's dogma's,saints,purgatory etc

In advent, you are supposed to convince your self (1) about father,under what conditions God, operates? (2) about son,what he showed us, how to manage
Our physical and mental worries(3)How Holy spirit show us to experience the living God concept, thru' church

Today, it summarized, as how to focus your attention about catholism in nut shell.

B. Preamble to today's reading:

B.1 the changes made by each person by Holy Trinity
(1) Father introduced Jews 10 commandments with "eye to eye"principle jews People were circumcised and they did not eat Pork
(2) Son, to same Jews kept same 10  commandments
But changed"turn your other cheek"
(3) Holy Spirit, kept same 10 commandments with "turn your other cheek" but changed, church is now open not only to jews, but to the whole world and no circumcision,and no restriction to eat pork.
(jews People were circumcised and they did not eat Pork,even Jesus+apostles)

(4) Living God concept: God is omni potent,omni presence and omni scent. You have option to understand and study about HIM or not. God changes the paradigm of people on one side. On the other side, he mange his real followers, how to accommodate this change, through church,thru' papal infallibility.
(5)So to follow God's will, one has to follow all commandments given by Father(10 comms),Son(pardoning+love), Holy spirit(church rules).

B.(2)Value of your Free Will
God gave freedom to Adam and Eve. Always freedom is subject to law. But they failed. Before giving freedom, God prepared people. He chosen Jews. In summary, through Jews HE, gave 10 commandments+pardoning and love to be practiced. After Jesus HE gave freedom to human. Jesus asked Mary+apostles to wait until Holy Spirit come to form the church. Why? Holy spirit will guide human, how to follow the commandments given by father+son, in an environment, where always paradigm changes. So Holy Spirit through Church provide you additional advices how to manage human life to follow God's will and enjoy Happiness.
At the very beginning, Holy Spirit, through Peter(1st pope) changed the rules(customs) adopted by Jesus+apostles to accommodate, universal(catholic) church. Ie: castles,no crcumscion+no restriction on pork. Until now Holy spirit, through respective popes given many guide lines+dogma's to adopt. Ie: theory of saints+Holy mary+purgatory, restiction on artificial birth control,abortion,euthanasia etc.
Living God concept exist through Holy Spirit via Pope, with regard to paradigm change.

Now your free will(ability to chose), you can decide by your self without any interference. You can reject God even or blame HIM or reject HIM. You are responsible for your own consequences. This is one side of your free will. Other side of the free will is that you can decide any action expecting a output. But you don't know 100% whether you can get that output. You might leave home, to go to office and return in the afternoon. But you don't know whether you can come home as anticipated. Only God knows!.

B.(3) Value of Catholicism

You should know where to Go, before making effort. Your efforts for a wrong direction,(which you are not aware) make your Situation worst. Sometimes, when you miss the plane,due to flat tyre in your car, might have saved your life. 100% outcome for your action you are not aware, only God knows. First Identify what is the God's Will for your action, then make your efforts. To understand the God's will for you,follow commandments given by Father-10 commandments: Son-Pardoning+love: Holy Spirit-present+future church rules.

Under God's direction,You yourself should make an effort. The Bible+church are only teachers. The meditative ones who follow the path are delivered from the bonds of fear and sorrow.

B.(4) Most safest way for a happy life

You know that you cannot 100% get a result for action. You are dependent with God for that. When you follow God's Commandments, God is please with you, so that you can always depend on him for your anticipated action, trusting HiM, that he ensure Your happiness.

B.(5) Is It In The Bible?
Church was formed by Holy Spirit,headed by Peter divinely appointed.process of appointing popes followed up to now. Church does not derive it's belief from scripture alone& it was spread in entire Roman Empire before single book of New testament was written.There were many martyrs in church before to Gospels or Epistles.An authoritative & recognised ministry was carrying on God's work at HIS command,speaking in His name as witnesses of what they have seen,before anyone decided to write a single line of new testament.Church believed in VIRGIN BIRTH then Gospels recorded it.Church is preceded to new testament. Memory of church is more than 2014yrs & is called traditions(laid down in apostles creed-note CONCEIVED BY HOLY SPIRIT,BORN OF VIRGIN MARY/Communion  OF SAINTS).Gospel needs tradition as lungs need air. True christianity has to be from scriptures & continuous teaching of Church!.

B.(6) craving for your own possessions!
There are 2 types of cravings to your own possessions. Primary possessions! Every human in this world is happy to acquire  -money,power(prestige) and desires. These possessions has to be balanced in your life

Other type of possessions are 7 vices-(anger,sloth,pride,envy,lust,avarice and gluttony). Without your knowledge you might conditioned to develop these vices.

Once you have cravings to these things, you are like an intoxicated person, forgetting your creator God.

C. To days reading:
Prophet Jeremah(Jr 33:14-16) says"..days..coming..Lord..Speaks..fulfil..promise..virtuous..grow..practice honesty..days..saved..Lord our-integrity'

Paul says(Ps 24:4-5. 8-9. 10.14)" human..he..your hearts..holiness.. blameless..Father..Christ comes..his saints..urge you..appeal lord..more to forgotten..instructions.."

Lk(21:25-28. 34-36) says""

First we have to study about God, to make his directions to be followed. Then you give birth to God in your life. Physical birth of God to this world is Jesus. Jesus teachings are paramount importance to reflect in identifying who is our God!. Today, church invite us to devote time to know about God, without going too much about earth bound cravings (power,Money and desires) and avoiding 7 vices.

All 3 cycles, address mainly same topic; How to give birth to Jesus in your life:

Today you are invited not to be intoxicated for your own cravings. For that you should know what are the cravings.
summary of readings for each cycle is given below:

Cycle 1:
Gospel:Mt24:37-44(Day& Hour unknown)
Cycle 2 reading
Gospel Mk 13:33-37 says:"......IF HE COMES UNEXPECTEDLY HE MUST NOT FIND YOU SLEEP....."
Cycle 3:
Lk(21:25-28. 34-36) says:

Factors we should know about our life!

(1) God knows our death time. No body has ever developed any medicine to avoid death. God given life from birth to death,has to enjoyed under the direction of God. For that the commandments that has to be followed has been given by Father+Son+Holy Spirit

(2) you don't know from which parents you will come to this world and you cannot decide at what time to come to this world (3) you cannot decide at what time your death is(unless you try to commit suicide!). Birth & death of a person is decided by the God, the Creator!. Today Jesus invites us to contemplate,how HE came as Jesus to this world. Devote time to study about Holy mary, Joseph and all associated with jesus,during his life, in this world


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Sunday (29/11) Intoxicated Catholic - in summary

Today is the 1st sunday of the advent. Advent means coming. We know jesus came to this world 2015 years before. This is 1st coming of Christ. As a Christ follower, you should give birth to christ, in your life. This is 2 nd coming of Christ.

To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom. When your life is guided by Jesus, you have to know what is catholism.

To know catholism, one should be clear how the information came to us and what are the outcomes of following Catholism.

Let analyse how this knowledge come to you?

Is it only from Bible?
Holy Spirit,formed CHURCH,divinely appointed Peter as head. Today his successor is pope Francis. Church does not derive it's belief from scripture alone &it was spread in entire Roman Empire before single book of New testament was written. There were many martyrs in church before to Gospels/Epistles. An authoritative &recognised ministry was carrying on God's work at HIS command, speaking in His name as witnesses of what they have seen,before anyone decided to write a single line of new testament. Church believed in VIRGIN BIRTH then Gospels recorded it. Church is preceded to new testament. Memory of church is more than 2014yrs & is called traditions(laid down in apostles creed-note CONCEIVED BY HOLY SPIRIT,BORN OF VIRGIN MARY/Communion  OF SAINTS).Gospel needs tradition as lungs need air. True christianity has to be from scriptures & continuous teaching of Church!. can U ignore Church?

Now we know from what sources we can get knowledge of Catholism.

Now we should find out, what are the out comes to your life when you follow Catholism!
I.e Happiness with time.

Prophet Jeremah(Jr 33:14-16) says"..days..coming..Lord..Speaks..fulfil..promise..virtuous..grow..practice honesty..days..saved..Lord our-integrity'

Paul says(Ps 24:4-5. 8-9. 10.14)" human..he..your hearts..holiness.. blameless..Father..Christ comes..his saints..urge you..appeal lord..more to forgotten..instructions.."

Lk(21:25-28. 34-36) says""

First we have to study about God, to make his directions to be followed. Then you give birth to God in your life. Physical birth of God to this world is Jesus. Jesus teaching are paramount importance to reflect in identifying who is our God!. Today, church invite us to devote time to know about God, without becoming intoxicated with too much craving about earth bound need (power,Money and desires) and avoiding 7 vices.
Then you have a free mind to analyse: now we should know, who is God-father,God-Son,God- Holy spirit.
What they request us to do? 10 commandments with turn your other cheek+pardoning and love+church rules.

In order to understand fully, one should be clear how God-son(Jesus) came to this world, the role of mary and Joseph. During this advent, you can reflect more on Holy Family, for you to prepare for Jesus in your life!.


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Sunday 22 November 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:34: Date:22/11/2015. King Catholic: Our Lord Jesus Christ king of the Universe - in detail

A. Back ground:

 From 23rd sunday, to 33 rd sunday,(10 sundays) church invited us to reflect how to be a practical catholic to enjoy Happiness as guaranteed by God. First 7 sundays(23rd to 30 th) we analyzed spiritual deafness,and how to remove spiritual blindness. Then next 4 sundays, we were told how to live, in various living condition, like married life/single life/how to develop wisdom/characteristics of generosity etc. Last sunday it reflected how to develop twig in our life tree. See progress of your life towards God.
Summary is given below:
23 rd sunday-deaf catholic-CHURCH IS FORMED AND RUN BY HOLY SPIRIT
VALUE OF FOLLOWING CHURCH RULES: castless, no restriction on food,no artificial birth control,no abortion, no euthanasia etc.
Dogma's on saints,purgatory,Holy Mary
24 th sunday-Renounce Catholic-
25 th sunday-seadless catholic-
27th sunday-Childish catholic-HOW TO FOLLOW GOD'S WILL IN FAMILY ENVIROMENT!
28th Sunday: adaptable catholic;
30 th sunday: verify your blind ness
31st sunday: when you follow God's will, you get enough knowledge about happiness of life.- God's wisdom
32 nd sunday: how to convert your talents to good attitudes in carrying out actions for the love of God
33 last sunday: How to develop Twig in your life tree. 2 primary conditions(1) good attitude(2)Sin less.

Today the last day of this cycle 2, we were invited to reflect final outcome of catholic life-how to enjoy happiness,as guaranteed by God.

B. Pre amble for todays reading:

B.1- One self
How does you loose oneself?Did you ever try to lose something? Harder you try,harder it gets. It is when you are not trying that you lose things. You lose something when you are not aware. How does one die to oneself-(not suicide).Not to kill self,but to die. Causing pain to self,causing suffering to self, would be self defeating. It would be counter productive. You are never full of your self,as when you are in pain. You are never so centered yourself, as when you are depressed. You are never so ready to forget yourself,as when you are happy. Happiness releases you from self. It is suffering,pain, that tie you to self. Look how conscious you are of your tooth when you have tooth ache. When you don't have tooth ache,you are not even aware that you have a tooth. So it is false,to think that way to deny self is to cause pain. To deny self,to die to it,to lose it,is to understand its true nature. When you do that,it will vanish. Mt6 says"..LILES OF FIELD..THEY NEITHER TOIL NOR SPIN".

B.2 flying Catholic

Mt(28:16-20) says"you to teach all commands that Jesus has given to you & HE assures that all time HE is with you"
 Now God is invisible!& HE is always waiting to see you. With birth you
(1)start Breathing-physical body
(2)subject to gravitation-belongs to world
(3)subject to your Free Will-develop your SOUL. When you die only SOUL exist. If you can overcome-gravitation you can fly!.
This indicates if you can overcome worldly passions you can fly!
When your SOUL is over joyed, you feel like a bird!.The main attraction to the world are DESIRES,POWER & WEALTH. Simple method of balancing these are given by Jesus-LOVE and PARDNING!. Following Jesus commands lead you to achieve lovable heart! with pardoning qualities.

B.3 management

There are 2 types of managements: (1)alpha-based on masculine, authoritative use of power &
(2)beta-based on feminine,cooperative use of power.
But management Jesus used was omega-which incorporate & enhance both.
HE achieved:
(1)trained 12humans who went on to so influence world that time itself is now recorded as being before(B.C) or after(A.D) from HIS existence
(2)HE worked with a staff that was totally human & not divine..a staff that in spite of illiteracy,questionable back grounds, fractious feelings & momentarily cowardice went on to accomplish task HE trained them to do. They did this for one main reason-to be with HIM again.
(3)HIS leadership style was intended to be put to use by any of us. World is crying for leaders whose goals are to build up,not to tear down;to nurture,not to exploit;to undergrid&enhance,rather than to dominate. He harnessed spirituality with omega management,which is urgently needed Today

C. Today's reading:
Prophet Daniel says(Dn 7:13-14)"..gazed..saw..clouds of a son of his servants.."

Book of Apocalypse says(Rv 1:5-8)"Jesus..witness..washed away our sins..I to come.."

John (Jn 18:33-37) says" Are you..king..Jews? Pilate asked..mine is not a kingdom..this world..So you..king..? bear witness to the truth.."
Reminds: the characteristics of total outcome of catholic life is to be happy. When you are happy, you feel like a bird flying over world over riding to the gravitational pull towards earth. Primary conditions need for happiness
(1) Earth bound requirements like Money,power and desires are short lived. Unless you control such requirements, you tend to go against commandments, sinning yourself,leading for fear and sorrow in this life. When You overcome earth bound needs to spirituality, you forget your self.

(2) You are born with many talent. First convert that talent to skills,(by removing laziness and Anger)by many practice. Then you gather knowledge. By hard work you can disseminate that knowledge to the society. Then you develop good attitude

(3) As catholic you are being assured for a happy life free of worries and sorrows. Hence to reach that happiness, you have to carry out your work, for the love of God.

When you practice above 1,2,3, you will see impossible things are possible.

Conclusions: To day, it sums up all out come of sunday readings in ordinary times, how to be happy in our life by following Catholicism  we are ending liturgical cycle 2 from this sunday, start a new cycle 3, from next sunday!. Every liturgical cycle is a retreat for a catholic,or a new twig for you to grow! where his knowledge about God can be renewed. The knowledge is structured to provide following 5 phases of christianity:

(1)Advent ; for us to reflect how to give birth to Jesus in our life(2nd coming of christ).

(2)Christmas-How Jesus came to this world &History+major characteristics of Holy Family.

(3) LENT-Jesus examples of managing fear & sorrows.

(4) Easter-value of spirituality for our happy life.

(5)Ordinary Time-how you convert your talents to energy& follow God's will to serve living society.

So from next sunday, we start from cycle 3 advent: HOW TO GIVE BIRTH TO CHRIST IN UR LIFE?


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King Catholic(sunday 22/11/2015) - in summary


Today is the last sunday, of liturgical cycle 2. You are supposed to compare whether you are more closer to God than last year.
Last 10 sundays, we are told, how to practice Catholism to enjoy the promised happiness of God into our life. In summary last 10 sundays, we reflected
(1)Importance of following commandments, given by Holy Trinity
(2)How to follow God's will in family and personal environment,and renounce God in your life
(3)Specially how to surrender Pride and 7 vices in your life.
(4) How to convert your talents in to good attitude, for the love of God
(5)How to be more closer to God day by day-develop twigs in your life.

To days reading:
Prophet Daniel says(Dn 7:13-14)"..gazed..saw..clouds of a son of his servants.."

Picture Jesus washed away sins
Book of Apocalypse says(Rv 1:5-8)"Jesus..witness..washed away our sins..I to come.."

John (Jn 18:33-37) says" Are you..king..Jews? Pilate asked..mine is not a kingdom..this world..So you..king..? bear witness to the truth.."

Reminds: the characteristics of total outcome of catholic life be happy. When you are happy, you feel like a bird flying over world over riding to the gravitational pull towards earth. Primary conditions need for happiness
(1) Earth bound requirements like Money,power and desires are short lived. Unless you control such requirements, you tend to go against commandments, sining yourself,leading for fear and sorrow in this life. When You overcome earth bound needs to spirituality, you forget your self.

(2) You have to develop your talents to skills(by practising many more times without laziness),then you will gather knowledge. With hard work this knowledge you can disseminate your knowledge to society. This is how you develop good attitude. REPENT means CHANGE OF YOUR ATTITUDE.(Always you change your attitudes until you reach your goal)

(3) When you follow all commandments{ father-10 commandments,Son-pardoning+ love, Holy Spirit- church rules}, then you can follow God's Will.



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Friday 13 November 2015

Cycle 2:season:ordinary(2): Sunday No:33: Date:15/11/2015. Twig Catholic - in detail

A. Back ground:
Last 2 sundays we reflected, basic characteristics of a saint. Wisdom and attitude towards generosity . All saints developed their attitude for the love of God. Today, one before last sunday of this cycle 2, you are invited to reflect whether you are really progressing towards God or deviating from Him. You may be a dynamic catholic in the eyes of others, but how do you know that you are actually progressing towards God?. Atleast at the end of every liturgical year you are invited to analyze the progress. Otherwise you cannot see a Twig in your life tree!

B. Preamble to

B.1 Value of Knowing yourself!

To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom. You must try to know who you are without depending on others.

All humans are different to each other. No two humans are equal physically or mentally. Every day they update their thoughts. Wisdom of life, you can enjoy only by forming daily habit to know, the influence of God  in your life. When you see twig(a small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch of a tree) of a tree, you should know, that tree is growing due to enough manure+enough sun light.
 Manure is similar to your efforts(habit of prayer+good attitude) +God's grace for you(sunlight). Without these 2, you cannot see a twig.

To get God's grace you should follow His commandments{10 commandments given by father+pardoning & Love given by son+ church rules given by Holy Spirit}. When You compare to last year to this year, if you can see, that God presence More in your life, you are growing a twig, otherwise verify how to improve. You must try to know who you are without depending on others.

B.2. Today 2nd reading says"

"when all sins have been forgiven,there can be no more sins offerings"
In common management principles, there are 4 steps you will follow, to see whether you are going positively towards a goal.

Plan,Do,Control and Adjust. This is called Deming cycle.
When you are moving towards God, you have to verify whether you follow His directions.
When you have a daily habit of praying, check whether you deviate(sins) to His commandments+Will. While get it pardoned from Him for your sins, you determine what action you should take in order not to
Repeat. Then you have to regulate your will not to repeat(Control). Following day at your prayer time verify whether you have achieved. Keep on repeating same management cycle to be more close to God.
Then only you will realize, that there are no more sin offering!.
The effort you made is manure for your life tree and has to be done until you depart from this world!.

B.3 God's management cycle

God has planned to create this world with human beings. Human beings with full freedom. Full freedom means always subject to law(control). He implemented. HE watch the result and found Adam and Eve has failed. He revised the plan,introduce fear/sorrow/death etc into human beings,

Then in 2 nd cycle HE selected Jews tribe and thru' prophets, He implemented the 1st revised plan, verified results, and then implemented 3rd cycle( 2nd revised plan), thru' Joseph+Mary,he send His Son, to introduce Love +pardoning message. He revised and introduced the last plan 4th cycle(3rd revised plan), with Holy spirit to form the church. This is a dynamic plan, it always changes with Holy spirit intervening thru' Papal infallibility to instruct Catholics,as how to manage the change.

B.4 Paradigm change: Living God concept
How my grand father lead the life compared to my life today is quiet different. For example he didn't have mobile telephones, while I am having now. But there is not much different, the life of my grand fathers pet dog to my pet dog now.  When human paradigm has to be changed to have a dynamic human generation, to have a wonderful world created by God. Otherwise my sons life will be same as my life lead to monotonous generation. Living God in HIS own wisdom, change the paradigm of humans, to make humans more efficient than before. There should be a mechanism of God to express HIS will, with regard to morality of humans. The mechanism is by invisible to visible pope. There is a very clear guidance given, beautifully adopted by catholic church, where there doesn't exist in other Christian denominations.

C.Today's reading:

Daniel(Dn:12:1-3) says"..Michel..stand..guard..your people..time..distress..your own..spared..names..found..those..lie sleeping..many..awake..some..disgrace.."

Hebrew says(Heb:10:11-14. 18)
Says"..priests..offering..same sacrifices..incapable..taking sins away. single sacrifice..right hand of God..when all sins have been forgiven,there can be no more sins offerings."

Mk (13:24-32) says" Jesus..'..after..distress..sun..darkened..powers in heaven's..shaken..son of man..clouds..power..send..angels..chosen..'Take..fig tree..its know..summer is near..before this generation passed words..not pass away.."

Reminds: whole actions that you have to make, as a catholic to observe promised Happiness given by God. Always you should see a TWIG in your life tree. For that on one side how you make a habit to follow the Deming management cycle to improve your life to avoid sins+follow God's Will(that is your manure) and then enjoy happiness as guaranteed by God(Sunlight).

D. Conclusions:
Twig carries two messages
(1) What you should do to be a dynamic catholic to follow God's will.
(2)Characteristics of living God.

When you understand the influence of both messages, and practice the deming cycle,(PDCA) daily to see that you are following God's will, you notice that God influence to your life is much moe than before.
Prayers are not a way of making your mind peaceful. It is a way of finding the peace that is already there and makes see your true insight, with respect that whether you follow God's commandments and follow HIS WILL. When you do that You are growing your life Twigs!

One Twig will give rise to many other twigs. To be happy with time, always try to see a twig in your life tree


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Twig Catholic(sunday15/11) - In summary

To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom. You must try to know who you are without depending on others.

All humans are different to each other. No two humans are equal physically or mentally. Every day they update their thoughts. Wisdom of life, you can enjoy only by forming daily habit to know, the influence of God  in your life. When you see twig(a small very thin stem of wood that grows from a branch of a tree) of a tree, you should know, that tree is growing due to enough manure+enough sun light.

 Manure is similar to your efforts(habit of prayer+good attitude) +God's grace(avoid sins) for you(sunlight).  Without these 2, you cannot see a twig.

Daniel(Dn:12:1-3) says"..Michel..stand..guard..your people..time..distress..your own..spared..names..found..those..lie sleeping..many..awake..some..disgrace.."

Hebrew says(Heb:10:11-14. 18)
Says"..priests..offering..same sacrifices..incapable..taking sins away. single sacrifice..right hand of God..when all sins have been forgiven,there can be no more sins offerings."

Mk (13:24-32) says" Jesus..'..after..distress..sun..darkened..powers in heaven's..shaken..son of man..clouds..power..send..angels..chosen..'Take..fig tree..its know..summer is near..before this generation passed words..not pass away.."

Reminds: whole actions that you have to make, as a catholic to observe promised Happiness given by God. Always you should see a TWIG in your life tree. For that on one side how you make a habit to follow the Demming management cycle(Plan,Do,Control,Amend) to improve your life to avoid sins+follow God's Will(that is your manure) and then enjoy happiness as guaranteed by God(Sunlight).

We are now at the end of 2nd liturgical cycle. Every liturgical cycle you have to verify, whether you have developed more understanding towards God and more love towards Him. For that you should have improved your attitudes!

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